Tools to support services to gather impact data from schools
Supporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Young Carers Services
Young Carers in Schools: Impact Survey
Introductory note
Young carers are children under 18 who are caring unpaid for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems.
Throughout this survey please consider the numbers and outcomes of all young carers in your school, regardless of whether they have:
- Had a young carers assessment from their local authority.
- Chosen to access support from a local young carers service.
- Meet the eligibility criteria for support from this local service.
Part 1: About your school
1)Is your school a:
- Primary?
- Secondary?
- Other? (please specify)
2)Is your school a:
- Local authority maintained-school
- Converter Academy
- Sponsored Academy
- Free School
3)Is your school faith based?
- Yes
- No
4)In which term did your school first get involved in the Young Carers in Schools (YCiS) programme?
- [insert terms e.g. Summer 2016]
5)What YCiS Award level has your school achieved to date?
- Currently working towards a Bronze award
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- School has been developing its young carers’ provision since getting involved in YCiS but has decided not to apply for an Award at this time
Part 2: Number of young carers at your school
6)How many young carers currently attend your school?
7)How many of these young carers did your school identify or become aware of since the school got involved in the Young Carers in Schools programme?
Part 3: Staff understanding
Compared to when your school first got involved in YCiS, do you think school staff have a better understanding about:
8)The potential signs a pupil is a young carer and what to do if they identify a pupil who may be a young carer?
- Yes
- No
9)The types of support young carers may need?
- Yes
- No
10)Do staff feel more confident to identify and respond to the needs of young carers?
- Yes
- No
Part 4: Outcomes for Young Carers
We would like to identify how the educational achievement, school attendance, and wellbeing of identified young carers has changed throughout the time that schools have been involved in the YCiS programme.
Your answers to these questions can be based on data or your objective opinion.
Educational achievement
Compared to when your school first got involved in YCiS,
11)Have you noticed an improvement in young carers’ achievement at your school?
- Yes
- No
12)On average, do young carers engage better in class now?
- Yes
- No
13)Are young carers, on average, more motivated to learn?
- Yes
- No
14)Are young carers, on average, more likely to complete class and homework on time and to the expected standard now?
- Yes
- No
15)Are young carers more able to engage in extracurricular activites?
- Yes
- No
16)If you have answered no to any of this questions, did young carers at your school already do these things?
- Yes
- No
School attendance
On average, and compared to when your school first got involved in YCiS, young carers at your school:
17)Are more likely to arrive on time now and go to all lessons?
- Yes
- No
18)Are less likely to high absence rates?
- Yes
- No
19)If you have answered no to any of this questions, did young carers at your school already do these things?
- Yes
- No
Wellbeing and Confidence
Compared to when your school first got involved in YCiS:
20)Have you noticed improvements in the wellbeing and confidence of young carers at school?
- Yes
- No
On average, young carers:
21)Are happier and more confident now?
- Yes
- No
22)Are more able to make and keep friends now compared to when your school first got involved in YCiS?
- Yes
- No
23)Are more able to attend extracurricular activities now compared to when your school first got involved in YCiS?
- Yes
- No
24)Have better physical and mental health?
- Yes
- No
25)Are better connected/supported by other organisations?
- Yes
- No
26)If you have answered no to any of this questions, did young carers at your school already do these things?
- Yes
- No
Part 5: General feedback
27)Which of the following tools/support did you find most useful? [add/delete as appropriate]
- Base-line-review
- Step-by-Step guide (online tools)
- Online videos
- 1:1 meetings
- Half-termly network meetings
- Young Carers in Schools Award Guidance
- E-newsletter
Please specify why
28)For the tools/support that you did not engage with, please tell us why you decided not to use these resources.
- Not relevant
- Unaware of them
- Inconvenient times (webinars and Professional Development Events)
- Did not feel it was needed
- Unsure what to access
- Other (please provide details
29)How do you YCiS could be improved in the future?
30)Would you recommend the Young Carers in Schools programme to other schools?
- Yes
- No
Carers Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (1145181) and in Scotland (SC042870). Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 7697170. Registered office: 32–36 Loman Street, London SE1 0EH.
The Children’s Society is a registered charity number 221124. Registered Office: Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London, WC1X 0J
Young Carers in Focus is a Big Lottery Fund partnership programme run by The Children’s Society in conjunction with Rethink Mental Illness, Digital Me, YMCA Fairthorne Group and The Fatherhood Institute
© Carers Trust 2017
Supporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Young Carers Services