Molokai High School
P.O. Box 158
Hoolehua, HI 96729
(808) 567-6950
YES LISTDate Checked / Letter of Intent / Research Paper / Action / Portfolio / Comments
- Description and Information
- Project Process - 2
- Comprehensive Check - 3
- Timetable – 4-5
- Roles and Responsibilities of Adult Support – 6-8
- Description – 9-13
- Meeting Log – 14-15
- Learning Journal – 16-17
- Pre-Search
- Face Wall Profile - 18
- Personal Inventory Locker – 19-20
- Sense of Wonder - 21
- Assessing the Topic of Choice - 22
- Brainstorming Graphic Organizers #1-4 – 23-26
- Checklist to Assess Essential Question - 27
- Generating a Thesis Statement – 28-29
- Thesis Perspectives - 29
- Letter of Intent
- Description with Common Core Standards, Requirements - 30
- Template – 31-33
- Sample – 34-36
- Final
- Drafts
- Search
- 4D Research Plan - 37
- Are You a Question Master? – 38-39
- Source Checklist - 40
- Notes & Materials
- Research
- Description with Common Core Standards, Requirements, Rubrics – 41-42
- Sample Research Papers – 43-51
- Sample Bibliographies - 52
- Complete Research Sample - title page to self evaluation – 53-62
- Title Page
- Outline
- Final Revision
- Drafts
- Bibliography (Resource Page)
- Research Paper Self Evaluation - 63
- Service Action
- Description with Common Core Standards, Requirements, Rubrics - 64
- Action Plan form - 65
- Verification of Action Completion & Verification of Participation forms – 66-67
- Service Action Reflection - 68
- Evidence of Action (i.e. pictures, Pre-Post tests, graphs, questionnaires, surveys, end products of activities)
a. Description with Common Core Standards, Requirements, Rubric – 69-71
b. Hard copy of PowerPoints
c. Notes, outline of presentation
d. Digital copy of PowerPoints
10.Other mandatory documents
- Career Pathway Connection Interview & Checklist - 72
- TechnologyChecklist - 73
Comprehensive Checklist - Senior Project Requirements
Face Wall Profile
Sense of Wonder
Personal Inventory Locker, Step 1 and 2
Checklist to Assess Essential Question
Generating a Thesis Statement
Thesis Perspectives
Assessing the Topic of Choice and Assessing the Topic Selection
Letter of Intent (total of eight required copies)
Original for senior project coordinator
Copy for portfolio
Copy for parent/guardian
Copy for project consultant
Copy for community mentor
Copy to accompany research paper
Copy to accompany community action activity
Copy to accompany the formal panel presentation
(Optional) Copies may also be given to any community resources that you use
Thesis Research Paper
Are You a Question Master? Page 1 and 2
Draft Resource Page (Bibliography)
Revisions (minimum of two after the first draft)
Self Evaluation
Service Action Plan(i.e. Service Project)
Verification of Action Completion& Verification of Participation
Mini presentation
Conference Appointments (Scheduled and Attended)
Senior Project Consultant ________________________
Senior Project Coordinator or Volunteer__________________
Community Mentor________________________
Portfolio: This includes the following items –
Project Packet
Meeting Log
Learning Journal
Letter of Intent
Research Paper (with Outline, Drafts, Bibliography)
Service Action
Mandatory Documents
Search: Notes/Research
E-copy (CD, DVD, Flash Drive, or School Server)
Class Exhibition Presentation (i.e. PPT, participant rosters, surveys, graphics, other relevant material)
Panel Presentation and Evaluation
DOE Student Publication/Video Release
Internet Acceptable Use Policy Forms
Class of 2015 Timetable SY 2013-2015Date / Task / Activity
School Year 2013-2014
8/6 / Receive and review packet, start meeting log and learning journal, view portfolio prototype (See forms) / Review sample
8/6 / Preliminary research (Pre-search) / Forms, assignments
Starts 8/13 / Senior Project Support available @HHTTh from 2-6 p.m. by appointment / Reminder
8/20 / Senior Project Orientation Ohana Night @HHTTh / Reminder
10/14 / Conference to confirm project consultant and community mentor, signature required on contract / Contract
10/29 & 10/31 / Hana Hou Tuesday/Thursday: Help for Letter of Intent / Tutoring
11/12 / Typed Letter of Intent w/signatures and contract due / Review sample
11/13-14 / SP Volunteers review Letters of Intent for approval
11/18-20 / Conference to discuss Letter of Intent and check portfolio; start research after approval / Conference
11/25-27 / Letter of Intent visual due / Review sample
12/11-13 / Checkpoint Conference to discuss project progress / Conference Form
1/30 / Portfolio checklist due / Portfolio Checklist
3/5-7 / Checkpoint Conference to discuss research / Conference Form
4/1 / Outline of Research Paper due / Review sample
4/3-4 / Checkpoint Conference to discuss project progress / Conference
4/15-17 / Hana Hou Tuesday/Thursday: Help for Rough Draft / Tutoring
4/28 / Research Paper Rough Draft with Letter of Intent, outline, resources, original research due / Reminder
4/29-5/1 / Hana Hou Tuesday: Help for Action Plan / Tutoring
4/30-5/1 / SP Volunteers comments on Rough Draft
