Health/Medical Directory 2012


This directory provides information on the health and medical services in the Inner West area of Sydney. It has been prepared as an outcome of the Burwood2030 Strategic Plan to improve residents’ access to local facilities and as an initial step aims “to identify health and medical services within the Inner West.” For the purpose of this directory “Inner West” refers to the Local Government Areas of Ashfield, Burwood, City of Canada Bay, Leichhardt and Strathfield.

The information has been compiled to assist all ages with key contact information and the listing is grouped by topic:

1.  Age-related Services

2.  Crisis Assistance and Support Programs

3.  Family Support Services

4.  Health Support Services For Families

5.  Hospitals

6.  Hospitals and Emergency Services

7.  Key Government Contacts

8.  Mental Health

9.  Nursing Homes

10.  Support Services for Parents of Children with a Disability

11.  Youth Services and Youth Health

The information has been compiled by Burwood Council for the community.

DISCLAIMER The directory also includes information derived from various third parties which is neither endorsed nor supported by Burwood Council.

The information and the third party information are made available on the understanding that Burwood Council and its respective employees and agents shall have no liability (including liability by reason of negligence) to the users for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the Information and/or the third party Information and whether caused by reason of any error, negligent act, omission or misrepresentation in the Information or the third party Information or otherwise.

Although care has been taken in providing these links as suitable reference sources, due to the changing nature of internet content, it is the responsibility of the users to make their own investigations, decisions and enquiries about the information retrieved from other internet sites. Provision of these links does not imply any endorsement, non-endorsement, support or commercial gain by Burwood Council.

Translating and Interpreting Services – Telephone Interpreter Service Message

If you need information in other languages, please contact Burwood Council on 9911 9911. We will be able to provide the staff interpreter for you. Alternatively, you should contact the telephone interpreter service directly on 131 450 (free service) and ask them to contact Burwood Council on 9911 9911 on your behalf.”


إذا كنت بحاجة لمعلومات بلغات أخرى، يرجى الاتصال بمجلس بوروود على الرقم 9911 9911. سوف يكون بوسع طاقم العمل توفير مترجم شفهي لك. وبدلاً من ذلك، يمكنك أن تتصل بخدمة المُترجم الشفهي الهاتفية مباشرة على الرقم 131 450 (خدمة مجانية) وأن تطلب منهم الاتصال بمجلس بوروود على الرقم 9911 9911 نيابة عنك.

Chinese Simplified

如果您需要通过其它语言获得信息,请致电99119911,与Burwood市议会联络。工作人员可为您安排传译员。您也可以致电 131 450,直接与电话传译服务处联络(免费服务),然后请他们代表您致电市议会 9911 9911。


영어 외의 언어로 정보가 필요하시면, 9911 9911번의 버우드 시의회로 연락 주십시오. 직원이 통역사를 준비시켜 드릴 것입니다. 혹은 131 450번의 전화 통역 서비스(무료 서비스)로 직접 연락하시어, 귀하를 대신하여 9911 9911번의 버우드 시의회로 전화를 해달라고 부탁하셔도 됩니다.


Αν χρειάζεστε πληροφορίες σε άλλες γλώσσες, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με το Δήμο του Burwood στο 9911 9911. Το προσωπικό του δήμου θα φροντίσει να σας εξασφαλίσει διερμηνέα. Εναλλακτικά, μπορείτε να απευθυνθείτε απευθείας στην Υπηρεσία Τηλεφωνικής Διερμηνείας (Telephone Interpreter Service) στο 131 450 (η υπηρεσία προσφέρεται δωρεάν) και να ζητήσετε να επικοινωνήσουν για λογαριασμό σας με το Δήμο του Burwood στο 9911 9911.


Se avete bisogno di informazioni in altre lingue, contattate il Municipio di Burwood al numero 9911 9911. Il personale puo’ organizzare un interprete. Alternativamente, potete contattare il servizio di interpretariato telefonico (Telephone Interpreter Service) al numero 131 450 (servizio gratuito) e chiedere loro di contattare il Municipio di Burwood al 9911 9911 per vostro conto.

1. Aged Related Services

Camperdown Mental Health Services

Ph:9515 9000

Concord Aged Care Assessment Team

Ph: 1800 556 553 or 9676 7888

Provides comprehensive assessments for community aged care and residential aged care, referrals and undertakes short term case management of people with high complex needs

Concord Hospital Community Nursing Services

Ph:9767 6199

For existing clients.

Concord Hospital Equipment Loan Pool

Ph: 1800 556 533 or 9767 7919

Referral and assessment. This hospital based service loans medical equipment on a short term basis to aid recovery after illness or accident.

