P.O. Box 397, Bath, MI48808517-641-7377 Phone 517-641-7388 Fax
DATE:October 1,, 2007
FROMMatt Prosoli/ Chuck Kronk
Tim SullivanHubbell, Roth & Clark
Mark BalonSpalding DeDecker Assoc.
Ishwar NaikStantec
Chuck KronkWaterworks Systems
Matt Prosoli Pump Plus
I.Ken Colston explained that the Operations Challenge Committee
is having a problem with participation from local sections &
individuals plants. Ken explained that the main reason was the
lack of financial support due to upper management pulling back
time allotted for meeting & practice sessions. Ken suggested
that we invite the Operation Challenge Committee to our next
meeting. We will forward a copy of this note to both Lucy and
Jeff Johnston
II.Matt Prosoli mentioned that Paul Marchi of Jett Pump is in
joining our Committee. By copy of these Minutes to Matt,
please forward this information to Mr. Marchi directly. Also, it
was noted that Bill Bush of the Holland WWTP has been
promoted and will no longer be interested in serving on the
Committee. His name will be removed.
III.The Committee Chair Retreat was held in Kalamazoo recently.
There were no representatives from the Maintenance Committee
able to attend.
Page 2(continued)
MINUTES – August 24, 2007
IV.The Maintenance Committee Seminar scheduled for September 19th 26th at the YCUA WWTP and Kalamazoo Water Reclamation Facilities went off as planned. Both sessions drew a full house. It appears as though opinion / comment reports were favorable.
V.A reminder was presented by Matt Prosoli of the Legislative Luncheon to be held on October 9th at the CapitalBuilding. This is Tuesday, October 9th. Ish Naik had mentioned that he would probably be able to attend at represent our group. If anyone is interested in attending, we will be able to forward a copy of the invitation at your request.
VI.Under Old Business:
It was suggested that Proctors for the next Certification Exam in January 2008 be selected. The meeting will be held on the 4thSaturday in January. Mark Balon of Spalding DeDecker, KenColston of YCUA and Mark Baron of Wayne County Department of Energy will act as Proctors for that exam. Registration begins at 8:15 AM. so plan on arriving prior to 8:00 AM.
VII.Our Committee has been invited to present during the 2008 Annual Conference to be held at BoyneMountain in BoyneCity. We will be meeting on October 5th to work up an abstract. The abstract is due October 19, 2007 to the Program Committee. Our Committee members are encouraged to come up with ideas for these presentations. Our Committee will be given up to 3-hours during which to make the presentations. Mr. Larry Woodard requested that we get involved and Ish suggested a theme of “Practical Sustainability “ as a possible theme.
VIII.Chuck Kronk attended the recent AWWA Annual Committee in Sault Ste Marie. A “plug” was given toward presentations by the Joint AWWA / MWEA Maintenance Committee during the 2008 Annual Conference. It was also requested that AWWA Members provide us with suggestions for future topics. A couple of the suggestions included Lubrication as well as Bearings for future Seminar topics. Maybe it is time to revive these two topics as we had presented these several years ago.
IX:The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 5th at 10:00 AM. The meeting will be held at the YCUA Meeting Room. We will request that Jerry Harte attend if his schedule allows.
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Minutes of August 24, 2007
X:Members are reminded that nominations for the Maintenance Worker of the Year are due by October 15, 2007
XIThe meeting was adjourned at 12:35 PM for lunch. There was no field trip scheduled. There will not be a field trip scheduled for the October 5th meeting. Members are requested to RSVP as soon as possible so that we can determine if enough members will be able to attend for this “work session”.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Prosoli & Chuck Kronk