Artistic Expression
C5. Expressions of Culture: Traditions of Artwork, Craftwork, Music, and Literature
Outcome / Indicators of Mastery / /4Students will demonstrate an appreciation for traditional and contemporary expressions of First Nations art, crafts, music, and literature. / · Distinguish between Western and traditional First Nations concepts of art
· Identify and describe traditional crafts of the Mi’kmaq
· Demonstrate a knowledge of and an appreciation for individual artists and their work.
· Read, interpret, and evaluate a variety of works of First Nations literature
· Co-operatively select and notate a variety of pieces of literature for inclusion in an anthology
· Identify universal themes in First Nations literature and art.
Mi’Kmaw Art & Expression
You may work with one other person. You will present your findings to the class in a circle sharing. You may use PPT to help you and show visuals.
You will have two classes worth of time to work on the research and one class to share your results. Please make sure you are ready to share on the day we agree to use for the sharing. By the end of the first class you will inform the teacher as to if you are working with someone and which option you have chosen. By the end of the second class you will need to inform the teacher about the grant or artist you have chosen to research.
Option 1 / Option 2Create a profile of a native artist, dancer, musician or film maker. Who are they? What are some of the works they have done? How are their works important? Where are they from? What are some key things that have happened to them to make them who they are? / Research programs or government grants that native artists could access to assist in their creation of art. What program is it? What kinds of resources can they access? What is the application process? Who is eligible? What kinds of art can you create under this program? Does this program seem useful?