Croydon (SSWAHS)

Ph: 93781100

Covers: Ashfield, Strathfield, Burwood Local Government Area


Ph 9562 0500 FAX: 9562 0501

Covers: Lilyfield, Balmain, Rozelle, Petersham


Ph:9395 0444

Covers: Glebe, Annandale, Alexandria, Petersham

Croydon Mental Health Services

Ph:9378 1100 (Sydney South West Area Health Service)

Home and Community Podiatry


Podiatry service for residents of Ashfield , Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield LGAs. Home visit available for house bound clients. Conditions apply.


Phone RIC (Referral Information Centre) on 1800 556 533 or 9767 5200.

For referrals for physiotherapy, aged care, pain clinic, etc. Assessment and treatment are provided at Camperdown and Concord.

Sydney South West Area Health Service (SSWAHS)

Community Nursing Services

Phone: 02 9378 1100 Fax: 02 9378 1111

Provides Nursing Care at home, including palliative care.

2. Crisis Assistance and Support Programs


Ph: 9807 9700 Fax: 9807 9600 (Head Office)

78C Charles Street, Putney 2112

Supports children with disabilities and their families to achieve quality of life.


St. Anthony’s Family Care

Ph: 9747 5782 Fax: 9747 1969

9 Alexandra Avenue CROYDON NSW 2132

Provides early intervention services for children with a disability and their families.

Also offers family support and respite services.


Sydney Dental Hospital, Paediatric Dentistry Department

Ph: 9293 3230

2 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills 2010

Provides specialist dental treatment for children with a disability. Call to discuss eligibility and options.


3 Family Support Services

Ashfield Early Childhood Health Service

Ph: 9716 1853

260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield 2131

(Temporarily relocated to Croydon Health Centre because the building works are still not completed at Ashfield.)

Child and Family Nursing Intake

Ph: 8788 4288 - a central phone number for an appointment or to check opening days and hours.

Free services for parents with children under 5 yrs, especially newborns, including clinic appointments and clinical advice.

Chiswick Early Childhood Health Service

Ph: 8788 4288 Appointments now made via this central phone number.

Appointments made via this central number.

5a Blackwell Point Road, Chiswick 2046

Concord Early Childhood Health Service

Ph: 8788 4288 - Appointments now made via this central phone number.

57A Wellbank Street, Concord 2137.

Croydon Early Childhood Health Service

Ph: 9378 1156

24 Liverpool Road, Croydon 2132

Five Dock Early Childhood Health Service

Ph: 8788 4288 Appointments now made via this central phone number.

Appointments made via this central number

Cnr First Avenue & Park Road,

Five Dock 2046

Good Beginnings Inner West Volunteer Home Visiting Program

Ph: 9759 3820 Fax: 9759 2175

Provides early childhood intervention and prevention program which connects trained volunteers to families with children 0-5 years needing support and assistance with: someone to talk to, social isolation, lack of community resources and support, parenting skills, multiple birth, child disability and illness. (Ashfield and Burwood residents)


Inner West Family Support Service Ph: 9744 1866 Fax: 9744 0886

45 Belmore Street, Burwood NSW 2134

Provides practical and emotional support for families with children under 16 13 yrs.


Kids at Weldon Inner West Toy Library.

Ph: 9747 4577 Fax: 9747 4228

Provides practical and emotional support for families in Inner West. Toys can be borrowed by children and carers in Inner West. For infants to 5 years of age.

Rivendell Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Service

Ph: 9736 2288 Fax: 9743 6264

Thomas Walker Hospital

Hospital Road, Concord West 2138

Provides mental health services including inpatient/outpatient care & schooling for

children & adolescents.



Strathfield Early Childhood Health

Service (Homebush)

Ph: 8788 4288 Appointments now made via this central phone number.

Appointments made via this central number.

2A Fraser Street, Homebush 2140

Westmead Hospital - Department of Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatry

Phone: 02 9845 6577Fax: 02 9891 5690

Location: Redbank House, Institute Rd, Westmead NSW 2145

Provides day patient, inpatient and outpatient services for children or adolescents (and their families) with severe emotional, behavioural and psychiatric disorders. Services include Early Childhood Unit, Child and Family Unit, Adolescent and Family Unit, Acute Adolescent Unit, Alternative Care Clinic and school services.

4. Health Support Services For Families

Child, Adolescent and Family Health Service

Ph: 9378 1100

24 Liverpool Road, Croydon 2132

Provides social, emotional & physical health support to families & their children aged 5-18yrs. Includes doctors, nurses, social workers, physiotherapy, speech pathologists and other specialist health professionals

Croydon Community Health Centre (Formerly called Family Mental Health Service)

Ph: 9378 1100

Focus on families where a parent has a mental health problem. Programs include holiday program for 7-14 yrs, groups for mothers with mental health problems, playgroup, consultation and information resources.


