Please note: anything not answered here can be emailed to
Why can’t I see Academic Promotions in DeakinPeople?
Can I apply in 2017 if I applied and was unsuccessful in 2015?
What if my Head of School (HoS) doesn't support my application?
How long do I have to have been at Deakin to apply?
Can I apply for promotion if I am a Teaching Scholar?
What is Achievement Relative to Opportunity?
What exactly is the role of my Head of School/equivalent in my application?
What are ‘weightings’?
Do I need to nominate referees and obtain referee reports?
What trimesters will be shown to the committee?
What if I haven’t taught in all of the eVALUate trimesters?
How do Research Output Reports work?
My “Staff Profile” page isn’t up to date?
I have items “in press” – what should I do?
Am I invited to meet with the committee?
What is the purpose of the meeting?
Who is on the promotions panel? Why is it so big?
How/when will I find out the outcome of my application?
Why does it take 4-5 weeks after committee meeting to notify applicants of the outcome?
Why should I seek feedback after the outcome?
I disagree with the outcome what should I do?
Why can’t I see Academic Promotions in DeakinPeople?
Direct link:
The online form will only be accessible during the application open period. Due to the nature of the database the online form is only available for access while connected to the wireless internet while at a Deakin campus or by connecting to the VPN if you are off campus. Please read the VPN help sheet before contacting eSolutions or HR for further assistance.
Can I apply in 2018 if I applied and was unsuccessful in 2016?
It is highly recommended that those who were unsuccessful in 2016, do not reapply in 2018. If you wish to do so, you are required to discuss with the Chair of the relevant promotions committee to explain why you wish to apply in 2018, what feedback you received in 2016 and how you have worked on that feedback. Remember it is a short time frame – consider if you be able to show impact in that time.
What if my Head of School (HoS) doesn't support my application?
It is rare to have Heads of Schools not support an application as the discussion should have commenced during PPR development or leading up to the Academic Promotions round. The application can still go forward and the HoS will supply a confidential Applicant Assessment Report that goes directly to committee. The HoS will also attend your meeting with the committee.
However, the governing policy and procedure does allow you to seek approval from the Chair of your promotions committee to request that your HoS not write a report or attend your meeting if you feel their presence will negatively impact on your application. Please refer to the Procedure or contact for more information.
How long do I have to have been at Deakin to apply?
While there is no set time frame in the Academic Promotions Policy, you must be able to demonstrate the ‘sustained achievement’ you have made during your time Deakin University only – either since your last promotion at Deakin or since your appointment to Deakin – whichever is the most recent. ‘Sustained achievement’ is defined as normally at least two years. The purpose of your Career Synopsis document however is to show the momentum during your academic career and gives the committee the overall picture and your academic trajectory.
Can I apply for promotion if I am a Teaching Scholar?
Yes you can. If you were successful in your application you would no longer be a Teaching Scholar andwill become a Teaching and Research Academic. Teaching Scholars at level A will apply for a Level B promotion and Level B Teaching Scholars are able to apply for either a Level B or Level C Teaching and Research promotion (ie. A level B3 Teaching Scholar could be promoted to B4 or C1 as a Teaching and Research Academic). Please keep in mind that while you do not need to be top of scale to apply for promotion, you will need to demonstrate that you are performing at the required level according to your weightings selection.
What is Achievement Relative to Opportunity?
This section of the application provides academics with an option to comment if they have felt that the quantity of their work has been impacted by particular circumstances. It is certainly not about reducing the standards as the quality of the work should be maintained – it just means that there are variations in the quantity of outputs for a particular period of time. Providing this information allows you to explain your circumstances so that the promotion committee can take this into account when assessing your achievements. This section should not be too personal - however any information provided to the promotion committee is kept confidential. Examples include part-time appointments, illness, significant planned/unplanned leave, carer’s responsibilities or other personal circumstances.
What exactly is the role of my Head of School/equivalent in my application?
The role of the Head of School is important to the committee and they have three key roles:
- Mentor – as your mentor they are there to provide advice before, during and after the promotion round. They should review a draft of your application, make any suggestions and provide you their personal feedback after the meeting with committee.
- Applicant Assessment Report – Heads of Schools will also complete a confidential report about your application. This report goes directly to the promotions committee andincludes the nomination of two/three referees, a comment regarding your weightings selection and an overall recommendation whether they support your application or not.
- Attending your meeting with the promotion committee–a silent observer, your Head of School will sit with you during the meeting and then will stay for a further 5 minutes with the committee to answer any further questions.
What are ‘weightings’?
As an applicant, you will make the final determination on how to present your case for promotion with respect to the three academic fields (Learning and Teaching, Research and Scholarship and Service). The two options are outlined below:
a)Option A: Sustained contribution one level above the current appointment in two of the academic fields; or
b)Option B: Sustained contribution that is two levels above the current appointment in either Learning and Teaching or Research and Scholarship. For those currently at level D, this means exceeding the Minimum Standards for Level E.
