Level II

Level of Participants: Clerk/Acctt. /Auditor/AAOs/AOs/ Sr.AOs


Session I & II
Session Title: Introduction to MS Word
Session Learning Objectives / Session Overview / Course Structure / Teaching methods used / Time required / Faculty
At the end of the session, the participants will know basics of MS Word. / First, the course will be inaugurated by Principal Director or any officer authorised by Principal Director.
In this session the participants will be acquainted with the basic knowledge of MS Word. Participants will acquire the knowledge of basic File operations in MS Word. / Introduction to MS Word, Creating new MS Word file, opening an existing File, closing File, save and save As operations, exiting from MS Word. Keyboard Shortcuts for File operations. / Lecture, Computer display, Demo and
Exercises / Inauguration: 10 min
Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:110 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes
Session III & IV
Session Title: Formatting
At the end of the session, the participants will know about formatting the document in relation to font, paragraph and column. Also options on Page layout for printing operations. / In the 3rd session participants will acquire the knowledge of font and paragraph formatting. In the 4th session column formatting and page layout operations will be explained to participants. / Font formatting, regular, bold, italic, Font types, sizes, Underline styles, Font colors. Paragraph formatting, alignment, indent, line spacing, orphan line and widow lines options, Paper sizes, page layout, column formatting / Lecture, Computer display, Demo and
Practical exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Materials: 120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes


Session I & II
Session Title: Bullets & Numbering and Borders & Shading
Session Learning Objectives / Session Overview / Course Structure / Teaching methods used / Time required / Faculty
At the end of the session, the participants will be familiarised with Bullets and Numbering of a Document, Borders and Shading / Bullets and Numbering is an integral part of Document Writers. In this Session participants will acquire the knowledge on Bullets and Numbering. And in the next session Borders and Shading operations will be familiarised to the participants. / Borders and Shading, Text Border, Paragraph Border, Page Border, Shading, Patterns, Colours.
Bulleting, Numbering, Custom Bullets, Numbers, Outline Numbering / Lecture, Computer display, Demo and
Practical exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Materials: 120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes
Session III & IV
Session Title: Tables
At the end of the session, the participants will familiarise with creation and operation of Tables in MS Word / In this session participants will acquire the knowledge of inserting and drawing of tables, navigation through tables, splitting and merging of tables/cells, formulae and sorting of data. / Inserting Table, Drawing, Inserting Rows/Columns/Cells. Merging and Splitting of Tables/Cells, Text Alignment, Formatting the Table, Borders, Formulae, Layout, and Design. / Lecture, Computer display, Demo and
Practical exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes


Session I & II
Session Title: Mail Merge
Session Learning Objectives / Session Overview / Course Structure / Teaching methods used / Time required / Faculty
At the end of the session, the participants will acquire the knowledge of Mail Merge. / Mail merge is a process to create personalized letters and merge with the pre addressed envelopes or mailing lists. / Mail Merge, Letters and Mailings, using tables, Spreadsheets for mailing lists, advanced options. / Lecture, Computer
display, Demo and
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes
Session III & IV
Session Title: Editing, Find & Replace, Insert Header and Footer
At the end of the session, the participants will acquire the knowledge of Using Find and Replace for MS Word operations. Also explaining inserting header and footer / Find and Replace for finding words, patterns and replacing them. Also using features in find and replace like finding of paragraph marks, using regular expressions. Inserting header and footer and its various uses / Find & Replace, Go to, Find All, Highlighter, using advanced features viz. searching for whole words, Case Sensitive search, Regular Expressions. Inserting Header and Footer, Different odd/even pages, First page different, inserting dates, number, text in header and footer / Lecture, Computer display, Demo
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes

Day 4

Session I & II
Session Title: Inserting Chart, Auto Shapes and Word Art
Session Learning Objectives / Session Overview / Course Structure / Teaching methods used / Time required / Faculty
At the end of the sessions, participants will acquire the knowledge of Inserting objects like Chart, Auto Shapes, Word Art. / The sessions will be devoted to Improve the knowledge of Participants in relation to inserting objects like Charts, different Auto Shapes, Word Arts, Text Box etc. / Inserting Objects, Charts, Auto Shapes, Word Arts, Text Boxes, Formatting Auto Shapes, Formatting Charts, Manipulating the data for Charts etc. / Lecture, Demo, Practical
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes
Session III & IV
Session Title: Styles
At the end of the sessions participants acquire the knowledge on MS Word Styles / Familiarising Various Styles and Themes In built to MS Word and Modifying Styles, Creating New Styles with/without automatic updates, with/without adding to Templates. / Styles, Creating New Styles, Modifying Styles, Creating Styles with/without automatic updates, Creating Paragraph Styles and Table Styles. / Lecture, Computer display, demo and
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes


Session : I & II
Session Title: Templates
At the end of the session, the participants will acquire the knowledge of using Templates for Improving their experainces with MS Word / Templates are models for new documents. For different types of documents different types of templates can be created. This session explains the use of Templates and emphasis its advantages. / Creating New Template, Modifying, Saving in My Documents, Trusted Templates. Using Microsoft Templates online. Creating new word documents based on created templates. / Lecture, Computer display, demo and
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes
Session III & IV
Session Title: Document Views and Revision Tracking
Session Learning Objectives / Session Overview / Course Structure / Teaching methods
used / Time required / Faculty
At the end of the session, the participants will acquire knowledge on different Document Views and Revision Tracking. / A word document can be viewed in different modes like print layout view, web layout view, Outline view etc. The advantages of utilising these aspects of Word software and the benefits of each mode will be explained. Revision tracking is also explained. / Different Views, Print Layout view, Web Layout view, Outline view. Using outline view with styles. Revision tracking. Marking up changes with revision tracking. / Lecture, Computer display, demo and
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 min
Session : I & II
Session Title: Comparison of Documents, Protecting Files, Table of Contents
At the end of the session, the participants will acquire the knowledge using features like Comparison of Documents, Protecting features available in MS Word, Tables of Contents etc. / Comparison of Documents and Table of Contents. Details of protecting documents from unauthorized edits, filling of forms etc. These features will be familiarised with participants. / Comparing two documents. Marking the differences, accepting changes, creating Table of Contents for a document created with Paragraph Styles. / Lecture, Computer display, demo and
Exercises / Learning objective: 10 min
Session Overview: 15 min
Practice of Course Material:120 min
Exercises: 20 min
Total 165 minutes
Session III & IV
Session Title: Assignments
Session Learning Objectives / Session Overview / Course Structure / Teaching methods
used / Time required / Faculty
In the last session of the Advanced Programme, participants required to demonstrate a topic assigned to them. / Participants will be asked to do assignments and do presentations relating to MS Word features from selected topics or any topics of their choice.
Lastly, Valediction ceremony by Principal Director/any other officer authorized by Principal Director and Distribution of Certificates. / Participants asked to prepare assignments and do a demo of the assignment allotted to them. / Presentation by Participants / Participants Assignments: 140 min
Valediction and Distribution of Certificates: 25 min
Total 165 min

Note: - The assessment test will be an exercise created for the purpose . And the participants will be asked to a demo presentation of the excercises.



Session I & II 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM

Session III & IV 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM


First Tea Break: 11:30 AM to 11:45 AM

Second Tea Break: 03:30 PM to 03:45 PM

Lunch Break: 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM