Agenda item: 2a
Title: WFD CIS Progress Report
Version no.:1.0Date: 24November 2011
Author(s): Commission, DG Environment D.1
This Progress Report for the period of June to November 2011 presented by the Commission is based on the outcome of the last Strategic Co-ordination Group (SCG) meetings and the progress reports presented by the Working Groups and Expert Groups. The report shall provide a brief overview to the Water Directors as a basis for discussion.
This progress report is available on the WFD CIRCA system in the meeting documents folder for the Water Directors, Polishmeeting. The more detailed progress reports of the different Working Groups and Experts Groups are available in the folder for the last SCG meeting (8-9 November 2011). Outcomes of the CIS that need specific attention and/or endorsement by the Water Directors will be presented separately to the Water Directors under agenda item 2.
Water Directors are invited to:
take note and discuss the overall progress report for the last six months;
take note of the progress in the Working Groups and Expert Groups;
Jorge Rodriguez Romero (); Lourdes Alvarellos ()
Common Implementation Strategy for the
Water Framework Directive
Progress Report
for the period June– November 2011
Presented by the Commission, DG Environment
2Documents for batch endorsement
3Overall progress
3.1Strategic Co-ordination Group (SCG)
3.2WFD Committee
3.3Working Groups
3.3.1Working Group A on Ecological Status – ECOSTAT
3.3.2Working Group C on Groundwater
3.3.3Working Group D on Reporting
3.3.4 Working Group E on Chemical Aspects
3.3.5 Working Group F on Floods
3.4Expert Groups
3.4.1Expert Group on Climate Change and Water
3.4.2Expert Group on WFD and agriculture
3.4.3Expert Group on Water Scarcity and Droughts
3.5.1Workshop on WFD and Hydropower
3.5.2Workshop on Climate Change, Water and Agriculture
3.5.3Workshop on Water Pricing and Water Allocation in Agriculture
3.5.4Workshops on EQS derivation, metal bioavailability and mixing zones
3.6Ad-hoc activities
3.6.1Ad-hoc activity on Science Policy Interface
3.6.2Ad-hoc activity on Streamlining monitoring and reporting under WFD, NiD and SoE
At the last meeting of the Water Directors under the Hungarian Presidency in May 2011, a number of issues were discussed, including the Blueprint and the Fitness Check, state of play in RBMP implementation, Commission's proposal on priority substances and the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.This sixteenth CIS progress report covers the period since the Water Directors' meeting in Budapest in May 2011 and is mainly based on the presentations, the discussions and the outcome of the meetings of the Strategic Co-ordination Group (SCG) held in November 2011 and on the individual progress reports of the Working Group (WG) leaders[1].
2Documents for batch endorsement
The following documents were agreed at the last SCG meeting and are proposed for batch endorsement by the Water Directors as there is no open issue identified:
-Good Ecological Potential: Recommendations on assessing and improving comparability
-Technical Report on Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems
-Recommendations for the review of Annexes I/II of the Groundwater Directive (Directive 2006/118/EC)
-Guidance document on inventory of emissions, discharges and losses of priority substances
-Flood risk management plans reporting sheet
3Overall progress
3.1Strategic Co-ordination Group (SCG)
In the reporting period, the Strategic Co-ordination Group met on 8-9 November 2011to discuss the progress of the various CIS activities and prepare the meeting of the Water Directors in Warsaw, Poland.
3.2WFD Committee
After the SCG meetings a meeting of the Article 21 Committee was held. Atthis meeting, the Commission informed the Committee about the preparations for the adoption of the intercalibration decision.The Commission expects the formal adoption of the intercalibration decision towards the end of 2012.
3.3Working Groups
Key results of the different Working Groups are briefly presented below (more details can be found in the progress reports presented to the SCG, cf. footnote 1).
3.3.1Working Group A on Ecological Status – ECOSTAT
The main activity in the last period has been the work on intercalibration.
Meetings held:
-ECOSTAT meeting: 27-28 June 2011, Ispra (IT)
-ECOSTAT meeting: 24-25 October 2011,Brussels (BE)
The Water Directors are invited to endorse the concept paper ‘Good Ecological Potential: Recommendations on assessing and improving comparability’.
Progress in intercalibration of good ecological status
According to the original timetable laid down in the ‘Guidance Document on the Intercalibration Process 2008-2011’, all results should have been finalised by June 2011. The Water Directors agreed to give an extension of 6 months until December 2011 for those groups that have submitted a request.Around 85% of the intercalibration groups are expected to complete their work on time and submit their finalised results by 31 December 2011. The work of the rest of the groups (10 groups) will not be considered in the current exercise.
There are still considerable differences between water categories in the status of the work, and considerable efforts are still needed to complete the work, especially for coastal and transitional waters, and to a less extent for rivers and lakes.
The work of ECOSTAT on intercalibration of ecological status will in principle end with the approval of the last group of results in February 2011. The Intercalibration Steering Group at JRC will compile a comprehensive technical report based on the information supplied by the intercalibration groups. In the spring of 2012 the results will be subjected to a peer review organised by the Commission, followed by the drafting of the Commission Decision that will be further dealt with in the Article 21 Committee (see separate note on state-of-play of intercalibration).
Intercalibration of good ecological potential
The Water Directors have asked ECOSTAT to put forward a concrete proposal on the intercalibration of ecological potential by December 2011.
The paper “Good Ecological Potential: Recommendations on assessing and improving comparability” has been prepared and agreed by ECOSTAT during their meeting of 1819 October. The main conclusion is that a comprehensive intercalibration exercise is not considered possible, but that practical steps can be taken to assist comparability in the spirit of the Directive. A three-step approach is proposed:1) a review of the current state of play on defining GEP; 2) the development of an updated methodological framework for defining and assessing GEP; 3) simple comparisons of Member States' definitions of good ecological potential for common uses.
Ecological classification
According to the ECOSTAT mandate, specific activities related to hydromorphology will be carried out in 2012, addressing the following topics:
- Continue the exchange of information on biological assessment methods sensitive to hydromorphological alterations
- Information exchange on methods to assess minimum ecological flow
- Further information exchange on the comparison of methods for defining Good Ecological Potential
- A workshop addressing these issueshas been proposed for 12-13 June 2012. A detailed proposal will be prepared by the working group leads for the ECOSTAT meeting of 1516February and will be submitted to the SCG for approval at their March meeting.
Upcoming meetings
-ECOSTAT Meeting: 15-16 February 2012, Brussels (BE)
-ECOSTAT Meeting: 18-19 October 2012, Brussels (BE)
-Workshop on Hydromorphology and Ecological Status: 12-13 June 2012, Brussels (BE)
3.3.2Working Group C on Groundwater
Working Group C – Plenary meeting: 12-13 October 2011 in Warsaw. Main topics:
- Special Session on Groundwater and Climate Change - Presentation and discussion of MS needs concerning Climate Change and groundwater, presentation of current research projects
- Continuation of WG C Activity 1 – Exchange of best practice:
- Discussion and agreement upon final draft report on Groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems.
- Implementation of Article 6 of the Groundwater Directive: Measures to prevent or limit inputs of pollutants into groundwater (presentation of MS approaches and discussion)
- Continuation of WG C Activity 2 – Contribution to review of Annex I/II of the Groundwater Directive
- Discussion and agreement upon final draft report ‘Review of Annex I/II of Directive 2006/118/EC and recommendations for revision’.
The Water Directors are invited to endorse the ‘Technical report on groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems’, and the ‘Review of Annex I/II of Directive 2006/118/EC and recommendations for revision’.
Upcoming meetings
-WGC Groundwater: 26-27 March 2012, Brussels (BE)
WGC contribution to Science Policy Interfacing (SPI): completion of ‘research needs’ questionnaire is planned to be finalized before the endof 2011.
3.3.3Working Group D on Reporting
Meetings in the period:
-WISE Technical Group: 20-21 September 2011, JRC Ispra (IT)
-Working Group D – Plenary meeting: 28-29 October 2011, Brussels (BE)
Progress of the activities:
The deadline for reporting under Article 13 of the WFD was 22 March 2010.As of October2011, 22 Member States have adopted the plans and 25 Member States have uploaded some data to WISE. COM is planning to publish some data reported by Member States in WISE as part of the implementation of WFD and asks the Water Directors for their principle agreement on this – see separate note.
