Meridian Youth Football, Inc.
PO Box 341, Sanford, MI 48657
Board Meeting Minutes
Krissy SeidlHeather NovakDanny MerillatScott Holzinger
Gary MillerAmber ValleyAmy NohelNick Trewhella
Matt Olmsted
Meeting start time – 8:02 p.m.
- Roll call
- Minutes of previous meeting – no problems.
- Treasurer Report -$21,976 balance as of right now.
- Safety Report – Scott not here. There will be a code that coaches need to put in to do their USA football training.
- Old business
- Final registration report(s) – 202 total. 3/4cheer - 19,3/4 Tackle- 32, 5/6 Cheer –14, 5/6 Tackle- 26, 7/8 Cheer-12, 7th Grade- 21, 8th Grade- 21 Flag - 57
- Finalize parent meeting agenda- July 19th Recognize board, introduce coaches, have Bilina speak, hot dogs, break out to meet coaches/parent meeting.
- Set date for CPR/First Aid with Amber and coaches- We will have a smaller group High school will not be participating.
- New business
- Head coach selections
- 3/4 Scott Holzinger - unanimous
- 5/6 Mark Novak - unanimous
- 7th Joel Noyes - unanimous
- 8th Mark Bailey – unanimous
- 7/8 Cheer – Rachel Radcliffe - unanimous
- Coaches meeting prior to camp – July 12th, 2018. Bilina’s classroom.
- Open discussion
- Addition to press box. - $5700 with trailer for contractor to do it – concrete, blocks, etc. Would need to have someone build rafters. Need to talk about having a window or a rolled door. Danny would like to see a drawing of what it would look like. Scott will look into it.
- Cheerleading – Amber is proposing to move 6th graders up to 7/8th grade, move 4th graders up to 5/6.
- Sponsorship price change proposal – Change from $200 new, $175 to renew. Want to change it to $150 new, $100 returning. Scott H. motions to change it. 2nd Heather Novak. Voted to change. Krissy will get working on sponsorships and getting decals made to give businesses.
- Camp kids will get t-shirts. Coaches need to contact kids to see what kids are coming to camp.
- Adjourn 9:10 p.m.