5/2 / Portfolio & Action Plan checklist due / Portfolio Checklist
5/7-9 / Checkpoint Conference to discuss project progress / Conference
5/12 / Culminating Service Action Plan due for approval and comments / Review form
5/13-14 / SP Volunteers comment and approve Action Plan
5/21-23 / Conference to discuss Action Plan; check portfolio, Meeting Log, Learning Journal; implement action plan / Conference
School Year 2014-2015 (Dates pending)
August / Oral report of action plan
August / Senior Project Orientation Ohana Night @HHTTh / Reminder
Check Portfolio / Portfolio Checklist
September / Research Paper First Revision due with revised Letter of Intent, outline, resource page (bibliography), Rough Draft, and portfolio due / Checklist, review rubric
December / Research Paper Final Revision with Letter of Intent, outline, resource page, previous revision / Reminder
December / Mini-presentation of action plan implementation
12/31 / Community Action completed. Complete Verification of Completion and Reflection for portfolio / Review form
January / Presentation of Exhibitions, Final Portfolio / Reminder, checklist, rubric
January / Senior Project Ohana Night / Reminder
February / Panel Presentations / Reminder
March / Final opportunity to turn in revisions to qualify for BOE Special Recognition Diploma
End of third quarter / Determination of Senior Project credit and BOE Special Recognition Diploma
Molokai High School
Molokai High School
Responsibilities of project consultant (preferably a teacher or educational staff):
- Meet at least twice a month with student
- Enforce guidelines and deadlines
- Provide academic guidance throughout the project
- Help and encourage the student to select and develop his/her topic based upon personal interests, future plans, career interests
- Examine research potential for stretch learning and personal growth
- Guide student through research process and offer assistance when needed
- Sign student meeting logs
- Discuss research paper and outlines/scripts, review exhibition, observe exhibition presentation and panel rehearsals
- Give feedback
Responsibilities of community mentor:
- Share expertise of topic and collaborate with student on action
- Help student decide on a topic for the project
- Provide information in area of intended inquiry
- Refer student to other available resource(s)
- Meet at least twice a month with student
- Document contacts with student
- Look over inquiry report and outlines/scripts, review exhibition, observe exhibition presentation and oral reflection rehearsals
- Give feedback
Responsibilities of expert contributor (community resource):
- Provide content specific answers, guidance, and feedback. Is knowledgeable about the topic/subject being researched
- Advise student on technical/operational concerns and application of techniques during research or creation of final project
- Check research hypothesis, data, and conclusion for accuracy and plausible application
- Communicate during research process as needed
- Provide expert opinion and offer real world feedback
- Check final product for accuracy
Responsibilities of senior project coordinator:
- Oversee progress of all seniors
- Conference with students as needed
- Oversee school wide implementation
- Coordinate committee activities and community awareness
- Monitor contact of and training of community volunteers, project consultants, and mentors
- Address questions and concerns from all parties
- Verify credit earned, report completers to registrar
Responsibilities of senior project volunteers:
- Possess expertise, experience, knowledge about a variety of topics and research skills
- Help oversee progress of all seniors
- Conference with students as needed
- Help oversee school wide implementation
- Help coordinate activities and community awareness
- Participate in training
- Assist with monitoring contact of volunteers, consultants, and mentors
- Address questions and concerns from all parties
- Read and evaluate letter of intent, research papers, and portfolios
- Evaluate panel presentations
- Help determine proficiency and discuss awarding of credit
Responsibilities of advisory teacher:
Disseminate packet and other handouts
- Remind students of requirements, deadlines, and checklists
- Confer with students periodically (recommend during advisory Thursday)
- Discuss progress of senior project
Responsibilities of subject area teacher (Optional):
- Determine how project fits into class curriculum and monitor progress within standards
- Help student decide on a topic for the project
- Provide information in area of intended inquiry
- Refer student to available resource(s)
- Document contacts with student
- Look over inquiry report and outlines/scripts, review exhibition, observe exhibition presentation and oral reflection rehearsals
- Give feedback
Responsibilities of Adult Evaluator for Service Action Plan
- Witness and verify the student completing the planned action
- Evaluate student’s effectiveness of planned activity
- Complete and sign form
FOR: All students of Molokai High School.
