Writing competition – Special merit
Flowers from Crevices by John Ellis
Reared in private health care, under dietary control,
Cosseted for life they bloom and are checked,
Their pedigree examined, quality under scrutiny,
They lie in prescribed life support until cut,
Ready for a fickle market which may need them just for a day.
Their beauty put on display invites no more than a glance
And soon they will meet their contemporaries
Decomposing on a heap as their former fragrance
Merges with ranker perfume and dies.
The luckier ones, claiming little more than novelty in their provenance,
Are potted, flaunted and plotted along the imaginary catwalk of a show
To preen themselves in the gardens of the rich.
They cannot be aware that, in small crevices,
Sometimes in the pointing of a brick, a real life struggle goes on,
Where aubrietia, forget-me-not and even hollyhock
Determine to thrive off crumbs and strive,
With the blooming of a smile, to show us their true worth.
Copyright John Ellis 2016