What is the committee looking for?
- Texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, or texts for a special liturgical observance
- Texts that are grammatically correct (poetic license permitted)
- Texts that capture the imagination or encourage further reflection
- Texts that use gender-neutral language are preferred
- Texts with a good poetic style which are suitable for singing by congregations
- Music and texts that are reflective of Latino/ Hispanic spirituality, culture and contemporary issues
- Tunes that are within the singing capabilities of an average congregation
- A harmony between the concepts and mood of the words and those of the tune
- Songs that are in Spanish are preferred but bilingual (Spanish-English) songs are also welcome
How do I submit a composition or make a recommendation?
An individual may submit no more than nine (9) original compositions, however a mass setting will be considered as one entry. In addition, an individual may submit no more than nine (9) recommendations of compositions not their own. First consideration will be given to submissions received by midnight, October 11, 2009. Submissions received after that date will be considered if time and space permit.
- Aseparate form is required for each submission.
- A typewritten copy of the text must accompany the submission form. Engraved manuscripts are not required, but hand-notated manuscripts must be clean and legible. Illegible entries will not be considered. Entries must be legibly typed or printed. Illegible entries will not be considered. Please send good copies of your original composition. Do not send your only copy. We accept no responsibility for any items sent to us.
- The music must be submitted with the form, in either of two manners:
a. written musical score, using traditional and common forms of musical notation
b. A recording of the song in MP-3 (preferred), or a URL address of where it can be found on the internet. [A cassette, video, or CD will also be accepted if mailed in]
You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your submission(s). However, because of the anticipated number of submissions, you will only receive further notification if the composition is selected for inclusion in the cancionero. All correspondence will be through email. If you do not submit a valid email address, you will not be notified.
Electronic Submissions:
Mail entries to:
The Rev. Janssen Gutiérrez Silva
653 Monument Rd, Apt # 505
Jacksonville, FL 32225 USA
All non-electronic submission(s): The forms along with the corresponding music must be mailed by Certified Mail, UPS, FedEx, etc. with a tracking number for all mailed materials and an estimated date of arrival. Electronic submissions are encouraged