C6-Annex 6
C6-Annex 6
Collaborative Partner / Collaborative Partner Staff Name(s)
Location / Campus
Course Title(s)
Date of Visit
Action Plan from last Academic Year (insert academic year) or previous QEV report
Please record completed actions detailing outcomes.
Action Point(s) / Outcomes
Note any outstanding actions to be carried forward:
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
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Quality Handbook Section C6
C6-Annex 6
1Academic StandardsConsider the Academic Standards of the course(s), using the information provided in the previous year’s Course Reports.
Please indicate areas of good practice for dissemination:
Please identify areas for enhancement to innovate and develop enterprise:
Confirm the Course teams/Partner have submitted all CVs for the current teaching team – *YES/NO
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
2aQuality of Learning Opportunities
Please provide a summary of the deliberate steps the team have taken to enhance the students’ learning experience. Indicate below any enhancements the team wish to pursue over the course of the new academic year, (e.g.: modifications, employability/work related learning, and digital literacy):
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
2bLearning Resources
Provide a summary of the courses quality of learning resources (e.g. access to electronic resources, specialist equipment, software etc.):
Please indicate below, if further enhancements to learning resources are required:
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
2cStaff Development
Please give details of specific staff development that has taken place since the last QEV, including Regulation update training, and any further development or enhancements identified by the Course Team:
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
3 Discussion with students
Summarise the discussion with students related to their experience of the course(including National Student Survey topics (if appropriate), External Examiner Reports, support and guidance from the Partner (and TU if relevant), opportunities to give feedback and student representation):
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
Feedback to students on progression and completion of the actions raised during the discussion will be provided via (insert name of person)to the students by the date agreed with the TU Co-ordinator/Link Tutor and Partner Institution.
4Public Information
Ascertain that any proposed modification/s have been agreed during the previous Academic Year and these changes have been reflected in the course specification, and are accurately reflected in all course documentation including modules, student handbook(s) or specialist documentation, and have been updated in line with TU processes.
5Critical Evaluation on the communication and operation of the partnership
Critically evaluate the communication and operation of the partnership, including any issues raised relating to the Operations Manual (e.g.: response to queries, communication of regulations, policy and processes, timely submission of reports, general feedback etc.):
Action Point(s) arising / by whom / by when
Aide Memoire
Following an accuracy check of the final QEV draft report with Partner Course Leader(s), copies of this Report should be submitted to:
- School Student Learning & Experience Sub- Committee (SSLESC) and Academic Registrar and, if appropriate, other University Departments for consideration/action
- the College/Institution Partner Manager responsible for quality.
Date considered by SSLESC
Date forwarded onto Academic Registrar:
Date forwarded onto College/Institution/Partner Manager with responsibility for quality:
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Quality Handbook Section C6