CheppingViewPrimary Academy SCITT 2016-2017
Improvement Plan Working Document
Last update 28/7/16
- Consistency in mentoring by Teacher Tutors (TT) across the Partnership
Definition of a mentor “A mentor is a suitably-experienced teacher who has formal responsibility to work collaboratively within the ITT Partnership to help ensure the trainee receives the highest – quality training” (National Standards for school-based ITT mentors – July 2016)
Contextual information –SCITT Managers monitoring of weekly targets saw that there was a great deal of diversity in terms of standards of target setting, grading and feedback. 42% of trainees strongly agreed that they were set clear targets and given feedback, which impacted on their training. A lot of targets/feedback were given verbally rather than written. Trainees should take ownership of their areas for development, which they could develop with effective coaching.
Objective / Action to be taken / Success criteria / Person responsible / Timescale / ResourceImplications / Actions and analysis monitored by / Evaluation/Results
All teacher tutors provide clear weekly SMART targets and written feedback, which lead to gradual improvement in the skills and abilities of the trainees to evidence the Teachers Standards(TS) at good/outstanding level by the end of the academic year. / 1.Thorough training provided on writing of SMART targets with examples
2.Training on ‘coaching’ provided
3. Fortnightly monitoring of weekly target/feedback sheets as well as formal observation feedback reports
4. Intervention by SCITT Managers if TT are struggling
5. First action plan with SMART targets to be formulated during induction days
6. First weekly targets to be written during induction days based on Pre – SCITT audits.
7. Bank of examples of SMART targets to be provided for each TS to Teacher Tutors at first training session / 1.All Teacher Tutors attend termly training.
2. Clear SMART targets are written on weekly target sheets by TT/SBM. Targets are challenging and provide a clear understanding of next steps so trainees can achieve their potential.
3. Weekly targets address training needs of trainee as well as subject knowledge and link to centre based training
4.Trainees learn to take ownership of which TS to address for targets
5. Feedback on targets by TT include impact on pupil progress and are graded against TS showing gradual improvement
6. Trainees make rapid progress towards achievingTS to a high level as evidenced by termly summative reports.
7. Trainee evaluation reports at the end of placements indicate that 75% or above strongly agree that they were given clear feedback and targets which impacted on their training. / 1.SCITT Manager to check fortnightly
2.QA mentors to check at termly observations
3.SBM to check TT / Review pointsend of 4th week of each placement / One hour of SCITT Managers time per fortnight
QA mentor time / CVPA SCITT Managers to analyse progress and outcomes(%) on termly summative reports
TT/SBM complete evaluation reports after termly training and at end of term
Trainee evaluation reports at end of each term
- Introduction of clear guidelines for any cases in which there is ‘cause for concern’
Contextual information - 2 case studies in 2015-2016 were such that 2 students achieved below minimum level in their second placement and that had ‘cause for concern’ been flagged up earlier, this may have been avoided.
Objective / Action to be taken / Success criteria / Person responsible / Timescale / ResourceImplications / Actions and analysis monitored by / Evaluation/Results
To ensure that no trainees are working below minimum standard in any of the Teaching Standards at the end of each placement (except 3d/3e if placed in a junior school)
To identify early on any problems that a trainee may have in being able to achieve any of the Teaching Standards at Grade 3 (working at the minimum standard) and notify SCITT Manager so that effective support can be put in place. / 1.Clear ‘Cause for Concern’ process written. Placed on web site.
2. Cause for Concern process is clearly articulated at termly training for TT and SBM
3. Rule put in place that each trainee must achieve minimum level in all TS to pass second placement. Must pass second placement before QTS awarded. / 1.All SBM/ TT are aware of the process, which needs to be followed should there be any cause for concern i.e; a trainee does not exhibit personal and professional conduct during first 2 weeks of placement or at any other time during training. Or concern that trainee will not achieve at least grade 3 (WA minimum level) by end of that placement in a Teaching Standard
2. Summative reports for each trainee will show that they are Working at minimum standard or above in each Teaching Standard. / CVPA SCITT Manager
September Induction.
contract / By 1/9/16
At each training session
beginning of SP2 and MP3
Review points at the end of each placement / Visits to school by SCITT Manager should there be a cause for concern. / CVPA SCITT Managers
SBM and TT on Evaluation reports
- Clear definition of the role of the Partnership school mentor
Contextual information – In 2015 – 2106 exit interview 37% of trainees strongly agreed that they had effective support from their assigned SBM. Some teacher tutors, new to their roles felt they could have benefited from more guidance early on in the placement (termly feedback evaluation forms)
Objective / Action to be taken / Success criteria / Person responsible / Timescale / ResourceImplications / Actions and analysis monitored by / Evaluation/Results
All Partnership school – based mentors (SBM) play a significant role in supporting the Teacher tutor to become an effective mentor and ensure the trainee is receiving high quality training. / 1.To make clear what the role of the school-based mentor is in contrast with the role of the teacher tutor through the Partnership agreement and ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ document.
