1/23/2014 – 2:30 p.m. (EST)
Conference Bridge:
Access Code: 2203616
- Roll Call
Duquesne, First Energy, PECO
ConEd Solutions, Constellation, Direct Energy, Dominion Energy, UGI Energy Services, Washington Gas and Energy Services
EDI Providers:
Intelometry, Big Data Energy Services, Energy Services Group
- Reviewed the Draft PUC Letter
-Betty from ConEd Solutions reviewed it and it looked good
-Brandon (Intelometry) asked for the blessing of the subgroup and received it
-EDEWG Leadership will get it moving forward, but no timeline is available for it yet
- WPWG Solution Framework (Updated by Joe B.)
-Kyle (PECO) talked about the document in detail, including specific questions raised in it
- Only licensed entities can access the portal
- There was an inquiry as to whether other EDCs will be using their current web portals as PECO was thinking of using the Success website
- However, each EDC may be going down the path of a separate website
-Conversation about how unlicensed entities would use it, a suggestion that maybe the PUC would give them credentials.
- This also relates to Conservation Service Providers (CSPs) which are referenced by the PUC in the Smart Meter Data order.
- WPWG Solution Framework and Credential Methodology
- Options for credentials that were suggested are:
- One Credential for an organization, and unlicensed subcontractors would use this
- Each Organization could have multiple credentials, all of which are managed by the EDC
- Each organization could have a “super user” who would get access to the portal, and this Super user would then manage the credentialing for their organization and subcontractors under them
- Specific concern was raised regarding if an entity could take back 3rd party certificates, if those were used
- Nobody seemed to like having just one credential for each licensed EGS
- it was brought up that PPL currently has credentials for individual users, and they manage the lists themselves
- They will put this in the document for next time, and have a vote on it. Consensus leaned towards multiple credentials, but haven’t decided who will manage the lists – The EDCs themselves or the EGSs
-Some Discussion revolved around the Section 2.2 Data Requests
-Will it be real-time as opposed to batched was an important concern
-There are still some concerns about Single User-Multiple Request vs. System to System.
-It was also noted that we shouldn’t talk about making adjustments in the future, as the PUC is unlikely to revisit this after we make a plan and implement it. There is nothing in the order that accounts for anything later on down the line to be implemented.
-Big Data Energy briefly discussed the Smart Meter Texas (SMT) model where interval data (billing) would be made available for all accounts on a daily basis for retrieval by the user. WPWG previously discussed this as a ‘premium service’ possibility. The discussion points made aligned this model with retail products such as TOU, Demand Response, Pre-pay, forecasting, etc.
- March 2014 Deadline
Brandon (Intelometry) –Made the statement that the WPWG approved Draft PUC Letter will be sent to EDEWG Leadership then processed in whatever manner is deemed appropriate for filing with the PUC.
Kyle (PECO) – assuming the PUC ‘blesses’ the EDEWG letter, the Solution Paper would require modification to include details relative to supporting the interval billing data.
- Next Steps:
Next meetings:
February 5th@ 2:30pm
Conference Bridge:
Access Code: 2203616