01 - General
01 – 01 Scope
All solar hot water pipework and associated fittings shall be insulated.
01 – 02 Standard References
The materials, components and completed installations shall conform to applicable Standards current at the time of tendering.
Relevant standards may include:
BS 476 Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures.
BS EN 12667Thermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of
thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter
methods. Products of high and medium thermal resistance.
BS 3533Glossary of terms relating to thermal insulation.
BS 5970Thermal insulation of pipework and equipment in the temperature range of
-100°C to + 870°C
BS 5422Method for specifying thermal insulation materials for pipes, tanks, vessels, ductwork and equipment operating within the temperature range -40°C to +700°C.
EN 13501-1Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests.
01 – 03 Services to be Insulated
All solar hot water pipework and associated fittings shall be insulated.
The installation work shall be carried out by suitably trained insulation contractors.
02 – Materials
02 – 01 General
All insulation materials shall be:-
Obtained, where available from an ISO 9001:2000 “quality systems” and ISO 14001:2004 “environmental systems” certified manufacturer.
HT/Armaflex and Armaflex Duosolar materials shall be installed as to the manufacturer’s recommendations using Armaflex HT625 Adhesive as appropriate.
All thermal insulation shall have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of 0 as required.
All thermal insulation shall have a global warming potential (GWP) rating of 0 as required.
The thermal insulation must be CE marked in accordance with the relevant European standard.
03 – Insulation
03 – 01 Selection
Shall be:-
For solar hot water
UV resistant HT/Armaflex elastomeric EPDM rubber capable of operating at temperatures up to 150°C. The material shall be CFC and H-CFC free.
Armaflex DuoSolar stainless steel corrugated solar pipework pre insulated with UV resistant HT/Armaflex elastomeric EPDM rubber capable of operating at temperatures up to 150°C. The product shall incorporate an integrated sensor cable. The material shall be CFC and H-CFC free.
Armaflex DuoSolar 220 stainless steel corrugated solar pipework pre insulated with UV resistant HT/Armaflex elastomeric EPDM rubber capable of operating at temperatures up to 220°C. The product shall incorporate an integrated sensor cable. The material shall be CFC and H-CFC free.
03 – 02 Thermal Insulation Materials
Material / Temp Range / “K” Value W/mK at mean temp / ODPRating / GWP
Rating / Fire Class / Typical material density kg/m3
HT/Armaflex / -50ºC to
+150ºC / 0.042 @ 40ºC / 0 / 0 / Class 1 / 65
04 – Protection and Protective Coverings
04 – 01 Internal Coverings
Shall be:
For HT/Armaflex:
No painting or covering shall normally be required when using HT/Armaflex outdoors due to the natural in-built resistance against UV degradation.
For Armaflex DuoSolar:
Armaflex DuoSolar features a tough black textured coating pre-applied. No additional covering or cladding shall be required.
All excess adhesive visible on the surface of the completed assembly shall be removed using an appropriate cleaning fluid such as Armaflex Cleaner.
04 – 02 External Coverings
Shall be:
For HT/Armaflex:
No painting or covering shall normally be required when using HT/Armaflex outdoors due to the natural in-built resistance against UV degradation.
For Armaflex DuoSolar:
Armaflex DuoSolar features a tough black textured coating pre-applied. No additional covering or cladding shall be required.
All excess adhesive visible on the surface of the completed assembly shall be removed using an appropriate cleaning fluid such as Armaflex Cleaner.
04 – 03 Vapour Barriers
Shall be:
For HT/Armaflex:
Built into the insulation material. The insulation shall have a moisture resistance factor no
less than 3,000. No additional external water vapour barrier shall be necessary.
04 – 04 Insulation of Pipework Supports
In all cases have all pipe clips and hangers attached to the outside of the insulation. Metal saddles to be used to prevent crushing of the insulation.
04 – 05 Insulated Valve and Flange Cover Boxes
Shall be manufactured directly from the insulation material itself as according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The covering of fabricated flange or valve covers shall be as for the insulation on the remainder of the attached service pipes.