Central High School
145 Main Street
Hayneville, Alabama 36040
August 11, 2014
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
SY 2014-2015
Instructors: Senior Army Instructor (SAI), 1SG Wanda Russell
Army Instructor (AI), SFC Reginald Williams
Rooms: 144 & 149 Phone: (334) 563-9117
GENERAL: During the SY 2014-2015, all cadets will undergo training in basic citizenship skills. This will include classroom and outside instruction. They will acquire skill in organization, structure and operation of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps JROTC.
**There is a $40 activity fee that is required by all JROTC Cadets, this will OFF SET THE COST OF TRANSPORTATION, END OF YEAR PICNIC, MILITARY BALL/AWARDS, ETC.
**Each Cadet will be required to purchase a Polo style JROTC shirt at a cost between $10 - $15.
The shirt will be worn one time during the month for a grade and several field trips and activities all for a grade.
**Each Cadet will need the following supplies:
· Black or Blue Black ink pens
· Color markers
· Ruler
· One subject spiral notebook
· Pack of loose paper
· Pack of section tabs
1. Custom and courtesies
2. Leadership Laboratory
3. Wellness and Fitness
4. Time Management Skills
5. Career Goals
6. Drug , Bullying Awareness & Prevention
7. Social Skills
8. Character Education
9. Ceremonies (Up to Battalion)
10. College or Vocational Planning
11. Inspection preparation
This list is not all-inclusive and is designed to be flexible and accommodate the learning needs of the cadets, as they become apparent.
**These subjects include, but are not limited to the Mandatory participation in several activities that occur after school or on a weekend:
· Back to school Parade
· Christmas Parade
· Homecoming Parade
· Any other Parade that requires our presence
· Military Ball
· Military Awards Program
The JROTC program is a hands-on type of training and learning. In order to succeed in this program you will be expected to participate in all classrooms and outside activities. Cadets should therefore dress to participate in outside activities. The following is a breakdown of subject areas and their percentage towards the final grade:
Uniform Wear (Major): 50% the uniform must be worn on uniform day (Wednesday). If absent, follow the instructions below or no points will be allowed that week. (WITH NO EXCEPTIONS).
Drill Training/ (PT) Physical Training (Minor): 25% if you are unable to participate in neither Drill nor PT, in order for you to receive credit for that day’s activity, you must have a note from a Doctor. You may be excused with a note from a parent but you will not receive credit for that day.
Class Participation (Daily): 25% this grade is given for a cadet’s attitude towards instructions, enthusiasm in class, assignment completion and knowledge of subject areas.
**MAJOR EVENTS worth 300 points
All cadets are issued a complete uniform for which they are responsible for maintaining and safeguarding. The uniform remains the property of the JROTC Department and must be returned at the end of each semester in a serviceable condition.
The uniform must be worn on uniform day (Wednesday), the whole day, unless excused by the cadet Instructor. Should a student be absent on uniform day, they are to wear the uniform on the next school day, they are to wear the uniform on the next school day they return to school. The cadet is responsible for the uniform and not his/her parents. By this designation of direct responsibility we aspire to teach young people responsibility for their own actions and planning. Shirts will be washed and ironed after each wear with special attention being paid to the collar. Notes from parents asking that a cadet be excused from uniform day because the uniform is in the cleaners will not be accepted. Haircut policies will be explained to each cadet. However, the basic rule is that the hair my not touch the ears or shirt collar. Female cadets must wear their hair up so as to permit proper wear of the hat. In no case are extreme hairstyles, tongue, lip, face, eye lids, nose, etc. piercing permitted. Extreme hairstyles include Mohawks, spike hair, braids and locks (MALES) and any color that is not natural (Maroon, Fire engine red, pink, purple, etc.) Females may wear one set of ¼ inch post earrings. However, multiple earrings permitted. Also, male cadets are not allowed to wear earrings, at any time, while participating in any JROTC activity. The final authority on what is permitted remains with the JROTC Instructors.
**If you are counseled for correction more than two (2) times after proper instruction, you will be asked to turn in your uniform. When the uniform is turned in you will receive a zero for your uniform and a zero for formation or whatever activity that would require you to be in uniform. Your parent/guardian must have a conference with one of the instructors in order to get the uniform back.
Print Cadet Name: Date:
Signature of Cadet
Print Parent/Guardian Name: Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: