Web Address: www.oak-meadow.us
Approved Board of Directors' Meeting – March 12, 2014
Board Members in Attendance: Homeowners in Attendance:
Randy Walther Brent Israel
Martha Fredendall
Anita MacQueen
Greg Beightel
FCP Staff and Others in Attendance:
Kim Smeins, First Choice Properties
The OMHA Board of Directors' meeting was called to order
at 5:45 PM on Wednesday, March 12, 2014,
at the meeting room located in the US BANK Building,
1901 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601.
Meeting called to order by Randy Walther.
QUORUM ESTABLISHED: A quorum was present.
A Motion to accept the Minutes of the November 13, 2013, Meeting. Motion was and passed unanimously.
1) Expenditures were approved.
2) Hindman-Sanchez Update-Turn over 47 E. Sunlight, 370 Silver King and 358 Silver King to attorneys for collection.
3) Financial Statements provided by Competent Bookkeeping
1) Randy gave an update on the status of Lot 15. FCP to send Greg Beightel information on Lot 15 from the attorneys and listing contracts. Greg will contact the mortgage company to discuss a settlement.
1) Board decided not to raise storage fees this year.
2) Proposed Budget was reviewed and the Board accepted the Proposed Budget with the $5.00 per owner increase.
3) Annual Meeting. Martha made a Motion that March 12, 2014 be the record date for homeowner ownership for attendance at the Annual Meeting. The Motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously. The Annual Meeting will be held on April 9th at US Bank at 5:30.
4) Credit Card Report was reviewed and the Board feels they should continue offering payments with credit cards.
5) Post Office is requiring a form be completed by a Board Member for the HOA’s Post Office Box rental. Greg made a Motion to authorize Randy to sign the form. Martha seconded the Motion and it passed unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: Greg made a Motion to adjourn, Randy seconded the Motion and it passed unanimously. Adjourned at 7:00 pm.
NEXT MEETING: Annual Meeting April 9, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. at US Bank
Minutes Submitted by:
Kim Smeins
Prepared by: Kim Smeins
First Choice Properties & Management, Inc.
252 Coryell Ridge Road
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601