“China, the European Union and the Restructuring of Global Governance”
Organized by the InBev-Baillet Latour Chairs EU-China at Katholieke University of Leuven (KUL) and Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (KUL), the Institute for European Studies (FUSL), the Institute for European Studies (UCL), the Madariaga - College of Europe Foundation, in cooperation with the InBev Baillet Latour Chair at the College of Europe and in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee.
6 and 7 May 2010
European Economic and Social Committee
Rue van Maerlant 2, 1040
For registration:
Please send your registration form to Magali Auquier, Madariaga – College of European Foundation,
at or fax: +32 2 209 62 11
For enquiries about the conference:
Maddalena Malgarini, Madariaga - College of Europe Foundation, Tel: +32 2 209 62 27
Phone: Fax: Mail:
Please indicate whether of not you will:
¨ attend the conference
For the parallel sessions, please indicate which one you will attend:
6 May, 16h30 - 17h30:
Parallel session 3A: The Challenges of Climate Change
Parallel session 3B: The Prospects for New Governance of the Global Trading System (I)
7 May, 9h00 - 10h30:
Parallel session 4A: Present and Future Global Security Scenarios: A Chinese and European Perspective
Parallel session 4B: The Prospects for New Governance of the Global Trading Systems (II): Case Studies
¨ attend the lunch on 6 May 2010
Lunch fee is 35 € (registration and payment are required by Monday 3 May). Lunch fee can be paid by bank transfer to:
Account holder: FUSL
IBAN: BE 57 3100 4670 0435
Bank institution: ING (Agence Centre)
Rue du Trône 14-16
Communication:"N° 608 IEE China 6-7 may" and please state your name and surname as it is in the registration.
N.B.: No reimbursement for lunch is possible and the organizers reserve the right to change the date and venue or to cancel the conference, in exceptional cases. Speakers and organizers are invited to the lunch.
The conference is organised with the support of: