Sociology and Social Work – Department Chair, Vacancy No. 602731

Screening Matrix


Applicant's/Candidate's NameCommittee Member Name

Step 1: Screening for minimum qualifications for applicant(Circle "yes" or "no" for each criterion)

A.A PhD or doctorate in Sociology, Social Work, or closely related discipline.

YesNo ------>Out

B.Record of achievement commensurate with

with an appointment at the rank of

advancedAssociate or Full Professor

YesNo ------>Out

C.Minimum of two years of administrative

experience and/or documented leadership within

a university structure(e.g., directors and

administrators of programs, project coordinator,

chair, or above)

YesNo ------>Out

CANDIDATES FOR WHOM "YES" is CIRCLED on criteria A, B, and C have met the minimum criteria and are legally considered to be in the Initial Pool of qualified applicants.

If candidate does not meet the minimum qualifications, a status code (R1 – R5) must be assigned (see page 5 of Faculty Search Process): ______


Applicant's/Candidate's NameCommittee Member Name

Step 2: After pool certification, proceed to step 3 for those who meet the minimum qualifications.

Step 3: Evaluate according to the following preferred criteria.

3a. Department Chair, Sociology and Social Work: Leadership Evaluation Guidelines

Qualification / 0 = Not present / 1 = Average / 2 = Good / 3 = Outstanding / Weight / Total (multiply score by weight)
Evidence of providing effective leadership / 3
Evidence of effective interpersonal and communication skills / 3
Commitment to advocate for faculty, staff, and students in both Sociology and Social Work. / 3

Leadership total:_____ (maximum points = 27)


Applicant's/Candidate's NameCommittee Member Name

3b. Department Chair, Sociology and Social Work: Scholarship Evaluation Guidelines

Qualification / 0 = Not present / 1 = Average / 2 = Good / 3 = Outstanding / Weight / Total (multiply score by weight)
A record of nationally recognized scholarship evidenced by peer reviewed publications and presentations. / 3
A record of external funding. / 3

Scholarship total: _____ (maximum points = 18)

3c. Department Chair, Sociology and Social Work: Diversity Evaluation Guidelines

Qualification / 0 = Not present / 1 = Average / 2 = Good / 3 = Outstanding / Weight / Total (multiply score by weight)
Evidence of commitment to diversity: scholarship and/or leadership experience focused on issues of diversity or diverse populations; working with diverse populations on campus and in the community. / 4

Diversity total: _____ (maximum points = 12)


Applicant's/Candidate's NameCommittee Member Name

3d. Department Chair, Sociology and Social Work: Teaching Evaluation Guidelines

Qualification / 0 = Not present / 1 = Average / 2 = Good / 3 = Outstanding / Weight / Total (multiply score by weight)
Evidence of commitment to high quality education through curriculum development, quality teaching, and working with undergraduate and graduate students. / 4

Teaching total: _____ (maximum points = 12)

Additional comments:______.

Step 5: Calculate total score

Leadership total:______(maximum points = 27)

Scholarship total:______(maximum points = 18)

Diversity total:______(maximum points = 12)

Teaching total:______(maximum points = 12)

Total score:______(maximum points = 69)

Step 6:Search committee decides who to invite for telephone interviews.