Unit Two Review Questions

1. Which of the following is a type of map designed specifically designed to show population density?

A. dot map D. political map

B. contour map E. census map

C. topographic map

2. All of the following accurately describe modern population distribution on a global scale EXCEPT:

A. distribution is increasingly affected by rapidly growing urban areas

B. most people live in areas of low altitude

C. about 50% of all people live in the southern hemisphere

D. about 2/3 of world population is concentrated within 300 miles of the ocean

E. most river valleys are still heavily populated areas

3. In what way is Europe different from population concentration areas in Asia?

A. Europe is much more sparsely populated than the population centers in Asia

B. Europe’s population is primarily concentrated in urban areas

C. Most Europeans are farmers, whereas most Asians live in urban areas

D. Europe population concentrations have been shaped more strongly by natural resources

E. Most Europeans live close to bodies of water; most Asians do not

4. The arithmetic population density of Egypt is 74, but its physiologic population density is more than 3500. Which of the following is the best explanation for why the two figures are so different?

A. Egypt’s population is hard to estimate because the government does not do a good job of conducting a census

B. Most of Egypt’s population is in rural areas, and is spread evenly across the country

C. Egypt’s carrying capacity is far greater than that of most other countries in the same geographic area

D. Much of Egypt is desert, so its people put a great deal of pressure on the arable land

E. A few people (the rich) monopolize the land and natural resources of Egypt


The population pyramid above most closely resembles the age and sex composition of

A. the United States D. Canada

B. the United Kingdom E. Swaziland

C. Sweden

6. The natural increase of a country is determined by

A. multiplying its annual crude death rate by its annual crude birth rate

B. adding the number of people that immigrate to the number of people already living in the country

C. subtracting the annual crude death rate from the annual crude birth rate

D. conducting a census every ten years

E. subtracting the annual infant mortality rate from the annual fertility rate

7. Which of the following BEST describes the conclusions reached by Thomas Malthus in his famous essay on the world’s population?

A. He believed that most critics exaggerated potential problems caused by population growth

B. He concluded that population grows at an arithmetic rate and food production at a geometric rate

C. He concluded that population growth could best be addressed by birth control and family planning

D. He concluded that population growth could be contained by applying technology to food production

E. He believed population growth could only be contained in the future by negative checks

8. According to the demographic transition theory, what factor changes first to propel a country into Stage 2: high growth?

A. birth rates go up D. death rates go down

B. fertility rates go up E. the infant mortality rates go up

C. life expectancy declines

9. Which of the following is the BEST example of a country whose national population policy has directly restricted population growth in recent years?

A. Mexico D. France

B. India E. China

C. Nigeria

10. Which of the following is NOT one of Ernst Ravenstein’s migration laws?

A. The majority of immigrants move only a short distance

B. Migrants who move longer distances tend to choose cities as their destinations

C. Each migration flow produces a counterflow

D. Families are less likely to make international moves than young, single adults

E. Push factors are usually more important than pull factors in explaining why people migrate

Use chart above to answer questions 11 and 12.

11. Suppose that a family moves from Point A to Point B. Two years later, they move from Point B to Point C. Two years later, they move from Point C to Point D. This type of movement illustrated in the chart is called

A. circulation D. chain migration

B. net migration E. push and pull mobility

C. step migration

12. Suppose that the family moved from Point A with the intention of moving to Point C. Along the way, at Point B, the adult family members found jobs, so decided to settle in Point B. Their pattern of movement was alternated by

A. intervening opportunities D. their space-time prism

B. economic push factors E. their activity space

C. environmental pull factors

13. Which of the following is the best example of a cultural push factor stimulating migration?

A. people forced to leave New Orleans because of Hurricane Katrina

B. Oklahoma farmers driven off their land by drought during the 1930s

C. Eastern Europeans attracted to job opportunities in Western Europe

D. Palestinians that left Israel after Jewish migration to the new country in 1948

E. 19th century Europeans that moved to the United States because it was a democracy

14. Which of the following areas has a net in-migration?

A. South America D. India

B. Southeast Asia E. Europe

C. China

15. Immigrants to the United States since 1945 have come increasingly from

A. Eastern and Southern Europe D. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

B. Northern and Western Europe E. The Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa

C. Asia and Latin America

16. Which of the following regions is currently experiencing the fastest population growth?

A. Northern Asia D. Sun Belt

B. Tropical Africa E. Northeast United States

C. Eastern Europe

17. Throughout human history, world population has

A. grown at a steady rate

B. experienced numerous periods of dramatic decline

C. been confined to countries in the southern hemisphere

D. grown most rapidly over the last 200 years

E. grown most rapidly in the developed world

18. The number of live births per thousand people per year is called the

A. total fertility rate D. exponential growth rate

B. natural increase rate E. infant growth rate

C. crude birth rate

19. Refugees are produced through

A. cultural migration D. economic migration

B. forced migration E. chain migration

C. internal migration

20. Many recent college graduates and young professionals move to large, vibrant cities – such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles – with nightlife, cultural amenities, and job opportunities. These attractions are examples of

