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Confirmation Registration
St. Alphonsus Parish, 341 Munroe Ave. Winnipeg MB R2K 1H2
Phone: 204 - 667-9580 Fax: 204- 661-4384 Email:
St Alphonsus Church - Winnipeg
Registration Checklist:
My child is baptized in the Roman or Ukrainian Catholic Church ___
My child will be between the ages of 11 and 14 years as of May ___
My child is enrolled in Catholic catechism classes or a Catholic school ___
We are prepared to participate in the preparation to receive the sacrament ___
My child has not yet received the sacrament of Confirmation ___
My child was confirmed in the Ukrainian Catholic Rite but would like to
participate in the preparation and receive a blessing on Confirmation Day ___
If you checked all the above, please continue filling out this form and return pages 23
to the parish office by September30th. If you did not check allthe above, contact the
parish office for further information.
Your registration is not complete without the following:
- Photocopy of your child’s birth certificate
- Photocopy of your child’s baptism certificate
The parish office must receive these photocopies by September 20th, or you will beasked to wait until the following year to participate in the preparation process.
I have included a photocopy of my child’s birth certificate ___
I have included a photocopy of my child’s baptism certificate___
I will hand in the required photocopies at the parent information meeting___
Please Note:
- Families preparing for a sacrament must attend Mass on a regular weekly basis and special liturgical celebrations such as Christmas, Lenten Liturgies, and Easter.
- Workshops are broken into two parts.
A: Parent and Candidate prayer and teaching 6 pm – 6:45 pm
B: Parent Only Sessions and Candidate Only Sessions 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm
Community Service Requirement
Candidates are asked to fulfill a minimum of 10 hours of community service before their Confirmation Day. Opportunities such as packing Christmas Hampers, helping at First Communion Workshops, & helping at Winnipeg Harvest will be offered through the parish but candidates are encouraged to find their own opportunities for service. More details regarding community service will be provided at the first parent meeting.
Confirmation Registration: Candidate (Child) Information
Surname ______Given Name(s) ______Gender ______
Current Address ______
Birth: Date (yr ____ mm _____dd ____ ) City ______Country ______
Baptism: Date (yr ____ mm _____dd ____ ) City ______Country ______
Name of Church ______Diocese ______
Child was baptized: Roman Catholic ______Ukrainian Catholic ______Other ______
If “Other”, please describe ______
Candidate attends: St. Alphonsus Catechism ______St.Alphonsus School ______Other ______
If “Other”, please describe ______
On occasion during the preparation process, the children may be offered snacks or treats.
Allergies/Health Concerns:Photo Release:
Yes, I understand photos of myself and/or my child may be used in parish media ______
No, photos of myself and/or my child may not be used in parish media ______
Parent/Guardian Name ______Signature ______
Payment Information: Registered parish members: $45.00 Non-registered guests $60.00
Registered members of the parish help supplement the cost of materials for workshops etc. through regular donations to the parish via tax deductible weekly donations. If you wish to become a registered member of the parish, please contact the parish office.
Office Use: Date ______Received by ______Amount ______
Chq # ______Cash _____ Visa/Master Card (accepted in person at the parish office) ______
Confirmation Registration: Family & Contact Information
Birth Father: Surname ______Given Name(s) ______
Address ______Postal Code ______
Phone # ______Alt. # ______Email ______
Baptized: Roman Cath. ____ Ukrainian Cath. ____ Other ____ Church of Attendance ______
Spouse: Maiden Name ______Given Name ______
Birth Mother:
Maiden ______Given Name(s) ______Surname ______
Address ______Postal Code ______
Phone # ______Alt. # ______Email ______
Baptized: Roman Cath. ____ Ukrainian Cath. ____ Other ____ Church of Attendance ______
Legal Guardian:
Surname ______Given Name(s) ______
Address ______Postal Code ______
Phone # ______Alt. # ______Email ______
Please send all correspondence to Father _____ Mother _____ Legal Guardian _____
Sponsor Information
Maiden Name ______Surname ______Given Name ______
Mailing Address ______Postal Code ______
Email ______Church of Attendance ______
A Sponsor must fulfill the following criteria:
Baptized Roman or Ukrainian Catholic _____ 16 + years of age _____Practicing Catholic ______
Please ensure all contact information especially email is filled out correctly as this is the primary form of contact throughout the preparation process. If you do not receive a confirmation of registration email prior to the parent meeting in September, please email
Please keep page 1 at home for reference and return pages 2 and 3 to the Parish Office.