Twin Bridges Activities Journal
June, 2009Darren Johnson submitted photo for back page of WHC 2010 calendar
Need to spray area of food plot for invasives. Prepare to plant forbes in pollinator area east of admin building, and flowers and warm season grasses in pollinator area by habitat barn.
July, 2009Checked pollinator garden near trail 1, is doing very well. Food plot/pollinator garden near farm pond will need to be replanted next year. Darrens photo was selected as a finalist for WHC calendar.
August, 2009Unable to check gardens and final cover.
September, 2009Pollinator garden on west side of admin building needs to be burned out to extract invasive plants/trees trying to grow.
October, 2009Planning tree planting for spring and start another pollinator garden near caretaker cabin.
November, 2009Unable to check gardens and final cover.
December, 2009Decided to plant clover on the shelves of the landfill. Replant garden by small farm pond. Hidden field by archery range will be used just for food and cover.
January, 2010Deer census to begin in February, hunting goals for employees only will be based upon these findings.
February, 2010Planting 9 acres of warm season grasses on final cover for food and cover.
March, 2010Need to order seeds by May 1, to have for planting in food plots and pollinator areas.
April, 2010Continue planning planting schedule.
May, 2010Planning release of quail near lower food plot by farm pond.
June, 2010No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
July, 2010No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
August, 2010Need to mow upper pollinator garden, and east pollinator garden needs mowed to cut tops off. Will be looking at rest of areas.
September, 2010Upper pollinator garden has been mowed. Leaving west pollinator garden alone until next spring. INDOT slope mix and cool season grasses to be used on final cover next spring.
October, 2010No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
November, 2010No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
December, 2010No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
January, 2011Matt Rechtin ordering seed. Plot by cabin north side plant in soybeans and south side and on east property plant in clover, turnip & chickory mix.
February, 2011Mow pollinator gardens on each side of admin building in March.
March, 2011Seed has been ordered for approximately 12 acres. Garden areas on east property, behind farm pond, front of cabin on west side of drive needs mowed for replanting.
April, 2011All seed is in for planting except soybeans and chufa grass. Have sunflowers, blizzard buster & sorghums. Start planting around May 1.
May, 2011Need to spray for invasive plants in some areas of gardens and will be planting trees on west side of final cover area.
June, 2011No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
July, 2011Everything is planted for pollinator gardens and final cover.
August, 2011Darren sending out updated habitat list. Garden on east property not doing as well as had hoped, will keep eye on it.
September, 2011Mix used in garden plot near caretaker cabin isn’t doing very well. Next year plan on planting soybeans and sunflowers.
October, 2011No meeting and unable to check gardens and final cover.
November, 2011Need to mow and spray some pollinator areas for invasives.
December, 2011Start thinking about what to plant in 2012, will discuss in January.
January, 2012Have decided two fields by cabin drive and farm pond to be planted in soybeans. East property sunflowers and sorghum.
February, 2012Have seed, need to prepare any areas of invasive concern and determine planting timeline.
March, 2012Planting has been set for May.