Mothercraft Parent Handbook
History of Mothercraft
Three unknown young nurses established Toowoomba Mothercraft Association in 1942. The Toowoomba Association was developed in conjunction with Lady Cilento the founding member of the Mothercraft Association Queensland Branch.
The first Centre was in an upstairs area of the National Bank, Russell Street. The centre was used to enable mothers to leave their children while visiting their husbands - returned WW 2 soldiers in Army hospitals.
The centre also used space above the electrical supply and services company premises at 544 Ruthven Street for a period of time, whilst the current premises were being planned, designed and built.
On the 4th February 1954 Lady Lavarack, wife of the then Governor of Queensland, officially opened the centre, known as the Dr Price Memorial Centre. Mothercraft Day Nursery was to follow and it opened its doors on the 6th February 1956. At this time Mrs C Williamson was the President of the Association. The Association had two staff and many volunteers who assisted with caring for the children, and providing ‘mothercraft activities,’ to adults.
At the opening ceremony in 1956, it was claimed to be the best-equipped child minding centre in Australia.
Throughout the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s Mothercraft maintained its role in the Toowoomba community providing occasional care for young children.
As community needs changed, with many more women maintaining positions in the workforce after having children, Mothercraft Child Care Centre altered its services and during the late 1980’s Mothercraft began to provide long day care. Mothercraft Child Care Centre adapted to meet with government legislative and regulatory requirements. Whilst at times difficult, Toowoomba Mothercraft Association Inc has continued to operate and maintain the respect of the ‘Mothercraft Association’ Banner and continues the tradition of providing nurturing care for children.
The Toowoomba Mothercraft Association and Mothercraft Child Care Centre is the last remaining and still operating Mothercraft organisation. During its years of operation, the centre has cared for many thousands of Toowoomba’s children. Many current parents and staff attended Mothercraft as children or have family members who attended the centre for other Mothercraft activities.
Toowoomba Mothercraft Association was born out of parent’s needs during WW2. With much dedication and community spirit modern parents are still contributing to the history of and the maintenance of mothercraft principles of care and encouragement for the growth of children.
The Current Story
Currently Mothercraft is a long day care centre located in Little Street in the CBD of Toowoomba.
The building was constructed by Toowoomba City Council specifically for the purpose of a Nursery School. It comprises of four huge air-conditioned classrooms, each with their own verandah area opening onto a shaded playground. Toowoomba Mothercraft Association Inc. is licensed under the Act and must at all times comply with the Act and the Regulations. Copies of these are available at the office as well as in the parent information area. Mothercraft provides high quality care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years and the current licence capacity is for 77 children.
Children are placed in rooms based on their age group:
Nursery 6 weeks – 18 months 8 children (Joey Room)
Toddler 12 months – 2 years 9 children (Wombat Room)
Pre -Kindy2 – 3 years 20 children (Butterfly Room)
Kindy 3 – 5 years 22 children (Possum Room)
Nursery birth to 18 monthsLead Educators:Kayla & Di
Assistant Educators:Mikaela& Mauraveen
Toddler 12 months to 2 years:Lead Educator:Sarah C
Assistant Educator:Kirri
Pre Kindy2- 3 years Lead EducatorAnnette, Trish
Assistant Educators:Nikeesha Felicia
Kindy 3 – 5 yearsTeachers:Kristina & Pam
Educators:Leanne & Erin
Float and Lunch reliefJenelle, Bianca, Mauroveen, Julia
Management of Mothercraft
The Toowoomba Mothercraft Association Inc. is the licensee of the Mothercraft Childcare Centre (i.e., it is responsible for insuring the quality of service supplied by the centre).
The centre is a community based non-profit organisation run by a parent committee consisting of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Vice Presidents and committee members. The executive committee are nominated and voted into these positions at the Annual General Meeting of the Toowoomba Mothercraft Association Inc. Parents who wish to become members of the Toowoomba Mothercraft Association Inc. are able to submit a membership application and pay a $1 fee at the office.
The committee work on a voluntary basis for the centre. They meet each month, with the Director also attending these meetings. All parents are invited to become members of the committee. A list of committee member’s names and phone numbers is available from the office.
-To enhance and extend upon children’s physical development including both fine and gross motor skills through age appropriate activities.