The second WISE Implementation Plan has been finalised– see separate note.
The reporting tools for Article 15.3 WFD reporting in 2012 on the progress on the implementation of the programmes of measures have been finalisedand are available for download – see separate note.
An update and extension of the WISE map viewer on WFD took place in May 2011 and the next update is planned for November 2011. The amount of information available has increased significantly and it now includes the information on status of water bodies as provided in the WFD reporting, bathing water, SoE water quality of river, lakes and groundwater, urban waste water. The map viewer is now using a more powerful and user-friendly technology. A selection of the maps presented in the concept paper agreed in 2010 has been included and further maps have been included in the November 2011 release.
State of Environmental Report (SoE): the 2010 data submission has been completed and the results are available in the WISE map viewer. Work is ongoing to develop the State of the Environment Report that will be published in 2012 to support the Blueprint.
An intensive work has been going on and is continuing to streamline the reporting under State of Environmental Reporting, Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the Eurostat/OECD Joint Questionnaire.
First reporting under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (July 2012) is under preparation and will be coordinated and streamlined for the extent possible with WFD reporting.
The next reporting under the Drinking Water Directive will be launched soon. No significant changes are included compared to the previous reporting but the reporting method has been aligned to that of the WFD and other Directives.
Upcoming meetings
-Working Group D – Plenary meeting: 29 March 2012, Brussels (BE)
3.3.4 Working Group E on Chemical Aspects
Meetings held in the period:
-Practical course on environmental quality standards (EQS) derivation in water, sediment and biota: implementation of the revised Guidance Document (2011): 1314May 2011, Varese (IT)
-2nd Workshop on Mixing Zones Guidelines: 24-25 May 2011, Ispra (IT)
-4thmeeting of the Drafting Group on guidance on inventory of emissions, discharges and losses: 25-26 May 2011, Karlsruhe (GE)
-Workshop on Metal Bioavailability: 21 June 2011, Brussels (BE)
-Meeting of the Working Group E: 22 June 2011, Brussels (BE)
-2nd meeting of the CMEP Sub-Group: 30 June 2011, Prague (CZ)
-5thmeeting of the Drafting Group on guidance on inventory of emissions, discharges and losses: 22-23 September 2011, Vienna (AT)
-3rd Workshop on Mixing Zones Guidelines: 4-5 October 2011, Ispra (IT)
-3rd meeting of the CMEP Sub-Group: 17-18 November 2011, Geel (BE)
Requests to the Water Directors:
The Water Directors are invited to endorse the ‘Guidance document on inventory of emissions, discharges and losses of priority substances’.
The Water Directors are requested to support the ‘Proposal for a pilot exercise on the implementation of a watch list’. This proposal is linked to the discussions on the Commission's forthcoming proposal on priority substances. The exercise, which would be led by the JRC, would explore the feasibility of implementing a watch list to monitor emerging and other pollutants. It would aim at identifying key issues that may need to be taken into account if a watch list is indeed established. The proposal for the pilot was discussed at the SCG and CMEP meetings in November, and has been revised in response to the comments received. The exercise would need the support of MemberState laboratories but is flexible enough to accommodate different degrees of engagement.
The Priority Substances proposal itself is likely to be adopted by the Commission in early December. An update will be provided to the Water Directors at their meeting.
Most important achievements in the period:
The Working Group E met once during the reporting period, in June,and discussed the work of the Drafting Group on Inventory Guidance and of the Sub-Group on Chemical Monitoring and Emerging Pollutants. In October it provided written comments on the Inventory Guidance, which was revised by the Drafting Group at its 5th meeting, and submitted to the SCG.At its meeting in November, the SCG agreed to forward the Guidance tothe Water Directors for endorsement.
The Chemical Monitoring and Emerging Pollutants (CMEP)Sub-Group held its second and third meetings and saw progress in several activities. Outputs included: a report on statistical methods on MAC-EQS; a report on the implementation of the QA/QC Directive based on a survey of the Member States; progress on innovation transfer activity in the context of on-site monitoring; an update of the compendium of available analytical methods for candidate Priority Substances; and progress on producing a report on the availability and potential application of effect-based monitoring tools. In addition, the CMEP contributed to the development of the above-mentionedproposal for a pilot exercise on the implementation of a watch list.