2. To clarify these R & R through training, e-mails and website. / 1. School based mentor attends training at the beginning of the academic year.
2. SBM does some joint observations at the beginning of the placement with the TT to ensure that TT is confident with the process.
3. SBM continue to promote trainee development through occasional formal observations
4. SBM fulfils roles and responsibilities outlined.
5. Exit questionnaire and termly evaluations indicate that greater than 75% of trainees strongly agree that they had effective support from their SBM. / SCITT Manager
QA Mentor visits
Head teachers / Continual.
Review points 3/4 weeks into each placement – monitor trainee’s observations.
Discussion with trainees.
Review points at termly QA mentor visit / QA Mentor visits / SCITT Manager
QA Mentor
- Increase the no of trainees who achieve an outstanding level in the teaching of phonics
Contextual information; In 2015-2016 only 21% of trainees reached a High level in teaching phonics as evidenced on the final summative report.
Objective / Action to be taken / Success criteria / Person responsible / Timescale / ResourceImplications / Actions and analysis monitored by / Evaluation/Results
For 75% or more of trainees to be outstanding in the teaching of phonics by the end of the academic year 2016-2017 / 1.Centre based training on phonics to be provided earlier in training.
2. Specific centre based training on Early Reading in Autumn term
3. All trainees to spend 4 days in EYFS
4.Separate observation and assessment chart developed for phonics
5. Partnership schools/ Teacher Tutors to be provided with a phonics observation checklist / 1. Outstanding training provided on understanding and teaching systematic synthetic phonics.
2. Outstanding training provided onteaching early reading.
3.Outstanding training provided on teaching phonics and Early reading in EYFS.
4. Improvement in observation grades seen for each trainee on their phonics assessment/observation chart over time.
5. Improvement in % of trainees achieving good and outstanding in phonics on each termly summative report / Partnership schools
and CVPA SCITT Manager
TT/ Partnership staff / 29/9/16
end of SP2
By end of year
Review points at the end of each term. / £250 Partnership school training
Partnership school training / SCITT Manager
- Linking of centre based training with practical targets in school placement
Contextual information–This was not consistent in 2015-2016. Immediate linking could help raise trainee outcomes, especially in areas such as early reading, guided reading, SEND, PE, phonics, subject knowledge and assessment – areas of lower outcome (%s) shown in statistical analysis on SED.
Objective / Action to be taken / Success criteria / Person responsible / Timescale / ResourceImplications / Actions and analysis monitored by / Evaluation/Results
To link the content delivered one week at centre based training with the next weekly tutorial, so that theory is linked to practice and provides trainees with evidence towards the Teachers’ Standards / 1.Plan Centre based training programme carefully so that Government priority areas are introduced earlier in the programme
2. Clear communication with TT regarding training schedule/programme.
3. Clear communication with Partnership trainer so that pre – training tasks are set and an appropriate practical target is set at the end of the training / 1.Outstanding training sessions on planning, safe guarding, marking and feedback, behaviour management, phonics,KS1 reading, writing and maths, SEN, KS2 reading and writing, KS2 maths, differentiation, PE, ICT, Science and EAL all take place in the Autumn term.
2. Trainees develop their research and study skills and subject knowledge by completing pre – training session tasks.
3. Trainers set a SMART target for trainee to have as part of their weekly targets for the following week.
4. Trainees are able to evidence the Teachers’ Standards relating to the area of training – verified by TT / SCITT Manager
Centre based trainers from Partnership schools.
Trainees and Teacher Tutors / 1/9/16
On – going throughout the training year
Termly review points / £250 per full training day by Partnership school. / Trainees
SCITT Manager
- Providing ‘personalised’ training by offering enhancement opportunities
Contextual information –Trainees come in with different levels of expertise and experience. CVPA SCITT feel it is important to give trainees opportunities to develop their levels of interest for future career development, employment opportunities and job satisfaction. CVPA SCITT wish to promote this as a ‘unique selling point’ and to promote stronger trainee outcomes.
Objective / Action to be taken / Success criteria / Person responsible / Timescale / ResourceImplications / Actions and analysis monitored by / Evaluation
To provide opportunities for trainees to enhance their expertise in a chosen area, so that they become an outstanding trainee in that area. Eg EYFS, SEND, Maths, English etc. This is OPTIONAL and would not take place until later in the second term. / 1.Identify particular trainee interests and strengths through the interview process.
2. Talk with trainees at the end of the first term to see if they wish to pursue an enhancement opportunity.
3. Offer flexibility in the course calendar for these trainees / 1.Trainee is able to spend more time with relevant subject coordinator to develop skills/knowledge in their area of interest.
2. Opportunity to extend additional placement in EYFS or SEND if this is area of interest.
3. Opportunity to attend courses/ network meeting in area of interest.
4. Opportunities to observe/ teach more lessons in a particular area of interest across a range of year groups. / SCITT Manager
Partnership schools. / End of SP2/ Beginning of MP3 / Possible extra courses for trainee / SCITT Manager
Head teachers