PUBLICATIONS - Frederick Larkin Moffat, Jr., M.D.
Books, Monographs and Book Chapters Published:
Moffat FL. Sentinel lymph node biopsy. In: Krag DN (ed.). Handbook in Surgical Oncology. Landes Bioscience Publishers, Austin, 2000. Pp. 294-312.
Moffat FL, Krag DN. Should surgeons abandon routine axillary dissection for sentinel node biopsy in early breast cancer? In: Nabholtz J-M, Tonkin K, Aapro M, Buzdar AU. (eds.) Breast Cancer Management: Application of Evidence to Patient Care. Martin Dunitz Publishers, London, 2000. Pp. 245-252.
Gonzalez A, Moffat FL. The Breast. In: McKenney MG, Manganon P, Moylan JA (Eds.). Understanding Surgical Disease. Little, Brown and Co., Philadelphia, 1998. Pp. 77-89.
Moffat FL, Falk RE. Radical surgery for extensive rectal cancer. Is it worthwhile? Recent Results in Cancer Research 146:71-83, 1998.
Moffat FL, Sittler SY, Sridhar K, Cassel JM. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lip. Presenting the problem of neurotropism. In: Winchester DP, Brennan MF, Dodd GD Jr., Henson DE, Kennedy BJ, Steele GD Jr., Wilson JF (Eds.) Tumor Board Case Management. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1997. Pp. 3-7.
Gulec SA, Moffat FL, Carroll R. The expanding clinical role for intraoperative gamma probes. In: Freeman LM (Ed.) Nuclear Medicine Annual 1997. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia 1997. Pp. 209-237.
Moffat FL. Locoregional Treatment Considerations in Early Breast Cancer. R.G. Landes Co., Austin, 1994. (150 pp.)
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Surgery for malignant neoplasia. The evolution of oncological surgery and its role in the management of cancer patients. In: McKenna RJ Sr., Murphy GP (Eds). Cancer Surgery. J.B.Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1994. Pp. 1-20.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Adjuvant radiotherapy is not always necessary following conservative surgery for early breast cancer. In: Wise L, Johnson H (Eds.). Breast Cancer: Controversies in Management. Futura Publishing Co., Armonk, N.Y., 1994. Pp. 409-426.
Moffat FL, Yeung RS, Falk RE, Ketcham AS. Exenterative surgery for recurrent pelvic neoplasia. Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America 3(2):277-290, 1994.
Books, Monographs and Book Chapters Published (cont'd)
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Alternative diagnostic procedures for early breast cancer. In: Ariel IM, Cahan AC (Eds.). Treatment of Pre-cancerous Lesions and Early Breast Cancer. Williams and Wilkins Baltimore, 1993. Pp. 61-68.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS (Guest Eds). Locoregional Disease Control and Breast Conservation in Early Breast Cancer. Seminars in Surgical Oncology Volume 8 (No. 3), 1992.
Ketcham AS, Moffat FL, Balch CM. Classification and Staging. In: Balch CM, Houghton AN, Milton GW, Sober AJ, Soong S-j (Eds.). Cutaneous Melanoma (2nd Ed.). J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1992. Pp. 213-220.
Ketcham AS, Moffat FL. Cancer of the skin and the surgical oncologist. In: Epstein EE Sr., Epstein EE Jr. (Eds.). Skin Surgery.(6th Ed.) W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1987. Pp. 140-152.
Falk RE, Newhook L, Moffat FL, Lopatin WB, Heine JA, Makowka L, Howard V, Laing D, Venturi D, Falk JA. Thermochemotherapy for unresectable hepatic cancer. In: Honenberger P. (Ed.). Recent Results in Cancer Research. Volume 100. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 1986. Pp. 315-320.
Teodorczyk-Injeyan JA, Falk JA, Makowka L, Fillion L, Falk RE, Moffat FL. NED-137: A low molecular weight polycarboxylate with immunostimulatory activity. In: Fenichel RL, Chirigos MA (Eds.). Immunomodulating Agents and Their Mechanisms. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1984. Pp. 261-286.
