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World HistoryChapter 7 and 8.4 Study Guide The Ancient Greeks
Part One: Vocabulary Terms
Directions: Match the vocabularyterms word with the correct definition.
- An absolute ruler ______Tyrant
- Government by the people ______Democracy
- A narrow channel of water ______Strait
- This country threatened Greece after the Peloponnesian Wars ______Macedonia
- A tiny independent country ______Polis
- This was considered a time period when Greek culture spread throughout the rest of the world
______Hellenistic Period
- The Minoans made their living as ___Traders
- Sparta’s government can be best described as an ______Oligarchy
- A speech that reinforced the benefits of democracy _____Funeral Oration
- All citizens participating in government ____Direct Democracy
- The Mycenaeans came to Greece from ____Central Asia
- Persia was located in what would be considered present-day ____Iran
- High ranking Spartan government official ____Ephors
- Citizens electing an official to govern on their behalf is a ______Representative
- Persian province ______Satrapy
- Formed to defend its members from the Persians ______Delain League
1. Who led the invasion that ended the Persian Empire?It was Alexander the Great
2. Failure of the Delain League was mainly due to what?Athens had become so powerful it took control of the league
3. What were some features of Sparta’s strict government?It was an oligarchy where a few ruled and it discouraged free thinking and new ideas
4. Who could be a citizen of the Greek city-states?You had to be free, native born and land owning men
5. What were some of the reforms of Solon’s government? He allowed all male citizens to participate in the government
6. Spartan women could hold property and go out without an escort. Athenian women could not do any of these things. What is your evaluation about the status of women in these two societies?Spartan women had more rights than Athenian women
7. Describe slavery in Athens? Slavery was very common feature in Athens society
8. The Greek philosopher Socrates taught his students to question everything in order to find the truth. Describe areas where this philosophy was used and in today’s society?
It was used in many Greek city-states and today it is used in educational and law systems
9. Mountainous terrain and small islands influenced the ancient Greeks to develop as what type of society?The Greeks developed a system based on an independent city-state as Athens, Sparta, Olympia, Thebes etc.
10. At age 18 what were boys in Athens expected to do?Boys were expected to take an active role in public affairs
11. At what age could Spartan men return home once their military training was complete?At age 30
12. What influenced a political system based on independent Greek city-states?Greece’s mountainous terrain and a series of small islands
13. Describe a citizen in a Greek city-state?A citizen was a member in a society who has rights in the political community
14. Who educated Athenian girls?Athenian girls were educated in the home by their mother
15. What did the Athenian and Spartan society focus on?The Athenian society focused on academics and government and Sparta focused on military readiness
16. In the Mediterranean world the Phoenicians made an impact because of what?The Phoenicians helped spread the alphabet which allowed the Greeks and Romans to keep records
17. To improve the assembly, who was the Athenian leader responsible for creating a new council of 500 citizens? It was Cleisthenes
18. The Persians were defeated at the Strait of Salamis but their foot soldiers were able to do what?They were able to set fire to the city of Athens
19. What Athenian ruler encouraged the people to worship the goddess Athena? It was Peisistratus
20. List some important achievements of the ancient Greeks?The Greeks made important contributions in the areas of math, architecture and medicine Page 227-228
21. What was an effect of the Peloponnesian War for all city-states involved? It made the city-states economically and militarily weak page 205
22. A cause of the Persian Wars was when the Greek city-states helped other Greeks in Asia Minor fight against what country? The Persians
23. When Athens grew rich and powerful this caused other Greek city-states to become suspicious which caused what event? It caused the Peloponnesian War
24. After the Persian War ended the city-state of Athens became the: the economic and cultural center of Greece
25. Why was the Peloponnesian War bad for the winners and losers? Page 205 The war left governments divided and weak. Many people died in battle or from a disease. Fighting had destroyed farms and left many people with no way to earn a living. Macedonia’ strength and desire to expand cost the Greek city-states their independence
26. Describe how geography affected the way Greeks made a living? Page 174-175. The Greek civilization developed in an area dominated by mountains and seas. The Greeks traded goods and ideas along the areas coastline. The Greeks fished and traded for a living. The Greeks also farmed and settled along the coast and in between mountains. In the mild climate the Greeks grew wheat, barley,olives grapes raised sheep and goats