A Meeting of the Parish Councilwill be held on Wednesday 21st October 2015

at 7.30 p.m. in the Jubilee Hall, Timsbury



2. Declarations of any Interest.

3. Open Period

4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 23rd September 2015

5. Clerks Report


6. Finance

6.1 Financial Summary

6.2 Invoices for payment

7. Planning


Removal of agricultural occupancy condition

Site: Nursery House, Stockbridge Road, Timsbury

8. Correspondence

9. Village Issues

9.1 Village sign update

9.2 Telephone box & flag pole repairs

9.3 Additional Section 106 ideas

9.4 Community garden maintenance

9.5 Hedges & verges

10. Governance

10.1 Byelaws Review

11. Meetings attended or to be attended

12. Chairman’s Mandate

13. Agenda items to be included in next month's Parish Council Meeting

14. Dates of future meetings – Parish Council Meeting 25th November 2015

Katie Hardy, Parish Clerk Tel: 01794 367289 email: 15th October 2015

Michelmersh & Timsbury Parish Council

Clerk’s Report to PC Meeting of 21st October 2015

1. Determinations


T1 Ash - Reduce large lateral limb by 4m away from garage. -

The Old House, School Lane, Michelmersh

Decision: No objection


Retrospective - Engineering works to alter ground levels and provide retaining walls, and soft landscaping within front garden -

Ridgemount, Haccups Lane, Michelmersh

Decision: Permission granted


Two storey front, single storey front, two storey rear and single storey rear extensions (amended description) -

Croft House , Haccups Lane, Michelmersh

Decision: Permission granted


Extension of garage to increase storage within garage -

Meadow House, New Road, Timsbury

Decision: Permission granted


Replacement of existing play equipment in beer garden -

Malthouse Inn, Stockbridge Road, Timsbury

Decision: Permission granted

2. Parish Matters

Tress on A3057

We have received the following response from TVBC with regards to Section 106 funding for this project:

“Thank you for the information you have provided. I have just taken a look at the current contributions for M&T PC and there is no Parkland funding available. Unfortunately this means that, at this point in time, we are unable to fund the project.

The current Open Space funding available is below.

Additional Play Equipment at Mannyngham Way Recreation Ground: £1,367.54

Informal Recreation - Village Hall, Upper Timsbury: £1,485.27

General Informal Recreation: £7,985.75

General Children's Play Space: £6,556.21”

Jubilee Hall Car Park tree removal

I have submitted a Section 106 funding application for this project.

Recreation Ground Car Park Matting

I have submitted a Section 106 funding application for this project.

Sports Club Cricket Nets

I have written to the Sports Club outlining the Parish Council’s concern that any damage to the cricket nets needs to be repaired and that the Parish Council is concerned that any proposed fence around the nets would encroach on the children’s play equipment. Please see letter attached (appendix A).

Road verge erosion

I have written to Michelmersh Brickworks to request their assistance in communicating to lorry drivers the importance of avoiding driving along the road verges and ditches where possible. Please see letter attached (appendix B).

Telephone Box

Once John has re-installed the door, the Lengthsman will paint the telephone box in the spring.


I have amended and circulated the draft bye-laws with the amendments agreed at September’s Parish Council meeting. Please see separate document.

3. Monthly Financial Summary

Monthly Financial Report
16th September 2015 - 19th October 2015
Invoices Paid and cleared
Katie Hardy / August Salary / £411.67
Katie Hardy / September Salary / £411.67
The Studio / Newsletter printing / £186.30
Total / £1,009.64
TSB / Interest - October / £1.07
Total / £1.07
Bank Balances
Lloyds TSB / Current Account / 19,545.91
Lloyds TSB / 30 Day Savings Account / 8,680.74
Total / £28,226.65
Plus Uncleared funds
Total / £0.00
Minus invoices for payment
Katie Hardy / October Salary & expenses / £416.72
BDO / External audit fee / £156.00
Data Protection / Annual fee / £35.00
Total / £607.72
Minus uncashed cheques
Total / £0.00
Minus alloted project funds
Total / £0.00
Actual Funds available as of 19th October 2015 / £27,618.93
Budget Summary as of 1st October 2015
Annual Budget Spend / £21,100.00
1st Quarter Spend / £3,694.72
2nd Quarter Spend / £3,608.15
Spend Variance / £13,797.13
Annual Budget Income / £18,015.00
1st Quarter Income / £663.27
2nd Quarter Income / £7,851.28
Income Variance / £9,500.45

Appendix A

Mrs Katie Hardy, 1 Redlands Drive, Upper Timsbury, Romsey, Hants. SO51 0AG
Tel: 01794 367289
Mr. Robert Davis, The Holt, Rudd Lane, Upper Timsbury, Romsey, Hants, SO51 0NU
Tel: 01794 368118

15th October 2015

Mr. Robin Goodland


M&T Sports Club


Stockbridge Road




Our Ref: KH181/Oct2015

Dear Robin,

The Parish Council has been informed that the cricket nets have been damaged and there is a concern that cricket balls could be hit into the children’s play area as a result.

We therefore ask the Club to inspect the nets and advise the Parish Council on their condition and on the need for repairs. It has been suggested that a protective fence around the outside of the nets would act as an additional barrier. However, the climbing structure on the playground is very close to the frame and netting and any additional fencing or mesh which reduced this separation distance would be a potential hazard and would not comply with current ROSPA health and safety guidelines. This would need to be taken into consideration.

It is the Club’s responsibility to ensure the cricket nets are well-maintained and in a safe condition. The Parish Council is happy to take part in discussions to identify the most appropriate solution, and would consider contributing towards the cost of any necessary works, in the interests of ensuring that children using the playground are not exposed to unnecessary risks.

Yours sincerely,

Katie Hardy

Clerk to Michelmersh & Timsbury Parish Council

Appendix B

Mrs Katie Hardy, 1 Redlands Drive, Upper Timsbury, Romsey, Hants. SO51 0AG
Tel: 01794 367289
Mr. Robert Davis, The Holt, Rudd Lane, Upper Timsbury, Romsey, Hants, SO51 0NU
Tel: 01794 368118

10th October 2015

Mr Steve Pearce

Production Manager

Michelmersh Brickworks

Hill View Road



Our Ref: KH178/October2015

Dear Mr Pearce

Re: Damage to verges on Hill View Road

A number of residents have contacted the Parish Council expressing concern about HGVs running on to the verges on Hill View Road. There are ditches quite close to the road edge and there is a risk that the drainage channels through the verges into these ditches, or the ditches themselves, will be damaged or blocked. There is a history of flooding affecting houses at the lower end of the road.

We appreciate that Hill View Road is the agreed route for HGVs visiting the brickworks, and that the road is in most places too narrow for an HGV and another vehicle to pass. It may be that other drivers in smaller vehicles are reluctant to reverse to a wider place to allow your vehicles to pass without mounting the verge. Therefore there may be no way of resolving this issue completely.

However, the Parish Council would appreciate your assistance: perhaps you could ask your drivers (and visiting drivers) to be more mindful of the problem and to avoid driving on to verges, unless absolutely necessary, and especially in wet weather when the ground is soft.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Katie Hardy, Parish Clerk

Michelmersh & Timsbury Parish Council

Tel: 01794 367289