DESCRIPTION: The senior inquiry project is a long-term project that all students will be required to complete before the end of their senior year. The overarching essential question is “How Can I Make a Difference?” Projects must fulfill various language arts and research standards and must be related to their career pathway.
- Students will explore, develop, research, and analyze a topic of their own choosing.
- Students will plan and implement an action project to address their essential question.
- Students will integrate skills learned in various subject areas and become independent, self-confident learners.
- Students will work with a project consultant, community mentor and other community resources.
- Students will present their project results to an audience of their peers and other adult evaluators.
Self-Directed Learner: The ability to be responsible for one’s own learning.
Community Contributor: The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
Complex Thinker: The ability to be involved in complex thinking and problem solving.
Quality Producer: The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products.
Effective Communicator: The ability to communicate effectively.
Effective and Ethical Users of Technology: The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.
Career and TechnicalSKILLS FOR LIFE AND WORK:
Students develop skills and attributes that are critical to a person’s ability to successfully navigate the world in and out of school, at work, and at home: thinking and reasoning skills, personal qualities, skills for managing resources, interpersonal skills, skills for managing information, and skills and knowledge related to systems. / •Practice meta-cognition (thinking about one’s thinking) using the elements of reasoning and intellectual standards and other thinking skills and strategies.
•Use efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills.
•Identify, organize, plan, and allocate time, money, material, facilities, and human resources to accomplish a task.
•Use computers and a variety of other resources to acquire and evaluate, organize and maintain, interpret and communicate, information.
•Communicate thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing; create documents such as letters, charts, and graphs. / The student is able to manage self, time, and resources to complete a senior project.
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies & Science
Students ready for college and a career:Demonstrate independence / I can turn in all assignments on time.
Build strong content knowledge / I can locate and use information efficiently.
Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline / I can listen and give relevant answers to questions from an audience.
Comprehend as well as critique / I can understand ideas and express my opinion.
Value evidence / I can provide proof and facts of research.
Use technology and digital media strategically and capably / I can use computers skillfully.
Come to understand other perspectives and cultures / I can compare and contrast cultures.
Suggestions for senior inquiry projects:
Sample Essential Questions (idea that drives the research) / Culminating Activity (community service action resulting from the research) / Possible Target AudienceHow can a career in ____ benefit Molokai? / Shadow a career or intern at a job site, learn about this career, and share your career shadow/intern experience. / Middle school, high school freshmen or sophomores
How can I address the issue of our school or community and improve the situation? / Explore issues or problems in the school or the community. Volunteer with an existing community organization or start a new club or organization to address this issue or problem. / High school, middle school students
How can teaching life skills benefit students? / Learn/improve life skills. Teach others banking, money management, parenting, job searching, college searching. Help plan and organize a career/college fair. Join planning committee for Future Fest. / Business classes, high school students
How can learning strategies help struggling students? / Discover learning strategies and student needs. Run a tutoring program for reading, math, and study skills. Start a study group. Help people with improving writing. / Struggling underclassmen
How can studying the elements of books enhance the understanding and enjoyment of books? / Study elements of books. Start a book club to enhance understanding and enjoyment of reading books. Generate book reviews for school website, create read posters. / Freshmen
How can the study of behaviors help students and their parents? / Research positive behaviors and alternative programs. Find out about liability issues. Create an alternative to violence center, start a buddy system, adopt a freshman, create a big brother/big sister type program. / Students with challenges
How can participation in the arts improve student learning? / Research one of the arts. Organize a poetry, fine arts, reading, or speech festival; put on a play. Invite guest speakers. / Fine arts students
How can this community need be improved or addressed to better Molokai? / Research community needs. Get involved in community event. Join the planning committee. Examples: Humane Society, Earth Day, Keiki Fair, and Health Fair. Start your own: Lokahi, Toys for Tots, Locks of Love, Learning Center, Job Search. / Interested participants from the community
How can I reduce or eradicate a social issue? / Study a social issue—prejudice, tolerance, Challenge Day. Create activity to teach awareness to another group. / Affected group: minority, disenfranchised, etc.
