AWE3MI: Consumer Design

The Brief: You are to develop an advertising campaign, largely based on print, which will revolutionize the way a company of your choosing is currently marketing itself. Your goal is to increase sales through brand messaging.
The Particulars: You are to work in groups of 3-4 to accomplish the following:
1) Develop at least 2 print ads for a magazine that you think is appropriate for your company to advertise in.
2) Develop at least 1 piece of print material (ie. poster, product label, leaflet, etc) that can be used by thebusiness on premise.
3) Present and defend your advertising campaign in a well-developed, well-rehearsed, and professionally-polished pitch meeting.
This pitch needs to be entertaining, concise and focused and should be between 8 and 10 minutes long.
The Group:
1) Name your advertising company.
2) Develop a logo that visually presents your “brand”. Make sure that this appears on any of your presentation materials.
3) Appoint a CCO (Chief Creative Officer) who will keep your group focused and working towards the same goal.
4) Keep all your brainstorming materials, even the ones that are quickly discarded or lead to a “dead end”.
5) Prepare a one page debrief after the entire pitch process is over. All members must sign the bottom of the page.
The project will not be formally evaluated until the debrief is submitted.

The Expectations: You will have exactly one week to develop this entire project. This may mean that you will need to work outside of class to finish everything that is expected of you. Your presentation MUST be very professional, but can also include other forms of media (social media, viral video, audio track, website,etc) that compliment your print materials. Make sure, as a group, you work your way through the rubric focusing on the expectations, and develop your own strategies to meet (and even exceed) them.
My team members are: ______, ______and ______. I have at least one way to contact my team (email, Facebook, text, phone number, IM, etc).
The name of my advertising company is: ______.
We are developing a print campaign for : ______.
Our CCO is:______.
Our presentation date is:______.

AWE3MI: Consumer Design

Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Concept Idea and Branding (Thinking)
The message that you are sending about the brand through your advertising
/ You effectivelydeveloped the elements of style for greater expression. Your design sense illuminates something of greater value for the brand. / Your solution supports the intentions of the company’s products. You have demonstrated a strong sense of branding, but it lacks some “out of the box” creativity. / It is evident that your solution could support the intentions of the company. You neglectedto develop many of the elements of style. With more development, your design could be successful. / You struggled with brand messaging, and it is not exactly clear how your solution supports the intentions of the company. Major issues with the elements of style.
Imaging/Photography (Knowledge)
Communicate your ideas through visuals (photos/graphics)to illuminatethe selling point of the brand.Make sure the elements of the images flow together. / Your choices speak to theessence of the brand, and make the consumer think about itin new ways. The way you combined the parts of the image and type takes your design to ahigher level. Your visuals are seamlessly integrated into all aspects of your message. / It is clear how your solution supports the intentions of the assignment. You have demonstrated originality and have done some investigation of creative possibilities.The advertisements have come together to create a unified brand message. / Your ideas rely on the obvious. The arrangement of the visuals lacks a strong sense of focus or balance to support your audience’s understanding of the brand message. You need to explore more possibilities to find a uniquelysuccessful solution. / Your brand message does not demonstrate a successful solution. There are major gaps and/or problems with what you are trying to say visually.
Print Design (Application)
Use your digital content creation tools to develop precise, professional and effective layouts.
/ There is a feeling of “synergy” (all the elements are working together and theeffect is “greater than the sum of the parts”). The “look & feel” of each element in your designilluminates the purpose of the print advertisements, and is consistent with the client’sbrand. All technical aspects are perfect. / You made some strong statements with the elements of style. Your work is consistent and there are no major technical glitches with your print designs. / There are some successful aspects, but your work has overlooked elements of style that could make your work more exciting. There are some major problems with the technical aspects of the print designs. / The development of the designs solution seems clumsy or is inappropriate for the brand messaging. There are major technical problems with your print designs.
Final Pitch (Communication)
As the most meaningful part of the process, you deliver a professional pitch to your prospective client. / You shared a wealth of knowledge about your customer and their company. You werewell prepared with unique opinions and different ways to look at their product. You revealed howdifferent elements of the composition work together. Your ideas are supported by your artwork. Youfreely shared your process and ideas to lead the discussion. You presented yourselves in a professional manner. / You covered it well and were able to share your intentions. Your described your process and ideas, and made some good points. You missed going into some important details about how theads would contribute to the campaign. You were generally responsive. Sometimes you had to beprompted, and sometimes you responded on your own to lead thediscussion. You representedyourself professionally. / You talked about how much you worked on this, but you didn’t explore the process or theimportant ideas as deeply as you could. You gave a superficial understanding of how the campaign was going to work for the client. You had to be drawn out, but you did respond when pressed. You could have put more effort into presenting yourself professionally. / Your ideas seemed underdeveloped and unclear. You seemed unprepared and could not answer many of the questions put forward to you. Your presentation lacked professionalism.

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