Croydon Mental Health Service

Ph: 9378 1100

Acute Care After Hours Ph: 132 222

24 Liverpool Road, Croydon

Assessment and treatment for people suffering mental illness and/or drug and alcohol




Ph: 9794 2300 Fax: 9794 2323

Cnr The Horsley Dr and Mitchell St, Carramar NSW 2163

Provides support & education to families with children aged 0 - 5 years. Caters for families with special needs. Programs vary including: post natal depression, sleep & settling education, emotional & psychological difficulties, toddler & sibling management & lactation.


Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre

Ph: 9560 3011

55 Thornley Street, Leichhardt 2040

A non profit women’s health centre, operated by women for women, providing low cost medical and complementary health care. Also offers counselling and group activities/workshops.


Sydney Dental Hospital

9293 3333 for Bookings

2 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills

Comprehensive dental treatment for children 0-17yrs. Assessment carried out at some primary schools. Clinic services at Croydon and Concord . All children eligible for general oral health services. Specialist dental services offered to children who hold, or whose parents hold, a valid Centrelink concession card.


Tresillian Family Centre & Babycare

Ph: 9787 0800 Helpline: 9787 0855 Fax: 9787 0880

McKenzie Street, Belmore 2192

Offers support & advice for families experiencing difficulties with infants and young children aged 0-2. Services include 24 hour Parents Help Line, residential, day stay and outreach programs, parent education programs and help for women experiencing postnatal depression.


5. Hospitals

Concord Hospital

Ph: 9767 5000

Hospital Road, Concord

Royal Prince Alfred (RPA)

Ph: 9515 6111 FAX 9515 6133.

Missenden Road, Camperdown


Sydney Children’s Hospital

Ph: 9382 1111

High Street, Randwick


Westmead Children’s Hospital

Ph: 9845 0000 - Westmead Children’s Hospital

Ph: 9845 5555 - Westmead Hospital for adults (not children)

Cnr Hawkesbury & Darcy Roads, Westmead

6. Hospitals and emergency services

After Hours Dental Services Contact Numbers

Phone: 02 9369 7050

This hotline is run by a group of dental surgeons in private practice and provides the contact details of the nearest after-hours dentist on call. It covers Sydney Metro.

Balmain Hospital

Ph: 02 9395 2111Fax: 02 9395 2020

Address: 29 Booth St, Balmain NSW 2041

Mail: Balmain Hospital, Booth St, Balmain NSW 2041



Public hospital providing acute aged care and rehabilitation services. Continence clinic on Thur; Diabetic clinic on Mon mornings; Podiatry clinic on Fri; Homeopathic clinic Wed/Fri between 2-6pm. Physiotherapy outpatient service - 4 days per week. Strong therapy program for strength training 5 days a week. Disabled access available to all clinical areas.

General Practice Casualty open 24 hours.

Canterbury Hospital

Ph: 02 9787 0000Fax: 02 9787 0031

Address: Canterbury Rd, Campsie NSW 2194

Public hospital with emergency, inpatient and outpatient facilities. Services include: physiotherapy, dietetics, diabetes education, podiatry, occupational therapy, speech pathology, maternity, paediatric unit, rehabilitation and palliative care.

Area Served: Canterbury LGA (South East and Central Sydney)

Emergency Medical Services

Doctors4U® - Sydney Doctors Medical Directory


Doctors4U® - Sydney Doctors Medical directory has listings for Australian Doctors, Medical Centres and Sexual Health Clinics, After Hours Doctors, Bulk Billing Doctors, Chemists & Pharmacies, Community Help & Emergency Help Services, Health Funds, Hospitals, both Private and Public. Also listings for Pathology & X-Ray-Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging) Gymnasiums - Health Centres, Health Retreats, suppliers of Medical aids & equipment.

NETS (NSW Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport Service)

Ph: 02 9633 8700 (Public enquiries)Fax: 02 9633 8782

Mail: PO Box 205, Westmead NSW 2145



Provides telephone triage and emergency retrieval teams to stabilise and transport critically ill babies and children between hospitals. Office not open to public. Provides 24 hours service.

7. Key Government Contacts for Families

Department of Community Services

Ph: 132 111 Child Protection Helpline:

This phone no. is for reporting children at risk of significant harm.


Children’s Services Advisors:

Ph: 8303 7622

Provides child protection services, parenting support and early intervention, foster care, adoption services and help for communities affected by disaster.


Department of Education & Training Ph: 9796 5446 (Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield) Ph: 9217 3446 (Ashfield)

Student Services & Equity Programs including: School Counsellors, Student Welfare Consultants, Multicultural Programs & Services for Students with special needs.



Department of Family and Community Services/ Ageing, Disability and Home Care

Ph: 9334 3770 Fax: 99701 6350

Level 3, 56 Railway Parade, Burwood 2134

Provides Physiotherapy, Occupational & Speech Therapy, Behaviour Intervention & Support, Case Management and Social Work intervention. Referral point to other services for respite, accommodation & services that may be required by people with an intellectual disability, or children with a developmental delay.