A. economic factors D. pull factors

B. mobility opportunities E. push factors

C. suburban amenities

21. Thomas Malthus predicted that

A. technology will offset population growth

B. the distribution of resources would be a continuing problem

C. population would outpace food production

D. the environment would allow less food to be grown in the future

E. the Green Revolution would provide agricultural technology to support increasing populations

22. A rectangle-shaped population pyramid indicates a country that is

A. growing slowly or not at all

B. growing rapidly

C. experiencing high immigration rates

D. composed mainly of the older age classes

E. highly dependent on the economically productive generations

23. Population policy usually involves limitations on

A. fertility levels D. All of the above

B. immigration levels E. Both A and B

C. education levels

24. What stage of the Demographic Transition Model do most demographers agree the United States is in?

A. Stage 1 D. Stage 4

B. Stage 2 E. Stage 5

C. Stage 3

25. Which of the following countries is in the top five in terms of total population in the world?

A. Iran D. Vietnam

B. Pakistan E. Russia

C. Indonesia

26. The Dust Bowl in the Great Plains is the best example of which push or pull factor?

A. political pull factor D. environmental push factor

B. economic push factor E. economic pull factor

C. environmental pull factor

27. What is the seasonal migration of livestock to pasture lands where food is more plentiful called?

A. transhumance D. step migration

B. natality E. interval migration

C. sustainability

28. Country Populationville has a crude birth rate of 25 and a crude death rate of 13, while the country of Demograville has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 25. Which country will experience the fastest natural increase rate?

A. Neither of the will, because Populationville has a natural increase rate above 2

B. Populationville will, because its crude birth rate is higher

C. Demograville will, because its crude death rate is lower

D. Populationville will, because its crude death rate is lower

E. Demograville will, because its difference between the two rates is greatest

29. What revolution coincided with the world’s population explosion?
A. First Agricultural Revolution D. Scientific Revolution

B. Second Agricultural Revolution E. Demographic Revolution

C. Third Agricultural Revolution

30 If a country has a crude birth rate of 21 and a crude death rate of around 9 (the world averages), then in what stage of the Demographic Transition Model is it?

A. Stage 1 D. Stage 4

B. Stage 2 E. Stage 5

C. Stage 3

31. The idea that once a culture locates in another area, the original customs and traditions will eventually die out or are less strong, is best characterized by which term?

A. place utility D. transhumance

B. acculturation E. gravity model

C. distance decay

32. Which of the following countries can you assume has the greatest demographic momentum based on its crude birth rate and crude death rate?

A. Mozambique: 41 birth rate and 20 death rate

B. Tanzania: 42 birth rate and 17 death rate

C. Ethiopia: 39 birth rate and 15 death rate

D. Zimbabwe: 30 birth rate and 23 death rate

E. Reunion: 19 birth rate and 5 death rate

33. In which of the following countries is life expectancy projected to drop the most by the year 2015?

A. Luxembourg C. Japan

B. Namibia E. Mongolia

C. Russia

34. Which of the following measurements would give a demographer the closest prediction of reproductive behavior in a woman in a country?

A. crude birth rate D. total fertility rate

B. rate of natural increase E. life expectancy

C. infant morality rate

35. By 2050, which country is projected to have the highest population in the world?

A. China D. India

B. Japan E. United States

C. Russia

36. Which country is in the region with the highest concentration of people?

A. Brazil D. Czech Republic

B. Nigeria E. South Korea

C. United States

37. In which stage of the demographic transition model does the medical revolution take place?

A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 C. Stage 3 D. Stage 4 E. Stage 5

38. Replacement rate, the number of births needed to keep a population at a stable level without immigration, requires a total fertility of

A. 10. C. 3.5.

B. 2.1. D. 5.

39. The number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land is the

A. average density. C. physiologic density.

B. total density. D. agricultural density.

40. The major focus of North America’s population is

A. Chicago. C. the Megalopolis region.

B. California. D. the South.

41. Food production, contrary to the predictions of Malthus, has grown exponentially because of a number of factors. Which one of the following is not one of these factors?

A. expanded agricultural acreage C. fertilizer application

B. improved strains of seeds D. an increase in the number of farmers in Britain

42. Low population growth resulting from high CBR and very high CDR is characteristic of stage ____ of the demographic transition.


43. A population pyramid with a wide base and narrow top is indicative of

A. developed countries.

B. countries in Stage IV of the demographic transition.

C. developing countries.

D. low infant mortality

44. All of the following are examples of periodic movements except

A. going to college. C. commuting to work

B. transhumance. D. migrant workers

45. The long-term relocation of an individual, household, or group to a new location outside the community of origin is called

A. resettlement. C. migration.

B. emigration. D. transmovement.

46. One of the “laws” of migration as derived by Ravenstein states that

A. urban residents are more migratory than rural. C. urban residents are less migratory than rural.

B. rural residents are more migratory than urban. D. rural inhabitants hardly ever migrate

47. In 1995, the collapse of which of the following European countries produced the largest refugee crisis in Europe since the end of World War II?

A. Turkey C. Greece

B. Yugoslavia D. Romani a

48. One recent refugee crisis in Southwest Asia took place in 1991, when, in the aftermath of the Gulf War, the ______population of northern Iraq was forced to leave their villages and flee across the Turkish and Iranian borders.

A. Christian C. Indian

B. Kurdish D. Jewish

49. What is the model which states that spatial interaction between places (e.g. migration) is directly related to the population size and inversely related to the distance between them?

A. gravity model C. distance decay model

B. model of emigration D. intervening opportunity model

50. In comparison to Asia, the percentage of the population living in urban places in Germany and the United Kingdom is

A. less than in Asia. C. greater than Asia

B. about the same as in Asia. D. declining