The weighting is based on the quality of your achievements as reflected by demonstrable outcomes and their impact.
- Weightings provide guidance to the promotion committee on where you see the strengths and the emphasis of your case for promotion
- Minimum standards and typical duties document is provided as a guide to assist you in making that assessment
- Important to discuss your weightings with your PPR supervisor, HoS (or equivalent), mentor and/or senior colleagues. That discussion can help you to clarify how you would best present your application to support your case for promotion
- Your HoS will be asked to comment on your weightings selection in their Applicant Assessment Report.
Do I need to nominate referees and obtain referee reports?
No you do not need to do either- only your Head of School will need to nominate referees. Please refer to the guidelines on the Academic Promotions webpage.
What trimesters will be shown to the committee?
T3, 2016 and T1, T2 and T3, 2017. You are welcome to include data from T1, 2018 in your one page update to the committee.
What if I haven’t taught in all of the eVALUate trimesters?
Two trimesters worth of eVALUate data will be sufficient. The main focus for the committee is more on your 200 word response to the eVALUate data rather than the results themselves. Should you only have one trimester worth of data, please email to discuss an alternative time period that can be used.
How do Research Output Reports work?
Please refer to the Guidelines document for a more thorough explanation of Research Output Reports. In short, you are required to ensure yourStaff Profilepage is up to date and include a direct URL to your page in your application.
My “Staff Profile” page isn’t up to date?
As per the Academic Promotions Guidelines – you should check this page as soon as you decide to apply for promotion. You should follow your Faculty process to update the listing but be mindful that promotions is a peak time which could result in processing delays.
If you think items are missing, check the guidelines to ensure they are eligible for this page. Everything else can be included in your Statement of Achievement or one page update wherever you feel it is more relevant.
I have items “in press” – what should I do?
Given these are not going to show in your Research Output Report, you should consider how impactful they are to your application and whether you should include them as part of your application or one page update and include a note to the committee to show the status of the document. Eg: Academic Promotions at Deakin, 2017 (in press)
Am I invited to meet with the committee?
Yes you are invited to meet with the committee for approximately 15 minutes. You will be invited to submit a one (1) A4 page update since you submitted your application prior to the meeting. Please note, your Head of School will also attend this meeting with you.
What is the purpose of the meeting?
Not only is it your chance to meet with your senior colleagues in the Faculty/University, but the main purpose is for the committee to clarify any parts of your application they feel necessary. Sometimes an application doesn’t speak for itself and the committee want to ask you directly. Question may include: what was your contribution to this paper; what is your role in this team; what was the impact of this teaching innovation; what is your approach to HDR students?
Who is on the promotions panel? Why is it so big?
The formal panel composition can be found in the Academic Promotions Policy under Schedule A: Academic Promotion Committee Memberships. Where possible, we aim to cover as many bases as possible – teaching, research, service and broad discipline areas. We also aim to have a reasonable gender balance, and where appropriate a mixture of length of service to bring a healthy mix of perspective. Of course this is an extremely difficult task and while it may feel like no one on the panel knows your specific discipline, please consider the size the panel would need to be if we aimed to do that. That’s why it is your job to ensure your application can be understood by anyone outside your own discipline area.
How will I find out the outcome of my application?
HR will email you from , copying in your Head of School and Executive Dean (or equivalent roles). The email will contact a pdf letter signed by the Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education.
Why does it take 4-5 weeks after committee meeting to notify applicants of the outcome?
After the committee meetings occur, the information needs to be collated including a rationale and commentary/feedback for each applicant. That information then needs to be sent to the DVCR and DVCE for their review and recommendation before being sent to the Vice-Chancellor for final approval. Once that approval is received, the relevant letter of advice needs to be drawn up including the specific commentary/feedback for the applicant. The letters are then signed and saved to pdf. Advice is then given to the Executive Deans and Heads of Schools before being sent to each applicant via email.
Why should I seek feedback after the outcome?
The promotions process is a learning tool – regardless of your outcome. If you were successful – find out why and what you impressed the panel with so you can plan for the future and continue doing more of the same thing. If you were unsuccessful find out why and how far away you are from promotion. What were the gaps and how can you go about addressing them. The governing policy and procedure do require you to seek feedback from the Chair of the panel in the first instance. Remember if you’re unsuccessful – it’s not a no, it’s a not yet.
I disagree with the outcome what should I do?
Firstly you need to remember that you can only request reconsideration on the grounds that a procedural irregularity has occurred.If you are confidentthat has happened, you then need to discuss your concerns with the Chair of the promotions panel before submitting a request to the Chair,in writing within 28 days of receipt of the outcome letter.