Student Education Induction Pack
This induction pack is to help you as a learner to familiarise yourself with the team. It provides you with the basics about the team and should help you to plan to meet your learning needs.
We recommend that all learners contact the team in good time prior to placement to identify who will be supervising your learning and confirm start times/hours.
During your placement you should have a minimum of a preliminary, midpoint and final meeting with whoever is supervising your learning. You should also undertake some form of leaning analysis then produce a learning contract and or action plan that provide structure and direction to the time you are with us. Your supervisor will be able to help draw this together but you must take a lead in negotiating your plan. Some examples of these tools are provided but you may wish to use those produced by your education provider.
Please ensure that you present any documents regarding your placement with our staff on the first day of your placement. This should include any assessment document, learning outcomes you hope to achieve and any type of ongoing record of achievement.
On completion of your placement you will be asked to provide an evaluation. Please take time to complete this openly and honestly as it is only with your feedback can we improved the quality of these valuable learning experiences.
We hope you find the time on your placement enjoyable and productive.
Date of production or last review and update / 11April 2016Author or reviewer / Louise McCormack
Placement Induction and Details
Team/service name: /
Address: / Wrekin BuildingThe Redwoods Centre
Somerby Drive
Bicton Heath,
SY3 8DS / Team telephone number/s: / 01743
Team/service webpage:
Team email
Other contact details: / Fax: 01743 357304
Service Description: / Pine is a 16 bedded mixed sex, acute mental health admission ward situated at The Redwoods Centre. It provides an in-patient assessment and treatment service, for people over eighteen years of age, who are suffering from acute mental health problems. Pine is part of the Adult Acute directorate of South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Team philosophy: / All people have a right to equal opportunities for adequate health care, regardless of gender, race, culture, religion or status. Further to this we believe that health is a right not a privilege, and that mental health is a vital and necessary component of a comprehensive health care service.
We believe that each person has their own intrinsic worth and is therefore worthy of dignity and respect. It is our view that each individual has the potential to effect changes in their life and has a responsibility for themselves and their actions.
Our belief is that nursing is a multi-role profession and that our practice should be research-based so that we may continue to deliver a quality service. We accept that nursing occurs within a system with finite resources, but we will ensure that the use of resources is clinically led, not financially motivated.
Team welcome: / Any student with us on placement has the right to individualised teaching and will receive support and guidance from the qualified staff. The student is expected to see themselves as a professional and to be responsible for their own learning, and should see education as a life long process.
Students are welcome to access further information on the Trust Intranet, e.g. policies. It is expected that students will have accessed this prior to commencement of the placement.
Hours of the service / 24 Hour / Hours of work / Early Shift:
Late Shift:
Long Day:
Night Shift:
Directorate: / Adult
Acute / Student capacity (all disciplines combined):
Service manager: / Louise McCormack / Contact number / 01743
Team Education Lead / Louise McCormack / Contact number / As
Team members / Discipline / Specialist interest/skills and expertise / Particular learning opportunities: / Education supervisor status:
Louise McCormack / Ward Manager / ECT lead nurse / Mentor/Sign Off
Sarah Oliver / Ward Sister / Learning disability lead nurse, PIPA model Auditing Notes / Mentor/Sign off
Emma Thomas / Ward Sister / Care Plan Reviews/ Risk Assessment/Management/ mental health act lead nurse
Tina Beauchamp / Staff Nurse / Carers Lead/ Infection Control/ Student Lead / Mentor
Jane Evans / Staff Nurse
Nicky Dance / Staff Nurse
Rose Asante / Staff Nurse / Mentor
Tom Mansell / Staff Nurse
Natasha Day / Staff Nurse
Cassie Brazier-Jones / Staff Nurse
Steven Marsh / Staff Nurse
Neil Gregory / Staff Nurse
Pam Smitten / Staff Nurse
Lorna Bennett / Staff Nurse
Vikki Brown / Staff Nurse
Barbara Nowak / Trainee Assistant Practitioner / Hand Hygiene Audit, ECGs, Venepuncture, Physical health Care of Patients
Les Vaughan / Nursing Assistant Band 2 / Supplies Co-ordinator, Gym Instruction, Patient Surveys
Leanne Bond / Nursing Assistant Band 2
Jerome Hamilton / Nursing assistant Band 2 / Gym Instruction
Helen Mitchell / Nursing Assistant Band 2 / Venepuncture
Kim Marshall / Nursing
Band 3 / Community Meeting/ Infection Control
Weekly Clinic/ Weight/ Green Bags/ Cleaning Rota Day/ Night/ Cleaning 136/Carer Packs
Grant Hulme / Nursing
Band 2 / Mattress Audit/ Sunday Bed Cleaning
Emma Williams / Nursing Assistant Band 2 / Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Smoking Cessation, Venepuncture, HIV/Hep C resources.
Bev Granda / Nursing Assistant Band 2 / Mattress Audit/ Sunday Bed Cleaning
Karen Jarvis / Nursing Assistant Band 3 / Community Meeting/ Infection Control/Carer Packs
Neil Woodhouse / AHP / Pine Community Meeting, Gym Instructor, Group Walks, Baking groups, Patient Activities
Nigel Selwood / Occupational Therapist / Pine Community Meetings Facilitator
Therapeutic Lead
Neil Jones / Psychologist
Learning opportunities/experiences across the team: / Catchment area for admissions – Telford and Wrekin and part of Powys (Newtown and Welshpool area)
Referral sources:
The Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Service act as our gatekeepers; they take referrals from Consultant Psychiatrists/ Associate Specialists, Community mental health practitioners, Accident and Emergency, Outpatient Clinics, Courts liaison, Shropdoc, Psychiatric liaison, GPs and self referrals.
Students will have the opportunity to visit and work alongside different professionals and specialist areas and we would encourage students to identify areas of interest with mentors.
Areas such as drug and alcohol services, court and criminal liaison services, mental health liaison services at RSH/PRH, Eating disorder services, psychological services, service user involvement etc.
Discipline specific learning opportunities: / Student Orientation
Badge As per trust policy, your badge is to be worn
and be visible at all times whilst on placement.
Dress code As per trust policy which is available via the following link:
Reporting sick Duty nurse manager and university to be informed by the student.
All periods of unexplained absence we will inform the university.
Induction To be completed within your first week of placement.
Induction To Hospital Main Reception
Occupational therapy / Physiotherapy.
Patient’s bank.
Customer Care Telephone answering according to standard
Clinical practice Pipa Model of Inpatient Care
Productive ward (see additional information)
Role of Named Nurse (see additional information)
1:1 time structured and unstructured DES Model
Patient activities and boundaries.
Confidentiality Patient
Patient to patient
Staff to staff
Patient to relative
Personal disclosure Be mindful of disclosing personal information re address, partners etc.
Health & Safety pin points – sign out, check, sign in.
Inform staff of whereabouts if leaving the ward.
Inform staff if having 1:1 time, where and who with.
Sit nearest door.
Trust Policies and Procedures. Access through website:
Standards Access trust policy/guidelines and NICE guide lines for guidance on evidence based practice
Record Keeping NMC Record keeping.
Date and time of entry.
Signed, print name and designation.
Student nurse not SN or Std Nurse.
All entries be counter signed by qualified staff
Emergency procedures 2222/(9)999
Pin Point activation.
Emergency equipment.
Contacting doctors Only bleep team doctors, duty doctor after consultation with nurse in charge
Assessed Placement Date required for submission of assessment document both summative and formative.
Mentor Allocation You will be allocated a Mentor and an associate mentor to work alongside during your placement. You need to work a minimum of 40% alongside your mentor. Off duty to be discussed with your mentor, self rostering is allowed as long as this fits with 40% and allows you to experience the full 24hour cycle of care. Following self rostering Mentor or Charge nurse to approve off duty.
Clinical Placement Facilitator Your Clinical Placement Facilitator during this placement is Sue Kent
Knowledge to underpin placement Knowledge appropriate to experience of
Bi polar affective disorder
Personality Disorder
Clinical features, treatment options, care planning, NICE guidance.
MHA Sections 2, 3, 4, 5(2), 5(4), 17, 23, 58, 62, 117,135, 136,
Community treatment orders
The frameworks and models of care used / Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists provide feedback about client’s functional ability, as well as their mental state and social behaviour.
