Secretary’s Newsletter
June 2009
Sunday June 21st is the Fathers Day luncheon hosted by Bob and Alicia Soss
July 4th Breakfast hosted by Frank and Ellie Busam
July 24-25 Regatta Weekend hosted by Dave and Chris Turner
Sept. 7th Labor Day Breakfast hosted by Linda Conatti
Sept. 26 Pig Roast hosted by Kyle Scanlon
Remember that all of these events require the volunteer support of our membership. The event chairpeople need your help. To make all of these events a success we also need the membership to attend them.
Since my last newsletter in April, I would like to welcome the following new members:
Steven Miklaucic, Mark Miklaucic, James Leonetti and Devin McCartney. They are all new associates.
The Lizewski family is hosting a going away party at the club for Sam Lizewski and 27 of his fellow soldiers on June 20th at 7:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass and honor our young men before they go off to Afghanistan.
Don’t forget to send a copy of your insurance declarations page to V/C Alan Exley. No proof of insurance (per Article XIV, Section 6 of the Bylaws) is a $100 per month fine.
The schedule for night watch and club house clean upis on the web site in the member’s only section.Remember it is up to you to find a substitute if you cannot make your assigned day.
At the June meeting, one of the topics discussed at length was the speed bumps. The amount of dust coming off the roadway due to traffic, dry conditions, and the wind was also discussed. There was a vote taken and the speed bumps stay. Some are happy, some are not. Planning met last Monday to try and figure out what can be done about the dust. The best thing we all can do is keep to the 5MPH speed limit and be aware of the dust your vehicle is creating.
Let’s all keep in mind that we are a club, it seems as though we tend to forget that at times.
We all need to work through our differences and enjoy our summer together.
The last item of business is the July vote on the Bylaw change read for a second time at the June meeting. The change reads as follows;
Article IV Officers / Section 3a:
The Trustees shall each hold office for a period of three years and shall be responsible to the general membership of the club, with one new member being elected each year. The senior member of the Board of Trustees shall assume chairmanship of the Board. The senior member of the Board of Trustees shall retain one key to the safety deposit box and be a registered owner of the safety deposit box.
Everyone have a safe summer and see you on the beach or on the water!
Mike Scanlon