In 1979 the General Curia of the Order published a volume under the title of Living in Freedom under Grace. Augustinian Spirit and Spirituality in the Writings of Popes and Priors General (1953 - 1978). Since then, 20 years have passed by, so for that reason we considered it opportune to publish a second volume, to follow the first, which would include also documents of recent years.
We should note that, unlike the first volume, we have included also the documents of General Chapters of the Order. The practice which began with the publication of the Document of the Intermediate General Chapter which took place in Dublin in 1974 and which has become known as the Dublin Document, has been kept up in subsequent years. To a greater or lesser degree almost all General Chapters, both ordinary and intermediate, have offered some document as a reflection of the effort made by the Order to encourage thought about our identity, our role in the Church and in the world of the day, our commitment to evangelisation, etc. As well we have published another important document for the life and spirituality of the Order entitled Rule for Augustinian Lay Fraternities
The fact that the above mentioned Dublin Document was not included in the first volume made us think it opportune to include it in this second volume, even though this involves a chronological inconsistency. As well as that document, this second volume of Living in Freedom under Grace, includes documents which bridge the years between 1979 and the General Chapter of September 1989, and is divided into four sections: documents of Pope John Paul II, documents of the General Chapters, documents of the Priors General and other documents. Before the General Chapter of 2001 we hope to publish a third volume of the series containing relevant documents.
The Preface of the first volume indicated that it “provides much material for initial and on-going Augustinian formation; it forms a resumé of matters which have great significance for the life of the Order; it offers much food for spiritual thought and prayer; it serves as an unofficial commentary on not a few ideas which are presented only synthetically in the Constitutions; and it is also intended as an aid for the busy preacher or retreat director, especially with regards to making better known the modernity of Augustine and his striking thoughts”. We could not better express the aim of this second volume which like the previous one is published in English, Spanish and Italian, with the intention that the documents be accessible to a wide readership, no only of Augustinians but to the whole Augustinian Family. We hope it will contribute to a better way of living our life and spirituality.
Rome, 1999
AA Apostolicam Actuositatem
AG Ad Gentes
AH Augustinum Hipponensem
CL Christifideles Laici
DM Dives in misericordia
DV Dei Verbum
EN Evangelii Nuntiandi
ET Evangelica Testificatio
GS Gaudium et Spes
LG Lumen Gentium
MD Mulieris Dignitatem
MR Mutuae Relationes
OT Optatam Totius
PC Perfectae Caritatis
PO Presbyterorum Ordinis
RC Renovationis causam
RH Redemptor Hominis
SRS Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
VS Venite Seorsum
C. Acad. Contra academicos
C. duas epp. Pel. Contra dua espistolas Pelagianorum
C. ep. Man. Contra epistolam Manichaei quam vocant fundamenti
C. Faustum Contra Faustum Manichaeum
C. Iulianum Contra Iulianum
C. Iulinaum op. imp. Contra Iulianum, opus imperfectum
C. litt. Pet. Contra litteras Petiliani
C. Maximinum Contra Maximinum Arianum
Conf. Confessionum
De b. vita De beata vita
De bapt. De baptismo
De bono coni. De bono coniugali
De bono vid. De bono viduitatis
De cat. rud. De catechizandis rudibus
De civ. Dei De civitate Dei
De corrept. et gratia De correptione et gratia
De div. quaest. 83 De diversis quaestionibus 83
De doctr. christ. De doctrina christiana
De dono pers. De dono perseverantiae
De duab. anim. De duabus animabus
De Gen. ad litt. De Genesi ad litteram
De grat. Chr. De gratia Christi et de peccato originali
De grat. et lib. arb. De gratia et libero arbitrio
De libero arbitr. De libero arbitrio
De mag. De magistro
De mor. eccl. cath. De moribus Ecclesiae catholicae
De nat. et grat. De natura et gratia
De nupt. et conc. De nuptiis et concupiscentiis
De op. mon De opere monachorum
De ord. De ordine
De pec. mer. De peccatorum meritis et remissione
De perf. iust. hom. De perfecta iustitia hominis
De praed. sanct. De praedestinatione sanctorum
De quant. animae De quantitate animae
De sancta virg. De sancta virginitate
De serm. Dom. in monte De sermone Domini in monte
De sp. et litt. De spirito et littera
De Trin. De Trinitate
De unit. eccl. De unitate Ecclesiae
De util. cred. De utilitate credendi
De vera rel. De vera religione
En. in ps. Enarratio in Psalmos
Epist. Epistolae
In ep. ad Gal. In epistolam ad Galatas
In Joa ev. Tractatus in Joannis Evangelium
In Joa. epist. Tractatus in Joannis primam Epistolam
Post coll. c. Don. Post collationem contra Donatistas
Ps. c. part. Donati Psalmus contra partem Donati
Quaest. evang. Quaestiones evangeliorum
Regula Regula
Retract. Retractationes
Serm. Sermones
Solil. Soliloquiorium
Const. Constitutiones