Agenda Item No:

Report to:Contact Centre Board

Date of Meeting:23rd November 2011

Report Title:Programme Manager’s Update

Report By:

Town Hall Accommodation

1The physical alterations needed for the Town Hall and previously discussed at Board were agreed at Planning Committee on 9th November, and consent has now been requested from the Secretary of State. A decision is hoped for by early January.

2As noted previously, to expedite the process, preparatory work in connection with the physical changes required to the Town Hall will continue in parallel with the listed building consent application. Tenders were issued on 10th November, and are due back on 7th December. A tender report is expected on 12th December, and it is hoped that the successful tenderer will be notified before Christmas. This would allow work to start on site, subject to listed building consent being granted, by the end of January 2012.

3It is still hoped that physical completion will be by the end of March, and the new centre open for business by Easter (Good Friday is 6th April 2012), but it is accepted that this is tight.


4The four new members of staff who started in the centre in September/October, following the first round of interviewsin July, are all making very good progress.

5As noted at the lastboard meeting, the results of the second recruitment wave were very disappointing indeed. A third wave was launched immediately after the last board meeting, as agreed, accompanied by an ‘@bit’ article by ** encouraging staff to apply, and explaining that if insufficient staff were recruited internally, external recruitment would take place.

6A third video has also been made, concentrating on the new members of staff, who are extremely positive about their new posts. It has been posted on the Intranet; it is hoped that this might also encourage other members of staff to apply.

7The closing date for applications is Friday 18th November, and an update on numbers will be given at the board meeting. If insufficient applications are received, then jobs will be advertised externally, as agreed at the last board meeting.

Process Mapping/Re-engineering/IT

8Process mapping for environmental health has continued, having been delayed by the installation of the software (see below). A meeting with environmental health colleagues to confirm the volume and value of work to be transferred has been scheduled for December.

9Work has started on the creation of the exemplar CRM service. This is being developed by our supplier, Optevia, and will be used to further train the HBC team on the CRM development environment.The CRM system is being linked to the corporate LLPG (Local Land & Property Gazetteer).

9Work has also started on the installation of the Northgate Environmental Health (M3) system integrator. This enables the CRM system to link to and update the Environmental Health back office system. Northgate initially claimed that they could not schedule the installation until 16th January 2012. Persistent negotiations enabled this to be brought forward to week commencing 14th November.

10The call recording system has been designed and specifications finalised. Orders are expected to be placed week commencing 21st November. The live call monitoring system has been finalised, and should be implemented within the next two weeks.Phone system administration training for contact centre staff is scheduled for 7th December.


11An updated Gantt chart is appended. As noted above, despite the decision to review and then revise the plans for the physical contact centre layout in the town hall, it is still hoped that the physical works will be completed by Easter 2012.As noted at the last board meeting, we are trying to minimise the disruption caused by the transfer of services, by avoiding moves at a service’s busiest time.

Contact Centre Board 250811

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Contact Centre Board 250811

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