Falk RE, Moffat FL, Calhoun K, Dreznik Z, Makowka L, Ambus U, Langer JC, Howard V, Rotstein LE, Falk JA. The effect of radiofrequency hyperthermia on human neoplasms when used with adjuvant metronidazole. In: Fudenberg HH, Pontiggia P, Ogier C (Eds.). Immunomodulation and Thermotherapy for Cancer. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting "SANROCCO '82". Acta Medica Edizioni e Congressi, Rome, 1982.
Refereed Journal Articles:
Moffat FL, Serafini AN. Radioimmunoscintigraphy for colorectal cancer. Current status and future prospects. Seminars in Colorectal Surgery 13(2):119-126, 2002.
Moffat FL. Sentinel node biopsy is not an alternative to axillary dissection on breast cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology 77(3):153-156, 2001.
Peck MD, Spalding PB, Moffat FL, Han T, Jy W, Chu AJ. Dietary olive oil enhances murine lymphocyte calcium uptake. Journal of Trauma 49(1): 109-114, 2000.
Refereed Journal Articles (cont'd)
Peck MD, Moffat FL, Spalding PB, Han T, Jy W. High-fat diets suppress CD3 and CD25 expression on the surface of murine lymphocytes. Nutrition 16:278-283, 2000.
Mies C, Lentz JC, Moffat FL. Stereotactic core needle biopsy of the breast. The Breast Journal 6:197-198, 2000.
Moffat FL, Giacomantonio C, Temple WJ. Management of cancer in the Canadian health care system. Cancer care in Ontario: accessible oncology on sale, or cheque's in the mail? Cancer Investigation 18(4):395-402, 2000.
Moffat FL, Krag DN. Sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer: showtime or dress rehearsal? In Vivo 14(1):255-264, 2000.
Moffat FL, Gulec SA, Sittler SY, Serafini AN, Sfakianakis GN, Boggs JE, Franceschi D, Pruett CS, Pop R, Gurkok C, Livingstone AS, Krag DN. Unfiltered sulphur colloid and sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer. Technical and kinetic considerations. Annals of Surgical Oncology 6(8):746-755, 1999.
Krag DN, Moffat FL. Nuclear medicine sextet: Nuclear medicine and the surgeon. The Lancet 354:1019-1022, 1999.
Krag DN, Ashikaga T, Moss TJ, Kusminsky RE, Feldman S, Carp NZ, Moffat FL, Beitsch PD, Frazier TG, Gaskin TA, Shook JW, Harlow SP, Weaver DL. Breast cancer cells in the blood. The Breast Journal 5(6):354-358, 1999.
Bathe OF, Boggs JE, Kaklamanos IG, Franceschi D, Moffat FL, Livingstone AS. Metastasectomy as a cytoreductive strategy for treatment of isolated pulmonary and hepatic metastases from breast cancer. Surgical Oncology 8:35-42, 1999.
Bathe OF, Franceschi D, Livingstone AS, Moffat FL, Tian E, Ardalan B. Increased thymidylate synthase gene expression in liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma: implications for chemotherapeutic options and survival. The Cancer Journal from Scientific American 5(1):34-40, 1999.
Moffat FL, Gulec SA, Serafini AN, Sfakianakis GN, Pop R, Robinson DS, Franceschi D, Boggs J, Livingstone AS. A thousand points of light, or just dim bulbs? Radiolabeled antibodies and colorectal cancer imaging. Cancer Investigation 17(5):322-334, 1999.
Averette HE, Mirhashemi R, Moffat FL. Pregnancy after breast cancer: the ultimate medical challenge. Cancer 85(11):2302-2304, 1999.
Kalish ED, Iida N, Moffat FL, Bourguignon LYW. A new CD44v3-containing isoform is involved in tumor cell growth and migration during human breast carcinoma progression. Frontiers in Bioscience 4:1-8, 1999.
