The Bert Fish Medical Center Board of Directors

Southeast Volusia Hospital District Board of Commissioners

June 18, 2013

City of Edgewater council Chamber


Present: / Commissioners/Directors: / Others Present: / Others Present: / Others Present:
X / Joseph BenedictIII, Chairman / Chris Ilardi / Pete Lawson-HMA / BFMC Staff
X / Derwin Smothers, Vice Chairman / Steve Harrell / David Rothenberger-HMA / Members of the community
X / Ferd Heeb, Secy./Treasurer / Mike Williams-CHC / Jeff Feasel-Halifax / Members of the media
X / Patrick Corbett / Jim Kennedy-ESQ / Karen Jans-Halifax
X / Thomas DeSimone / T.J. Ferrante-Esq. / George Mikitarian- Parrish M.C.
X / Pat Card
Topic / Discussion / Recommendations/Actions / Follow-up & Date of Expected Completion
CALL TO ORDER / 5:00pmbythe Chairman.Roll call recorded, the invocation given, and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.
PURPOSE OF MEETING / Chairman Benedict announced the purpose and format of the meeting. There will be a 45 minute question and answer period for each respondent and then each will get 15 minutes for closing statements. HMA was first.
Pete Lawson and David Rothenberger spoke for HMA and Jeff Feasel spoke for Halifax Health.
In addition, Mr. Feasel requested that two other individuals speak on behalf of Halifax Health:
Karen Jans- Halifax Health Board member shared her opinion that BFMC should stay a public hospital with local control. Ms. Jans feels it is all about community and connections.
George Mikitarian, President and CEO of Parrish Medical Center, stated they are a public hospital and currently have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Halifax Health to determine which programs and services to share. He indicated that the relationship has been a positive experience thus far.
In closing, Mr. Lawson and Mr. Feasel each thanked the Board for their time, attention, and consideration during the process. / A verbatim recording was made of the meeting and is on file with the SEVHD.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION / Ed Connor- representing Volusia Tax Reform commented on the high tax rate in Volusia County, and the inefficiencies of using the millage rate to care for the indigent. He would like to see the millage rate reduced or done away with as soon as possible.
Bill Swindell- asked why the first merger with BFMC and Halifax was dissolved. He also made the comment “He who has the gold has control”. / Although none of the Board members knew the exact reason for the dissolution, Commissioners Heeb and Benedict shared their views that they believe it was due to personality conflicts between Board members and executives at each facility.
BOARD DISCUSSION / Commissioner DeSimone believes more discussion is needed on uncompensated care before a partner is chosen. Commissioner Benedict statedalthough a vote on a prospective partner is slated for next week it may or may not happen.
Commissioner Corbett asked if ballot voting is permissible. / Jim Kennedy will research ballot voting.
ADJOURN / 6:40pm meeting adjourned / Next meeting will be at 5pm on June 25, 2013 at Edgewater City Hall.

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