Occupational therapy is concerned with human occupation and its importance for well being. In this context, occupation is the meaningful use of activities, occupations, skills and roles, which enable people to function purposefully in their daily life.
Occupational therapists evaluate the physical, psychological and environmental factors, which reduce a person’s ability to participate in everyday activities.
Therapy may include the assessment and retraining in skills of daily living, restoration and development of coping strategies: developing leisure skills and opportunities for self-expression, support and advice to clients and carers.
We acknowledge that going into hospital is usually a major event in a person’s life and it is our initial role to alleviate the patient’s concern about hospitalisation by familiarising the patient to the ward environment and providing patient information.Patients may be admitted on an informal (voluntary) basis or formal (under a section of Mental Health Act 1983), either for, or during their admission.
The length of stay in hospital varies according to each individual patient’s mental health problems, needs and progress.
The Care Programme Approach (CPA) is a systematic multi-agency assessment of needs for patients with mental health problems. CPA ensures a thorough assessment of needs, and that patients discharged on CPA have an adequate care plan / provision in place and the patient has an identified care co-ordinator.
· NMC code of professional conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics.
· UKCC Fitness for Practice and Purpose
· NMC Guidelines for the Administration of Medicines
· NMC Guidelines for Records and Record Keeping
· NMC Guide for students of nursing and midwifery
· NMC Standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education
All available on the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s website at
* Information relating to Clinical Governance and Care Co-ordination (along with Trust Policy Folders and other useful information) is accessible via Public Folders – your mentor will assist you in accessing these.
Expectations of students /
Learning Outcomes
Ó The responsibility for identifying and achieving your learning needs lies with you. Your mentor / the team will support you with this.Ó We suggest that together with your mentor you highlight appropriate learning opportunities as soon as possible to maximise you’re learning opportunities within this team.
Ó Please supply and complete Staffordshire University’s Learning Contract.
Ó Prior to formative / mid-placement review you should undertake a SWOT Analysis this should again highlight your learning requirements.
Ó Should the need arise; please complete an Action Plan along with your mentor to help you address your learning needs.
Ó Demonstrate awareness and have an ability to recognise signs of mental illness and emotional distress.
Ó Show skills at responding to and supporting clients during periods of psychological distress including isolation, despair, excitement and confusion.
Ó Be skilled at communication and establishing therapeutic relationships with patients and their carers.
Ó Show skills in nursing process and be able to complete administrative paperwork.
Ó You should be able to describe the roles of other members of the team.
Ó Have knowledge of adverse side effects from different therapies, including medication.
Ó Be aware of the necessary legal requirements for certain treatments.
Ó Participate in a Drug round, and monitor side effects.
Ó Have some knowledge of governing body guidelines, and performance that reflects this.
Learning Opportunities
The aim of this section is to outline opportunities available whilst on placement that will help you to achieve your learning objectives.
The following list is not exhaustive but will hopefully give you an insight into what is available.
Ó Nursing assessment/risk assessment
Ó Care planning
Ó Implementing the care plan
Ó Evaluating care
Ó Documenting nursing care
Ó Using assessment tools
Ó Assisting with meals
Ó Admitting/discharging patients
Ó Escorting patients, e.g. C.T. scan, X-ray, Spect scan,
Ó Assisting patients to meet all personal needs
Ó Participating in handovers
Ó Mental Health Act
Ó Participating in therapeutic activities
Ó Accompanying staff on visits/shadowing members of the multi-disciplinary team
Ó Preventing and managing patients who present with challenging behaviour
Ó Ensuring that ward cleanliness is maintained
Ó Ordering and maintaining stock
Ó Safe keeping of patients property
Ó Working within a multi-disciplinary team
Ó Ward rounds – multi-disciplinary clinical/review meetings.
Ó Care co-ordination meetings
Ó User involvement
Ó Quality and Audit management
Ó Awareness of confidentiality issues
Each of these will contribute to your pre-registration Portfolio of evidence.
Dress standard
Rationale –
Provide a professional and business image of nursing
Clean, approachable professionals
Meets health and safety standards
First impressions last
Clothing fit for purpose – all nursing activity including restraint
How do you do it –