Action Notes from the Occupational Therapy Think Group
on Wednesday, 18th March 2015 at NES Offices, Westport 102, Edinburgh
In Attendance:Jenny Whinnett (Chair)
Norma Clark
Linda Harris (NES Representative)
Grace Kirwan
Dawn Mitchell
Lesley Newton
Elaine Thompson (Admin Support) / Apologies received:
Joanna Beveridge
Corinne Britton
Maureen Grove
Edith Macintosh
Kathleen McDevitt
Jenny Preston
Andrea Ronnie
Item / Action / Responsibility
2. / Matters Arising
Minutes and Actions from Last Meeting on 18th November 2014
The minutes were approved as a correct record.
Outstanding Action
From the Terms of Reference, which are in hand and will be discussed at Agenda Item 5:
5.Terms of Reference – Membership
Jenny Miller wrote to Fiona Kennedy asking about GCU Representatives, Fiona forwarded request to Geraldine to co-ordinate and identify MSc students. / Geraldine
3. / The Overarching AHP Advisory Group Meeting
The relationship between the OT Think Tank Group and the Overarching Advisory Group was discussed at length. The Group noted the importance of preparing the issues ahead of time, and appropriately supporting Group Members who attend. Linda suggested that the link between the Group becomes a standing Agenda item at each meeting. The next meeting is planned for Monday 20th April 2015, Corinne and Linda will attend and review the best way forward. It was noted that this date is the same as the planned Festival of Learning to be held at Queen Margaret University. / Linda and Corinne
4. / Practice Educator Accreditation (APPLE)
It was agreed that this would be an Agenda Item at the next meeting on 9th September 2015.
Elaine to email Group Maureen Grove’s email address for Members to respond on the Update Paper.
Linda to discuss with Pete Glover, Practice Education Co-ordinator with NES about the Development of Quality Standards for Practice Placements (QSPP) and the links with APPLE. / Elaine
Item / Action / Responsibility
5. / Terms of Reference – Membership
The Terms of Reference were reviewed and the following were pending changes:
- Chair will change September 2015
- Norma Clark term will finish in September 2015
- Invite Grace Kirwan to be new Graduate as no longer be a Student Representative
- Amend Lesley Newton’s organisation name
- Invite all HEIs to clarify permanent staff members and student reps
- Practitioner (Managed Clinical Network)
- Health and Social Care Integration
- PAMIS/Other Third Sector
- Representation from the Criminal Justice
- Explore the Fire Service
- Mentoring Older People in isolated roles
6. / Hot Topics/Workplan
It was discussed that we need to keep “Hot Topics” relevant as the current list may not reflect and agreed to refresh it in light of the NES Strategy and the newly published AHP Strategy.
Linda to bring the Operational Plan to the next meeting as this is good for sharing.
It was decided that we would dedicate an afternoon to the “Hot Topics”, which Elaine will update the next Agenda.
There was some concern that waiting until the next meeting in September was too long to wait to add ideas to the “Hot Topics” Template and that Elaine and Linda would draw up a Template and Elaine will organise a cloud (possibly Dropbox) to share with the Group so all documents can be uploaded. / Linda
7. / Date and Time of Next Meeting
It was agreed at the meeting in September to discuss the possibility to hold an OT Meeting in Dundee (2016). / Linda
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