An intensive, 4-day course to sharpen your skills in the field of insolvency litigation and administration.
More aboutthe course
Thecoursehasbeen presented annuallysince 2005 under the guidance of world-renowned insolvencyexpert,Professor Andrè Boraine(nowalso Dean of the FacultyofLawatUniversityof Pretoria).Itcoversthe mostvital aspectsofinsolvencylaw.
ProfBoraine hasput together ateamofexpertsinthis field of study andtheteamdrawsfrom their experience as academicsandpeople inpractice. The workshop content is evaluated and revised regularly to keep it up to date and relevant.
Dates, times, venueand fee
Pretoria: 12 September – 15 September 2016
Times:9:00-16:00 (registration starts 8:30)
Venue:School for Legal Practice, Unisa Campus, 145 Steve Biko Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria
Fee per delegate (VAT Inclusive): R 4950
Closing date for registration: 8 September 2016
Course coordinators
•Prof Andrè Boraine
•Ms Claire van Zuylen
•Adv Matthew Klein (Acting Judge)
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12 September – 15 September 2016
Times: 9:00-16:00
- Insolvencyapplications and consequential litigation
- Effectsofinsolvencyonthe insolvent, thesolventspouse andunexecuted contracts
- Impeachabletransactions
- Appointment,powersand duties of trusteesand liquidators
- Insolvencymeetings
- Interrogationsandtheproofofclaims
- Rehabilitation
- Draftingofliquidation and distribution accounts
- Liquidation ofcompaniesand closecorporations
- Legalframeworkofbusiness rescue
Who shouldattend?
All legal practitionerswho wish to specialise in insolvency law. Thecourse is idealforpractising attorneys,candidateattorneys,otherlegal practitionersandlegaladvisers.
Cost ofthe course
ThecoursefeeisR4950 (VATincluded)perdelegate (includingall materialsforthe course).
Course structure
Themethod of tuition willbe contactsessionsintheformofworkshops.LecturesareinEnglish.
Thecourse material will be distributed at the venue.
A certificateofattendance will be provided.
Ifyou have questionsonthe course,
Tel: 012 4414600(switchboard)or012 4414655(direct).
Register online by clicking here (cntr click)
As part of the process, please upload the payment proof. The LSSA LEAD banking details are as follows.
Account Name: Law Society of South Africa
Bank: First National Bank | Branch and code: Pretoria 251445
Account: 6200 9641 079 | Ref: cell no and surname) | Amount: R 4950 (VAT Inclusive)
Register via the editable registration form
Complete the form on page 3. Email it to with proof of payment.
Instructions on how to complete the formSave the form and the type your details directly onto the form to replace . Select the correct block .
Save and email the form to together with proof of payment.
Fee per delegate (VAT Inclusive)
Practising attorneys and Candidate attorneys / R 4 950
Non-practising attorneys / Others / R 4 950
When and where in 2016
Pretoria: 12 September – 15 September 2016 | Times: 9:00-16:00 (registration starts 8:30)
Venue:School for Legal Practice, Unisa Campus, 145 Steve Biko Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria
Your details
Surname: / First name:
ID number: / Gender: F M / Your position:
Firm/company: / City/Town: / Title:
Tel-w: () / Fax: () / Race (for noting)
Cell: / Email:
Postal address or docex: / Postal code:
Payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT)
Account Name: Law Society of South Africa | Bank: FNB Pretoria
Account: 6200 9641 079 | Branch Code: 251445 | Reference: Cell / Surname / Amount: R 4950
Special Dietary Requirements (if any):
Halal Kosher Vegetarian / If disabled, nature of disability:
Notes on the LEAD Workshop
1.Your workshop registration will be confirmed only if proof of payment is attached to the form.
2.Fees must please be paid into the designated LSSA bank account. The LSSA will not accept liability if any other bank account is used.
3.The closing date for registration is8 September 2016.Admittance to the venue will be for registered delegates only.
Questions on the course, contact Molalatladi Modiba at
Tel: 012 441 4600 (switchboard) or 012 441 4655 (direct)
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