Chapter 3 Study Guide: The British in North America
Know and understand the following concepts:
- Perspective- How did different groups of people feel differently about the fur trading situation (mercantilism) and the colonists arriving?
- Why did Britain want to build colonies in North America?
- John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto)- promoted fishing off the coast of Newfoundland and claimed it for Britain. Why didn’t sailors want to stay and live there?
- Hudson Bay Company – What was it initially and what did it mean that it had a monopoly?
- Thirteen Colonies – Where were they and how were they different from New France?
- After Radisson and desGroseillier explored the Hudson Bay for Britain, the British gov’t established the HBC. How did this impact the development of Canada?
- Britain wanted sovereignty over Nova Scotia. What does this mean?
- Other explorers to note:
- Anthony Henday
- Henry Kelsey
- George Vancouver & James Cook
- Northwest Passage- What was the reason for exploring for it?
- Be able to compare and contrast the societies and economies of the French and British colonists in North America.
-Built the first English-speaking colonies
-Benefited from the rich natural resources
-Travelled and explored up extensively
-Made contact and worked with many First Nations people
Vocabulary Words
- descendants of the original inhabitants of North America- First Nations people who once lived in Newfoundland
- member of society
- territory controlled by another country
- way of life shared by a group of people: knowledge, values, experiences
- the way people meet their basic needs: food, clothing, shelter
-network of colonies controlled by a single country
- a belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior
- Aboriginal people of Canada who are not Metis or Inuit
- how people organize themselves to choose their leader & make decisions
- country extending its control over other countries, often using economic or military means
- original inhabitants of a given area
- economic system that allowed an imperial country to become rich by selling the resources taken from its colonies
- only one group is allowed to sell or trade a product in a certain area
- part of nature that people can use (trees, water, oil, etc.)
- vast territory of land that drained into the Hudson Bay, granted to the HBC as a monopoly for the fur trade
- shortcut from Europe to Asia through the Canadian Arctic
- dangerous trade route that crossed Asia & eastern Europe, used to move spices, tea, silk and precious gems
- Supreme governing authority
- A formal agreement between nations
- A way of looking at the world that reflects one’s core values