Wednesday May 30th 2018

4:00 - 7:00pm Registration: Warrensburg Room

5:00 -7:30 pm Executive Board Meeting: Glens Falls Room (Pizza, wings and salad)

7:30- 9:00 pm Welcoming Cocktail Reception Tankard Tavern Wine/Beer/Cheese Tray or Hors D'oeuvres

8:00 -9:00 pm Donny Elvis sings

9:00 -11:00pm Hospitality Room Open

Thursday, May 31

Breakfast on our own in the White Lion Room or Hospitality Room

7:30 am - 4 pm Registration

7:45 am- Noon General Business Session

7:45 am Door Prizes Main Session

8:00am Call to Order

8:05am Invocation

8:10am Posting of the Colors (Militia from Ft.WilliamHenryMuseum)

8:15am Pledge of Allegiance

8:20am Opening Song (working on Lake GeorgeSchool District)?

8:25am Convention Announcements

8:30am Recognition of special guests Tony Leonardi UPMA Co- National President, Retiree National President tentative

8:35am Welcoming Remarks - Caleb Chuchta, Postmaster Lake George or someone from the Chamber of Commerce tentative

9:00am KEYNOTE SPEAKER Retiree Speaker to be determined

10:00am Roll Call, Gerald Geddis,NYS Sec/Treas.

10:10am Convention Rules,

10:15am Recognition of Past Presidents, Dan Leonard, NYS President

10:20am Recognition of Retirees + Associate Members, Mike Sylvestri, NYS Retirees President

10:25am Introduction of First Timers,

10:30am Break

10:40am Large prize drawn

10:45am Game

10:55am Officer reports:

President,Dan Leonard

Secretary-Treasurer, Gerald Geddis, (Budget & incentives for year)

National Vice Presidents, Area 3 -

National RetireeArea 2 Representative - Dave Cook PM Retired Westbury

National Eastern Membership Chair - Frank Kouba

Committee Reports:

By-Laws - Dan Leonard (To be voted on Saturday)

Time & Place, Any proposed (To be voted on Saturday)

Announcements, Convention Chair, Jill Gressen

11:45am-12:00pm Vendor speaking

12:00pm LUNCH served

1:00-4:00 pm Postal Seminars - Retirement Joni Montroy

Retirees - on your own – Afternoon

Friday June 1st

Breakfast on our own in the White Lion Room or Hospitality Room

7:30 am - 11:00am Registration

7:45 am - 11:00am General Business Session

7:45 am Door Prizes Main Session

8:00am Call to Order

Editor, Hiedi Freeman

Executive Vice President Amy Dalrymple

Vice President PM Education & Development, Rachel Norton-Rowland

Vice PresidentLegislative, Frank Kouba

Vice President PAC, Donna Jenness

Vice President Chapter Member Representative, Lisa Tripodo

Scholarship, Daniel O’Neil

8:30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Tony Leonardi NAPUS National President

10:00am - 10:30am Candidate speeches all offices National President

10:30am -10:50am National Vice President

10:50am - 11:00am State Vice Presidents

10:45 Game

1055 large prize

11 am-12 pm: Boat Cruise Boarding

12 pm - 2 pm Luncheon/Boat Cruise on Lake George (see registration for guest prices for lunch cruise) or lunch on your own

2:30-4:30 pm: Training Session e-Career

2:30pm Memorial Service Rehearsal

4:00-6:30pm Hospitality Room

7:00 Auction (all alcohol has to be purchased at bar, no bring in to auction)

Hospitality Room Open 9-11 pm?

Saturday June 2nd

Breakfast on our own in the White Lion Room or Hospitality Room

7:30 am - 4:00pm Registration

7:45 am Door Prizes Main Session

8:00am Call to Order

Memorial Service

845am-12 pm General Session

8:45-9:15am Adverse Action Cathy Winnie

9:15am Time & Place,

9:45am Break/prize/game/announcements

10:00am Budget, Audit Gerry Geddis

Registration, Brenda Finch

PAC, Donna Jenness

By-Laws Dan Leonard


National President, National Vice Presidents

Nominations for State Vice Presidents, (Legislative & Chapter Member Representative)

11:30 amUnfinished Business

New Business


Retiring of the Colors – Veterans


LUNCH on your own

2:00-3:30 pm Postal Seminar Chapter Member Representative, Cathy Winnie, Lisa Tripodo

330-430 8 hour work day group discussion, Dan Leonard

4:00 – 6:00pm Hospitality Open – Shaker Room

6:00 – 7:00 pm Cash Bar Open – Ballroom

7:00 pmBANQUET – Ballroom

Dinner Speaker: Tony Leonardi, UPMA National President

9:00-12:00pm Followed by dancing with DJ - One Smooth DJ Will Moffitt

Hospitality Open following Banquet until 11-12

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Check – Out Travel Home Safely!

8:30 – 10:30am Executive Board Meeting

This agenda is subject to change.