-To enhance children’s thinking and cognitive development through the use of puzzles, blocks, bead boards and other activities which challenge children’s thinking and problem solving.
-To support the emotional development of children through a warm, safe loving centre environment which encourages each child to grow and learn at their own pace.
-To encourage and support children to communicate and interact with children and staff which is warm, responsive and positive.
-To treat all children as unique individuals, this makes each child feel special for who he/she is regardless of race, religion and or abilities.
-To encourage parent input and participation in the centre program, through excursions and centre activities.
-To program child centred activities that show a genuine interest in helping all children to express and explore their interests and needs. We understand and respect the need for personal space. So all children can become independent and competent in life skills.
-Interactions and communications between children, staff and families to be warm and responsive with positive support and respect.
-To support each child’s creativity by encouraging children to express themselves through art, construction and sensory experiences.
-To encourage children to express themselves by using language in interactions with parents, staff and peers.
Our curriculum involves all children actively in learning. Materials and experiences are organised to help children to learn important life skills. Children use these skills to pursue their developing interests at home, in the centre and in the wider world. Interactions with other children and interactions with guidance from adults are important program dynamics. The curriculum includes both planned and spontaneous experiences. Our curriculum includes a range of activities and learning experiences. These include indoor and outdoor activities and individual/ group activities. We include opportunities for children to choose what activity they would like to do.
It is flexible and responsive to changes in the children’s abilities, interests and skills. It is designed to nurture each child’s self- esteem, self-reliance and competence.
We include all children regardless of abilities and ensure all social and cultural backgrounds are respected and valued. We reflect an understanding of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres StraitIsland heritage and its multicultural heritage.
Each child as a Celebration of Learning folder or Scrap book which outlines their development and developmental needs each month. Parents are welcome to look and write in this book at any time even if it is just to share stories. Each room has a day book which gives an overall outline of the day in the room. There is always a digital frame which plays photos of the children engaged in activities during the day.
The centre has an Educational Leader who is employed 10 hours per week. This Educational Leader is responsible for mentoring all staff in the programming and practise within their rooms as well as researching and providing the educators with current and up to date tends in planning, and recording learning for all children within the centre. Our Educational Leader is Pam Waddell she has worked within the centre for more than 10 years and holds a Bachelor of Education.
Children vary, some children leave Mum/ Dad happily and some become quite distressed, therefore we encourage parents to spend time with their child on arrival. Sometimes it may help to leave your child but return early and spend time with him/her at the Centre. You may as a parent, experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt or relief. This is not unusual; leaving children can be a very emotional time. The staff will anticipate that this may not be an easy time for you. They will not consider any of your feelings to be ‘silly’ but will seek to find ways to support you and your child in these initial stages.
Any special comfort items or blanket and pillow if in the older age groups.
We also require a few changes of clothes, and extra underpants if your child is toilet training. PLEASE ENSURE ALL CLOTHES ARE NAMED.
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for their day at our Centre. Children’s play is their work, this is how children learn, expect your child to get dirty or messy. So send them in old clothes, and please remember our Sun Safe Policy, cover as much of your child’s skin as possible to prevent sunburn. Sunscreen is provided at the centre and is applied to children throughout the day. Mothercraft has a ‘No hat no play’ policy.
In accordance with the Children’s Services Law and Regulation 2011, our Educators are qualified for the position they hold. From time to time we do have Trainees working at Mothercraft, and we feel through the ‘on the job’ training they receive here, they soon become responsible and valued members of our Team. There is a staffing notice board in the foyer which outlines each staff member’s name, room and their qualifications. There is also a staff professional development board which outlines what professional development has been undertaken when and by which staff.
A weekly roster of staff is displayed in the office. This roster outlines all staffing in the centre, what hours they work,the room they are in as well as their qualifications and due dates of CPR and Suitability Cards.
Staff are rostered to work throughout the day, therefore starting and finishing times may vary. Therefore one educator will be present in the morning and the other in the evening. This may change without notice, due to unforeseen circumstances eg. Illness of an educator.
In order to ensure that staff are kept challenged and motivated, staff are required to change rooms every two years, sometimes earlier for various reasons.
The Centre is open Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6pm.