Krag DN, Weaver D, Ashikaga T, Moffat FL, Klimberg SV, Shriver C, Feldman S, Kusminsky R, Gadd M, Kuhn JA, Harlow S, Beitsch P. The sentinel node in breast cancer. A multicenter validation study. New England Journal of Medicine 339(14):941-946, 1998.
Gulec SA, Moffat FL, Carroll RG, Serafini AN, Sfakianakis GN, Allen L, Boggs J, Escobedo D, Pruett CS, Gupta A, Livingstone AS, Krag DN. Sentinel lymph node localization in early breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39(8):1388-1393, 1998.
Carver CS, Pozo-Kaderman C, Price AA, Noriega V, Harris SD, DerHagopian RP, Robinson DS, Moffat FL. Concern about aspects of body image and adjustments to early stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine 60:168-174, 1998.
Gulec SA, Serafini AN, Sridhar K, Peker KR, Gupta A, Moffat FL. Somatostatin receptor expression in Hürthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39:243-245, 1998.
Wolfson AH, Benedetto PW, Mnaymneh W, Moffat FL, Robinson DS, Boyer C, Raub WA, Duncan RC, Markoe AM. Does a radiation dose-response exist concerning survival of patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities? American Journal of Clinical Oncology 21(3):270-274, 1998.
Hughes KS, Pinsky CM, Petrelli NJ, Moffat FL, Patt YZ, Hammershaimb L, Goldenberg DM. Use of carcinoembryonic antigen radioimmunodetection and computed tomography for predicting the resectability of recurrent colorectal cancer. Annals of Surgery 226(5):621-631, 1997.
Gulec SA, Moffat FL, Carroll RG, Krag DN. Gamma probe guided sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer. Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine 41(3):251-261, 1997.
Gulec SA, Serafini AN, Markoe AM, Sridhar KS, Kuker RA, Chirinos RE, Ajami K, Peker KR, Korensky T, Moffat FL. Papillary thyroid cancer: kinetic analysis and response to therapy. Diagnostic Oncology 4:325-330, 1997.
Gulec SA, Serafini AN, Ezuddin S, Kuker RA, Gupta A, Stabin M, Moffat FL, Robinson DS. Malignant struma ovarii: dosimetric technique for radioactive iodine therapy. Diagnostic Oncology 4:331-333, 1997.
Moffat FL, Han T, Li Z-M, Peck MD, Falk RE, Spalding PB, Jy W, Ahn YS, Chu A, Bourguignon LYW. Involvement of CD44 and the cytoskeletal linker protein ankyrin in human neutrophil bacterial phagocytosis. Journal of Cellular Physiology 168(3):638-647, 1996.
Moffat FL, Pinsky CM, Hammerschaimb L, Petrelli N, Patt Y, Whaley F, Goldenberg DM, for the Immunomedics Clinical Study Group. Clinical utility of external immunoscintigraphy with the IMMU-4 technetium-99m Fab' antibody fragment in patients undergoing surgery for carcinoma of the colon and rectum: results of a pivotal Phase III trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 14(8):2295-2305, 1996.
Moffat FL, Han T, Li Z-M, Spalding PB, Peck MD, Jy W, Ahn YS, Chu A, Bourguignon LYW. Supplemental L-arginine HCl augments bacterial phagocytosis in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Journal of Cellular Physiology 168(1):26-33, 1996.
Gulec SA, Serafini AN, Moffat FL, Velez PG, Franceschi D, Boggs J, Gargano CA, Robinson DS, Sfakianakis GN. Radioimmunoscintigraphy of breast carcinoma using technetium-99m labeled Fab' fragment of anticarcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody IMMU-4 (CEA-ScanTM). Diagnostic Oncology 4:209-213, 1996.