Upcoming meetings
-Meeting of Working Group E on Chemical Aspects: 1516March2012, Brussels (BE) (to be confirmed)
3.3.5 Working Group F on Floods
Key action required by Water Directors:
-The Water Directors are invited to endorse the ‘Reporting sheets for Flood Risk Management Plans’.
Key implementation progress:
-Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Reporting Tools launched on 20 July 2011
-Deadline completion of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, 22.12.2011, reporting 22.3.2012.
-All Member States have notified complete transposition of the Floods Directive. Transposition compliance checking is underway and expected to be finalised in early 2012. It is however already clear that many MemberState have correctly transposed the Directive.
Meetings held in this period:
-Reporting drafting group meeting, 15 June 2011, Brussels (BE)
-Reporting drafting group meeting, 15 September 2011, Brussels (BE)
-Meeting of the Working Group F, 19-20 October 2011, Brussels (BE)
- Reporting
The tools for the reporting of the Preliminary Flood Risk assessment were completed and launched, and the deadline for this reporting is the 22 March 2012.A separate enumeration list of types of measures has also been prepared and agreed, to be used in the reporting schemas. The deadline for this reporting will be 2016.
After the adoption of the ‘Reporting Sheet on flood hazard and flood risk maps’ in 2010, the second GIS guidance version has been developed and discussed, taking due care to ensure streamlining of the reporting to avoid duplication of reporting and minimising the efforts. Furthermore, coherence with INSPIRE guidelines is foreseen. A testing phase is foreseen in early 2012, and the tools are foreseen to be finalised in 2012. The deadline for this reporting will be 2014.
The progress on INSPIRE developments of the technical specifications for the Annex III theme Natural Risk Zoneshas been followed and a case study has been set on flood risk maps. There is public consultation on the draft data specifications and comments from Working Group F on this are expected.
The Reporting sheet for Flood Risk Management Plans is the last of the reporting sheets to be approved by the Water Directors at this meeting. Following endorsement a Reporting guidance document will be prepared, and reporting tools will be developed.
- Information exchange – Thematic workshops
The proposed new ‘Thematic workshop on Stakeholder involvement in Flood Risk Management’ has been approved by the SCG.
Final reports of previous WG F Thematic workshops on Climate change and flood risk management (Karlstad, Sweden, September 2009), Flash floods and Pluvial Floods (Cagliari, Italy, May 2010) and Floods and economics (Ghent, Belgium, October 2010) were endorsed by WGF.
- Information exchange – other Working Group F information exchange
- Synthesis document on ‘Consolidated outcomes of the thematic workshop’:compilation of conclusions, recommendations, open issues and statements from the different thematic workshops.
- Information on other EU policies:
REGIO - EU Solidarity Fund (recent Commission Communication on a review of this fund)
ENV - Information on agreements with neighbouring countries on the implementation of the Floods Directive,
MARKT- Insurance Policy including a stakeholder conference on 18 October 2011
CLIMA - latest state of play climate change adaptation
ECHO - information on survey of civil protection assets available and needed, and definition of common scenarios. Floods have an important role, and ENV/ECHO is working to ensure streamlining of reporting.
Information on the CAP reform
- Member States presented their progress on the different aspects of the implementation of the Floods Directive. Austria presented the HORA portal, Ireland presented how environment and cultural heritage are taken on board in the preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA), ICPDR presented the PFRA work in the Danube. Sweden presented the "Barents rescue".
- The International Oceanographic Committee(UNESCO)presented its work on coastal mapping and early warning systems (mainly for tsunamis). The project FLOOD WISE was also presented.
- Report ‘Floods and economics’ resource document – Working Group F Deliverable 2
Belgium presented a first draft of the Resource document on ‘Floods and economics’. After further contributions by other WGF members, it is foreseen that the document will be discussed at the next WG F meeting.
- Activity on the links between the Floods Directive and the Water Framework Directive
A progress report was presented to WGF on the development of this document, and it is foreseen that it will be circulated to the core group, and thereafter WGF, prior to the next WGF meeting in April 2012
Upcoming meetings
-11thMeeting of Working Group F: 17-19 April 2012, back to back with the foreseen thematic workshop on public stakeholder involvement/participation, Bucharest (RO).