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4 October 2011
Dear Andrew
Dr Kilby:External Examiner’s Report 2010-2011
College of Humanities: Theology
BA in Theology
The External Examiner notes the following areas of good practice:
I was particularly impressed by the work that a new member of staff is doing in using VLEs. By requiring students not only to read a text before a seminar but to write a short piece and post it, she is able to arrange that (1) students are certain to come prepared to the seminar, (2) students have not only read but begun to reflect on the text, (3) an interaction amongst the students has begun before the seminar, and (4) she has advance information on the students' response to the text and so can plan the seminar accordingly. This seems an exemplary use of technology to enhance rather than replace face-to-face interactions as well as a deep engagement on the part of students with what they read. I was equally impressed by the programme's use of a very helpful new software system (Student Performance Report generator) to monitor student performance. which enables quick and illuminating comparison across modules. I have spoken to colleagues about the value of implementing something similar in Nottingham. More generally, as in previous years I was impressed by the range of the programme, the quality of student work elicited, and the care with which marking, feedback to students, and moderating are all undertaken. I think that students who go to study Exeter in Theology get an excellent education.
The External Examiner makes the following recommendations:
There is nothing essential that needs improvement.
In general the Department simply needs to keep up its very impressive work.
This year the programme was a little stronger in practical and very specific theological modules than in what one might call 'core' doctrinal areas. This is something to keep an eye on in future, but in general it is in the nature of things in a small department that some areas will be better represented in any given year's selection of modules than others.
I should be grateful if the College would respond to me as required under the procedures contained in the TQA Manual. These look to a response normally within eight weeks after appropriate internal discussion within the College including an opportunity for input from the staff meeting and the College’s Teaching Committee.
Please note that the University’s statement of procedures also requires that the College’s next annual main meeting of the Boards of Examiners for the programmes in question, at which an External Examiner is present, should include early in its agenda a copy of the External Examiner’s report and of the College’s response.
Yours sincerely
Professor Sir Steve Smith
ccJenny Hocking