How can the study of this part of the island enhance student learning? / Study historical area of island. Develop a lesson or unit to be used in social studies classroom and teach it. / Social studies classes
How can the study of food benefit this target audience? / Study food prep, nutrition, and budgets. Prepare food for seniors, school, younger children, and special events. / Obese students, senior citizens
How can attention to this local trail benefit Molokai? / Adopt a local trail. Clear it regularly. Make a booklet with drawings or photos. Lead a walk. / Environmental group, MEPO
How can preserving this knowledge benefit the people of Molokai? / Study local history about fishing, hunting, agriculture, etc. Interview locals. Edit tape or video for school library or public library. / Local fishermen, hunters, farmers
How can this issue be addressed to best help this target audience? / Study an issue such as suicide, depression, body image, anxiety, peer relation, etc., to prepare a brochure/poster/PSA for teenagers; disseminate to the community. / Students in psychology
How can pedestrian/ bicyclist accidents be prevented? / Survey road shoulder use for walking/biking. Study usage and accidents, present results to appropriate authorities. / Walkers, runners, joggers, bicyclists
How can the development of the shoreline affect Molokai? / Study shoreline development. Work with planning commission, land trusts, zoning boards. Prepare zoning/planning ideas. / MEPO, shoreline residents
How can the changing fish populations affect the economy and lifestyle of Molokai? / Study historical populations and catches or fish/shellfish. Analyze trends in catch and profits. Submit to local business/industry. Start or help run your own business. / Fishermen, businessmen, entrepreneurs
How can learning to use the computer benefit young students? / Study computer programming while learning how to teach/tutor younger students. / Elementary students, middle school, youth groups
How can sports improve students’ well-being? / Start or help run an after school/evening sports program for younger children; learn nutrition, physical training, coaching. / Little League, youth teams, junior varsity teams
How can awareness of this health issue prevent or decrease the problem? / Study a disease/health problem (Alzheimer’s, eating disorder, etc.) Write an article or brochure; share at community event. / Parents, youngsters
How can the study of my family history contribute to the betterment of Molokai? / Do a genealogical study of your family, restore/maintain a cemetery; create plot map; share results and process. / Family members, reunion groups, church groups
How can increased participation in school events or issues improve school climate? / Research school events or issues. Organize events, get involved in public relations, do a newspaper column, plan informative assemblies, do leadership training. Create a handbook for future groups. / Student government, grade level classes, clubs
How can students benefit from reading about this serious topic? / Write and illustrate children’s book about a serious topic: peer pressure, divorce, littering, etc.; participate in read-aloud. / Elementary students
How can Molokai benefit from students interacting with senior citizens and the elderly? / Assist senior citizen physical training at Home Pumehana or other group setting. Learn how to deal with aging. / Elder groups
How can pollution be reduced to benefit parts of Molokai? / Study coastal pollution and effects on water and life. Do a cleanup. Organize a regular clean up schedule. / Coastal residents, neighborhoods
How can the study of bird behaviors affect Molokai positively? / Study local birds, migration, feeding habits. Make and install birdfeeders. / Environmentalists, conservationists
How can aquaculture projects impact Molokai’s economy positively? / Design an aquaculture project in partnership with interested local business. / Businessmen, entrepreneurs
How can this political issue affect Molokai? / Research a political issue that interests you. Inform the community. / Community action group
How can landscapes and gardens benefit businesses or homes on Molokai? / Do landscape/garden design for business/domestic use. Study botanical factors. / Businesses, neighborhood
How can issues around the world affect Molokai? / Bring global issues closer to home: collect/recycle books, clothing for developing countries or less fortunate groups, collect school supplies for underprivileged, help the Food Bank. / LEO, student government, clubs
Some suggested GENERAL TOPICS and related Career Pathways