Gokul Yoga Bali200‐hour Teacher Training

Application Form

I’m applying for December 2017/April 2018/August 2018 TTC

(please underline the TTC that you choose)

I’ve chosen early birds fee and single occupancy room

First & Last Name:



City & State/Province:


Postal Code:

Phone (Mobile/Home):

Email address:

Birth Date (DD/MM/YYYY):

Place of Birth:

Emergency Contact:



Phone Number:


Email address:

Language(s) Spoken:

How did you hear about the Gokul Yoga Teacher Training course?

Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Yoga Experience

How long have you been practicing Yoga?

How often do you practice?

Which style do you practice?

Please describe briefly your Yoga experience:

Do you have any experience teaching Yoga, and if so, how long have you been teaching and in which style?

Do you have any other important practices? (I.e. meditation):

Health Information

The following questions are here to help us provide you with the necessary means to make the teacher training experience enjoyable for all. We will keep this information in strict confidence.

We may discuss your answers with you to make sure that the TTC is the right choice for you.

Are you currently taking medication for any physical or psychological condition? yes no

Do you have any chronic physical limitations or disabilities? yes no

Do you have a history of psychological or emotional illnesses, or issues? yes no

Do you have a communicable disease? yes no

Have you had a serious illness or major surgery within the last five years? yes no

Are you currently pregnant or trying to become pregnant? yes no

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, please provide us with more relevant details as it would pertain to the teacher training program.

Please describe if there is anything else you feel we should know with regards to your participation in the program here:

Full Disclosure

I will be submitting my 500 USD non-refundable deposit through:PayPal / Bank Transfer

Applicants will receive confirmation within 1 - 3 days of applying, whether they have been accepted to the teacher training course.

Please email the completed form to

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