Osakis City Council – Public Hearing

November 30, 2016

7:00 PM

Present: Kyle Kostrzewski, Jim Snyder, Jerry Olson, Keith Emerson

Absent: Randy Anderson

Others Present: Angela Jacobson, Kurt Haakinson, Sheila Krohse

Public Present: Adam Saltmarsh, Howard Swenstad, Robert Schultz, Adrian Panther, Mark Broderick, George Phillippie, Carole Phillippie, Laura Backes, Jeff Kalpin, Brent Thompson, Lil Ortendahl, LaDonna Karl, Justin Dahlheimer, Jeanne Wolbeck

Meeting called to order by Mayor Keith Emerson at 7:00 p.m.

Motion by Olson, seconded by Kostrzewski, to approve the agenda as presented. All Ayes Absent: Anderson

Project #460: Downtown Project

Motion by Olson, seconded by Kostrzewski, to suspend the special meeting and open the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. All Ayes Absent: Anderson

The meeting was turned over to Sheila Krohse (Bolton & Menk). Krohse was present and explained the final outcome of the project and the costs for the 2016 Downtown Project.

·  Total cost of the project was $3,123,342

·  Douglas County paid $1, 332,839 towards the project.

·  Assessable amount is $456,188.

·  Donation was received in the amount of $128,898.

·  Total city cost is $1,205,417.

The assessment policy was reviewed and discussion was held as to how the lighting is divided.

No date has been confirmed as to when the lights will be installed.

Public comments were heard:

Howard Swenstad asked why the percentage is 4.5%. This is 2% above the bonding rate.

The city bond rate is 3.25% and the PFA loan is 1%.

Swenstad also asked about the water/sewer service for the property at 107 1st Avenue East. Total cost is $1,800 for sewer and $1,100 for water which are not hooked up. Should not pay until service is hooked up and used.

Kostrzewski stated that we had each property owner pay for their service lines even if they were not using them at the time.

Jeanne Wolbeck (AJ’s Restaurant) stated that her service lines come from the back of her building not the front. But service was put in the front also.

Council made no changes to these requests.

Motion by Kostrzewski, seconded by Snyder, to close the public hearing and reopen the special meeting at 7:30 p.m. All Ayes Absent: Anderson

Motion by Kostrzewski, seconded by Olson, to table approving Resolution 2016-39 for Final Assessments for the 2016 Downtown Project until the December council meeting so a few changes can be made. All Ayes Absent: Anderson

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Mayor – Keith Emerson Admin/Clerk/Treasurer – Angela A. Jacobson

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