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cover photo adapted from Lonely Pencil by RamunasGeciauskas on Flickr
What is Language, Literacy and Numeracy about?
All workers use a variety of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and numeracy skills to get their jobs done. The skills people need to use change according to their job description and the particular task they are doing.
Literacy is a social and cultural practice. The literacy skills you will use will change according to where the task is being done (setting)and why it is being done (purpose).
Therefore, workplace literacy needs to be examined in terms of settings (where), purposes(why) andcontextual demands(what is required).
There are four main modes of communication at work:
- youread a range of material
- youwrite a range of material
- youlisten and talk about work with a range of people
- youcalculate and manipulate a range of data.
Why do I need to do this assessment?
The AMACS courses are entirely online. They have no campus-based components, and the online learning activities and resources are the main focus of study.
For some of you this may be your first experience of participating in online learning and discussion groups. To help you be successful in this method of study we want to ensure you have the necessary LLN skills for this course. If you don’t, we want to be able to provide you with relevant and suitable support.
The LLN tasks have been adapted from materials created by Precision Consultancy and The Department of Industry © Commonwealth of Australia 2013.
Skills Rating
This task requires you to rate how you view your language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.
It also requires you to read the assessment form, which you will then complete by ticking the appropriate boxes for each task.
I can do the following tasks: / YES / NO / SOMETIMESUnderstand signs
Fill in a time sheet
Count and check change when shopping
Send a text message
Use the internet to search for information
Fill in a leave request form
Read a staff memo
Write and send emails
Use a calculator and its basic functions
Read a newspaper or magazine
Follow instructions on a recipe
Read a google map or street directory
Read and understand a material data safety sheet
Use an equipment manual or instruction guide
Fill out a log book
Fill out an incident or accident report form
Interview Form
This interview form is used as a reading and writing LLN assessment task as well as a great opportunity for us to get to knowyour preferred communication and learning style.
1. What do you like about learning?
2. How do you like to learn new things?
3. What helps you to learn?
4. What education or training have you completed?
5. What sort of jobs have you worked in?
6. Did you receive on the job training? If so, what was it?
7. Do you do any writing at work? If so, what types of tasks involved writing?
8. Do you use a computer at work or at home? If yes, for what types of tasks?
9. What work skills do you feel you already have?
10. What skills are you hoping to develop with this course?
Numeracy Quiz
This short quiz is designed to assess your workplace numeracy skills.
The focus of the quiz is on using data in a martial arts school or club such as; calculating client payments and change, timings in relation to sessions and activities and ratios for equipment and client safety.
Question 1
You are running a children’s term program with a cost of $120 per child.
How much does it cost for 3 children to attend?
Question 2
A customer purchases the following items from you and gives you $100 cash. How much change do you give them?
- Training shirt $60.00
- Drink Bottle $12.50
Question 3
As a promotion to get new clients you are going to offer a 15% discount for all pre-paid fees this month.
If the regular price for fees is $165 how much will the new discounted price be?
Question 4
You are running a self defence session for adults. The total class duration is scheduled for 1.5hrs (90 minutes).
If 15 minutes of the class will be taken up by drink breaks, and you allocate 15 minutes to each activity or drill, how many activities or drills will you be able to run in this session?
Question 5
You are assisting the head instructor with a striking class. The participants will each be working with a partner and require one set of focus mitts to share for the activity.
If you have 28 participants, how many sets of focus mitts will you need for the class?
Question 6
Your school or club is providing classes for young children and the head instructor has decided that to maintain a safe training environment - 1 instructor is required for every 12 children in the class.
How many instructors will you need if this class has 36 students?
Once completed please return this booklet to your course coordinator by one of the following methods.
- Following the upload instructions in the AMACS online learning portal
- By email
If you have any questions or concerns about this assessment please contact your course coordinator.
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