Staff are rostered to work throughout the day therefore starting and finishing times may vary. It’s important to arrive/collect your child between these hours as children expect to be collected before the Centre closes. We charge a late fee of $5 per minute for every minute your child is here after 6 pm.
The Centre is closed all public holidays and for a two week period during the Christmas/New Year break. No fees will be charged during this closure.
Mothercraft only accepts permanentbookings. With a permanent position you are guaranteed your booked day each week, and you pay for it regardless of whether your child attends.
Childcare Assistance is available at Mothercraft. To receive this assistance you must contact Centrelink. We then charge you the ‘gap’ fee, which is the total fee minus the portion Centrelink pays for your child. Mothercraft then claims this portion from Centrelink on a weekly basis.
Fees are to be paid weekly or fortnightly and can be made by putting cash or a cheque into a ‘fees envelope’ and writing the child’s name on the front and dropping it into the fee box in the office. Fees can also be made by Direct Debit or Internet Banking.
After three weeks of overdue fees a red overdue account notice will be placed into your child’s pocket and a charge of $5.50 (overdue account charge) will be added to your account balance each week that the account is overdue. After a further two weeks of unpaid fees, a letter will be sent out stating that if payment is not received your child’s placement may be in jeopardy.
On enrolment we will require a Bond equal to two weeks fees.When leaving the centre, two weeks notice must be given for your bond to be refunded. If less than the required notice is given, your bond may be forfeited.
We also require a Booking fee of $30 when you book your child in. When your child starts at the centre, we will supply your child with a sheet for sleep time and a Mothercraft hat. These items will be sent home weekly to be washed and will need to be returned the following week on the first day your child attends.
PERMANENT children (i.e. those who have paid a bond) are assured a spot on the day you choose. If your child needs a make up day the Centre cannot guarantee that a spot will be available for your child.
Fees are to be paid for Public Holidays and Absent Days.
We offer a discount for Parent holidays.There will be a 30% discount for the first 2 weeks of your child’s holidays (allowed 4 weeks a year) in any one year.There must be two weeks notice given to the office or in the communications book. After the 2 week period holidays will be full price.
Our Bank Details for Direct Deposits payments are as follows:
Name of Account:
Toowoomba Mothercraft Association Inc -Working a/c
BSB: 06 4433
Account Number: 00928590
ALL MEALS. Meals are prepared daily by our cook.We provide varied and nutritious meals and display the weekly menu in the foyer.
-Morning tea
-Afternoon tea
-Cows milk, goats milk and soy
-Formula (if the child is three days or more)
-Sunscreen (Cancer Council ‘Everyday’ Sunscreen 30+)
-Sheet and Hat provided when child starts at centre
NB: If your child is on a special diet, we ask for you to complete a Special Diet Form which is to be handed in to the office immediately. An appointment willbe arranged betweenthe parents, Director and kitchen staff to discuss the child’s dietary requirements.
The Centre abides by the Federal Government’s Priority of Access Guidelines.
- A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
- A child of a single parent, or of parents who work, are studying or training for work.
- Any other child.
Within each category the following children are to be given priority.
- Children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families.
- Children from families who include a disabled person.
- Children in families with a Non-English speaking background.
- Children is socially isolated families.
- Children of single parent families.
We welcome children with special needs, and have access to Supplementary teaching assistants if required.
On enrolment you are asked to fill out a Mothercraft Enrolment form. The information from this form is transferred to the Computer. If you have changes to your circumstances e.g. address or phone number, it is VITAL you let us know of these changes. If our information isn’t correct and your child is involved in an emergency, we have no way of contacting you. This information is confidential and all staff are required to adhere to the ‘Privacy Act’.
These records are required to be kept for a certain period of time.
Custody arrangements can only be followed if the custodial parent has provided Mothercraft with a certified copy of the Court Order.
The Centre fosters positive relations between all parents and staff. Every parent has the right to a positive and sympathetic response to their concerns. Solutions are sought to resolve all disputes, issues or concerns that impact or affect the day to day well being of the Centre in a fair, prompt and positive manner.
Grievances should be resolved as informally and quickly as possible by the parties involved. When grievances cannot be resolved informally by the persons directly involved a formal grievance process is provided. Clear concise guidelines in the form of Policies and Procedures, should minimise disputes and conflicts. Parents are given a Parent Handbook including relevant policies, on Enrolment.