PE & Sport Premium For the Academic Year 2014-2015

Amount spent: / Funding spent on: / Why: / What are we hoping to achieve: / Impact/Outcome/Evaluation:
£1500 / Gymnastics coaching as CPD for staff / When staff completed the survey in preparation for our health check gym was highlighted as the area in which staff felt least confident in teaching. (See health check and initial questionnaires as evidence.) / To increase staff confidence in delivering high quality Gymnastic PE lessons. To provide children will greater opportunities to progress further in gymnastics.
To be able to signpost G&T chn to Barlborough Bears Gymnastic Club. / TW, VP, RB, AH and CE have all received gymnastics CPD through observing Barlborough Bears plan for, deliver and assess gymnastics with the year group they teach. The most recent surveys to staff showed an increase in confidence. (See latest questionnaires April 2015)
£1950 / Games coaching, initially for Yr 5 & Golden Time / The SLT have identified that this particular cohort can be quite challenging due to some children’s behaviour and there are a group of boys who are not very engaged in lessons and can disrupt the learning for others. / As we do not have many male role models we thought a male sports coach could have a positive influence on the boys in that class. We also wanted the coach to run a session during Golden Time to encourage chn struggling with behaviour and often missing Golden Time to want to improve their behaviour in order to not miss their session with the coach. (The coach talked to the boys about what they really wanted to do most during his GT session so he could deliver this, meaning the boys had an incentive to behave better.) / The coach delivered 2 terms of coaching to the yr 5 cohort. Sessions informally observed by Governors and the PE co-ordinator showed all chn were engaged, active for the whole sessions and there were less behaviour problems. Some chn in this class yr group have managed to come off their behaviour chart. (See behaviour folder as evidence and governors report.) This was also CPD for the Yr5 teacher. The coach was then used in another challenging cohort for the summer term.
£160 / Coach to support EYFS teacher who is an NQT with the delivery of PE lessons. (CPD) / After the SLT observed this teacher during a PE lesson we decided she needed some more support in order to deliver high quality PE. (She had had very little PE training whilst obtaining her degree.) By getting a coach in to work alongside her with her own class we hoped this would build her confidence and give her ideas she could use in the future. (See lesson observation as evidence.) / To increase staff confidence in delivering high quality PE lessons in the Early Years.
To become more confident at making ongoing assessments within lessons and using assessment to plan future lessons. / Shane Turner delivered 12 weeks of PE, focusing on Agility, Balance and Co-ordination. He advised the PE co-ordinator on resources needed to improve PE sessions for the EYFS and shared planning with the teacher and assessment which he helped her to fill in.
(See resources shared and assessment as evidence.) The EYFS teacher is now more confident delivering PE lessons.
£120 / Mini Movers CPD for EYFS staff (training day) / When the SLT were tracking data from EYFS we noticed that Physical Movement was an area of concern. / To increase the percentage of chn performing at age related expectations by the end of the year. / Staff are now delivering Mini Movers sessions using the resources from the training.
£480 / Coach to deliver Fundamental Skills to KS1 in line with the new national curriculum guidelines. (CPD for KS1 staff.) / When looking at the new curriculum KS1 felt they would benefit from some CPD in delivering fundamentals as there is a greater emphasis on this in the new curriculum. / To increase staff confidence in delivering high quality Fundamental lessons. / Shane Turner delivered 12 weeks of PE, focusing on Agility, Balance and Co-ordination. Staff made notes and typed up as planning to be used in the future.
£1400 / Affiliation to the Bolsover District School Sports Partnership / By affiliating to the BDSSP it provides a core package of support in school in PE, competition, Leadership & volunteering, G&T identification, physical activity etc. / To take part in level 2 competitions as organised by the BDSSP. To receive training for leaders. To receive coaching available –Chance to Shine, Bikeability etc. / 6 level 2 competitions were attended. Mini leaders have run throughout the year. A number of children attended the G&T evenings & 1 child was selected for the rising stars project. Chn had bikeabilty, balanceability and cricket coaching through the affiliation.
£3162 / Breakfast Club / Our school has never run a breakfast club before and as we had the money to do this we decided to trail it for a year to see the impact it had. We decided we would pay half of the children’s fees and we targeted PP children who often start the day late and without breakfast. / To give children (especially those who we are aware don’t normally have it) a good start to the day by providing a breakfast and an active start. / Breakfast club has run throughout the year with up to 25 children attending. (See registers.) 14 of these children are pupil premium children. Feedback from children and staff has been positive (see questionnaires) and attendance of some chn has improved.
£845 / T Shirts in house colours with values on the back / We are trying to have a stronger emphasis on chn working together as a house ready to be able to incorporate level 1 competition into our lunchtimes. / Children will have a better sense of belonging to a team. They will know the values that are important to us as a school and during PE lessons and competition times. / All chn across the whole school now have a house t shirt that they wear during PE lessons. We need to keep working on level 1 competitions next year.
£80 / New resources for assessing PE without levels / Staff were unsure how they would assess PE without levels. / To have a resource that we can use to assess without levels. / AG attending training on assessing without levels & purchased a new resource. This was shared with staff in a staff meeting & they agreed to trial it in the summer term.
£199 / Laptop to be used with the new projector in the school in order to be able to deliver short bursts etc. in the school hall. / When it is bad weather it is hard to deliver PE in our school hall due to its size. We decided if we could have a projector and screen and sign up to CyberCoach we would be able to deliver PE safely inside. It can also be used for short bursts and Golden Time. / To have a laptop and projector we can use to run cyber coach (and other suitable resources) through in the school hall. / A laptop has been purchased and is used for Golden Time, PE lessons and short bursts.
£80 / Training Courses for staff (SSOC training & PE conference) / CPD for staff in areas addressed as weaknesses (lunchtimes) plus up to date info for co-ordinator needed to carry out her role. / Staff are confident in their roles. / The play leader & PE co-ordinator attending training based around active lunchtimes and having a SSOC). The PE co-ordinator also attending a conference with the head teacher.
£54 / Lunchtime support / The SLT noticed there are some children who frequently get into trouble for playing rough games and seem unable to play games that are safe and suitable for lunchtimes! / To encourage better behaviour at lunchtimes by engaging children in suitable playground games. / Mrs Howard was employed on Monday Lunchtimes to simple ‘play’ with the children, encouraging them to be active, play safely, follow the rules, work as a team etc.
£120 / Supply Cover/HLTA cover to release the PE co-coordinator / PE co-ordinator needs time to oversee the subject role and to attend courses etc. / To make sure the PE co-ordinator is up to date with current practise and legislation and confident being responsible for this subject. / The PE co-ordinator has an action plan, knows how the sports funding has/is being spent, has organised clubs, monitored assessment and planning etc.
£220 / Transport to sporting events / To provide opportunities for children to attend sporting events. / A whole cohort of children rather than a targeted few can attend an event if we provide a coach for them / All the year 1’s and all the year 2’s attended as sports festival at Heritage and the coach was payed for using funding.
£50 / Media training for SSOC / In order to be able to apply for Gold Sainsbury’s School Games to be awarded we need to have a SSOC. / By sending come children on the SSOC training as organised by BDSSP these children will be able to become part of the SSOC we are hoping to develop next year. / 4 children (current year 5’s) attended the media training.
Total spent this year: / £9720