Maine Turf Conference
January 16-17, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
8:00-8:10“President’s Welcome”
Greg Holder, MGCSA President; Superintendent, Webhannet Golf Club
8:10-9:10“Managing Weeds and Invasive Plants in Naturalized and High Grass Areas on a Golf Course”
Randy Prostak, Extension Weed Specialist, University of Massachusetts
In this day and age of turf management, more and more golf courses, municipal lands, and corporate properties are choosing to incorporate naturalized areas into their management plan for reasons ranging from Audubon goals, aesthetics, or budgetary and labor limitations. This presentation will help participants identify and manage common weeds that occur in naturalized and high grass areas. Proper selection of herbicides, rates of application, and timing of those applications will be discussed so the turf manager will be able to better maintain the health of these areas and promote the desired species of grasses.
9:20-10:20"Balancing Soils to Improve Carbon Management"
Joel Simmons, Soil First Technologies
This talk will discuss the importance of balancing soil chemistry to improve the carbon to nitrogen ratio within the soil. There will be a discussion of how to best read a complete soil test to help improve the environment for beneficial bacteria so important to helping mobilize nutrients to the plant.
10:20-11:00Session Break to Vendor Area
11:00-12:00“How to Reduce Financial Stress and Feel More Prosperous”
Kristin Guibord MBA, AIF®.,BerryDunn Wealth Management
If you are worried about finances; you are not alone. 75% of Americans are stressed out about their personal finances. This presentation will get to the root of that stress and offer some practical ways to use money more effectively. Specific action steps will be discussed to help you get the most out of your money and feel more confident about your financial situation. The basics of how to get started on planning your financial future will be reviewed.
12:00-1:30Session Break for Lunch and Vendor Area Open
1:30-2:30“New Turfgrass Insect Pests and Controls in the Northeast”
Dr. Steve Alm Ph.D., Professor of Entomology, University of Rhode Island
Turf Managers have been planning for and controlling turfgrass pests throughout the history of this industry. Periodically, the natural world presents us a new challenge. This presentation features information about two species of crane flies, found infesting turfgrasses in Maine, in 2011. Also discussed will be lesser know and focused on pests such as Green June Beetles, Winter Cutworms, Ants, and the increasing population of European Chafer. Chemical control options and timing of applications will be discussed for each.
2:40-3:40“The DMI Fungicides: New Chemistries and Best Uses”
Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski Ph.D., Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Rhode Island
In the past several years the turf industry has been introduced to several new DMI fungicide technologies. This presentation will discuss these new chemistries by reviewing their effectiveness and efficacy and assist the turf manager in determining the proper uses of these products, which pathogens they are most successful in controlling, and how to reduce their potential for resistance.
3:40-4:00Presentation of MGCSA Awards
4:00-6:00Reception in the Vendor Area
Maine Turf Conference
January 16-17, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
8:00-9:00“The Latest Research on Annual Bluegrass Weevil Control”
Dr. Steve Alm Ph.D., Professor of Entomology, University of Rhode Island
The Annual Bluegrass Weevil has become an ever increasing issue for turf managers to plan for. Effective strategies are key to success in the management of this turfgrass pest. This presentation will focus on the latest monitoring techniques which will allow for accurate application timing of insecticide applications. The newest information on chemical controls for the ABW will be presented and resistant management will be discussed.
9:10-10:10“Spring Diseases and Their Management”
Dr. Nathaniel Mitkowski Ph.D., Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Rhode Island
When the golf course begins to green up in the spring and turf comes out of dormancy, turf diseases also become active. Unfortunately, the damage caused by many of the pathogens active in the early part of the season does not become observable until the summer when permanent damage has already been done. One of the keys to a successful summer turf season is knowing which diseases are active on your course early on and managing for them proactively. This talk will cover management approaches for some of the most important diseases worth managing early including cool season root Pythium, Waitea Patch, plant-parasitic nematodes, and even summer patch and dollar spot. Brief mention will also be made of pink snow mold and anthracnose.
10:10-10:30Session Break
10:30-11:00“GCSAA Region in Review”
Kevin Doyle, GCSAA Regional Representative
Have you ever wondered: "How does my membership in GCSAA benefit me?" Get that question answered, plus many more, in this presentation explaining the value of membership in GCSAA. Also, learn how your Regional Field Staff is working hard to promote the position of Golf Course Superintendent here in the Northeast with a recap of advocacy, outreach, and current regulatory changes including those that should be on your radar for the future.
11:10-12:10“Updates for Applicators from the Maine Board of Pesticides Control”
Anne Bills, The Maine Board of Pesticides Control
This presentation will be made by Anne Bills, who is the Pesticide Safety Educator for the Maine Board of Pesticides Control and will discuss current legislative changes regarding the handling, and application of pesticides.
12:10-12:20Distribution of Credit Forms and Adjourn
Thank You all for your support of the Maine Golf Course Superintendents Association, in its 50th year, with your attendance at the 2013 Maine Turf Conference. It is our goal as the Turf Conference Committee to provide you with a high quality educational experience to assist you in achieving your goals in your turf management pursuits. Please take a moment to thank the presenters this year who have committed their time, efforts, and expertise to make this Conference a success for all who participate. We encourage you to spend time visiting with all the vendors who have attended this event for without their support, this Turf Conference would not be possible.
Wishing You a Successful Season in 2013
Bob Searle
Turf Conference Committee Chairman