Moffat FL, Vargas-Cuba RD, Serafini AN, Jabir AM, Sfakianakis GN, Sittler SY, Robinson DS, Crichton VZ, Subramanian R, Murray JH, Klein JL, Hanna MG Jr., DeJager RL. Preoperative scintigraphy and operative probe scintimetry of colorectal carcinoma using technetium-99m-88BV59. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 36(5):738-745, 1995.
Gulec SA, Serafini AN, Moffat FL, Vargas-Cuba RD, Sfakianakis GN, Franceschi D, Crichton VZ, Subramanian R, Klein JL, DeJager RL. Radioimmunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinoma using technetium-99m-labeled totally human monoclonal antibody 88BV59H21-2. Cancer Research (Suppl) 55(23):5774s-5776s, 1995.
Feun LG, Savaraj N, Moffat FL, Robinson DS, Liebmann A, Hurley J, Raub WA Jr., Richman SP. Phase II trial of recombinant alpha interferon (Intron) with BCNU, cisplatin, DTIC and tamoxifen in advanced malignant melanoma. Melanoma Research 5:273-276, 1995.
Moffat FL, Vargas-Cuba RD, Serafini AN, Casillas VJ, Morillo G, Benedetto P,Robinson DS, Ardalan B, Manten HD, Clark KC, Garrido J, Ketcham AS, Pinsky Radioimmunodetection of colorectal carcinoma using technetium 99m-labeled Fab' fragments of the IMMU-4 anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody. Cancer 73(3):836-845, 1994.
Yeung R, Moffat FL, Falk RE. Pelvic exenteration for recurrent colorectal adenocarcinoma: a review. Cancer Investigation 12(2):176-188, 1994.
Feun LG, Raub WA Jr., Duncan RC, Moffat FL, Savaraj N, Nemeth A, Markoe A, Trapido E. Melanoma in a southeastern Hispanic population. Cancer Detection and Prevention 18(1):145-152, 1994.
Carver CS, Pozo-Kaderman C, Harris SD, Noriega V, Scheier MF, Robinson DS, Ketcham AS, Moffat FL, Clark KC. Optimism versus pessimism predicts the quality of women's adjustment to early stage breast cancer. Cancer 73(4):1213-1220, 1994.
Feun LG, Reddy KR, Yrizarry JM, Savaraj N, Guerra JJ, Purser RK, Waldman S, Levi JU, Moffat FL, Morrell L, Livingstone AS, Ardalan B, Benedetto P. A Phase I study of chemoembolization with cisplatin and lipiodol for primary and metastatic liver cancer. American Journal of Clinical Oncology 17(5):405-410, 1994.
Yeung RS, Moffat FL, Falk RE. Pelvic exenteration for recurrent and extensive primary colorectal adenocarcinoma. Cancer 72(6):1853-1858, 1993.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Metastatic proclivities and patterns among APUD cell neoplasms. Seminars in Surgical Oncology 9(5):443-452, 1993.
Carver CS, Pozo C, Harris SD, Noriega V, Scheier MF, Robinson DS, Ketcham AS, Moffat FL, Clark KC. How coping mediates the effect of optimism on distress: a study of women with early stage breast cancer. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65(2):375-390, 1993.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Breast-conserving surgery and selective adjuvant radiation therapy for Stage I and II breast cancer. Seminars in Surgical Oncology 8(3):172-176, 1992.
Pozo C, Carver CS, Noriega V, Harris SD, Robinson DS, Ketcham AS, Legaspi A, Moffat FL, Clark KC. Effects of mastectomy vs lumpectomy on emotional adjustment to breast cancer: a prospective study of the first year postsurgery. Journal of Clinical Oncology 10(8):1292-1298, 1992.
Clark KC, Thomas R, Senofsky G, Moffat FL, Robinson DS, Ketcham AS. Breast cancer in the '90's. Diagnostic Oncology 2:230-233, 1992.
Moffat FL, Senofsky GM, Clark KC, Davis K, Robinson DS, Ketcham AS. Axillary node dissection for early breast cancer. Some is good, but all is better. Journal of Surgical Oncology 51(1):8-13, 1992.
Raub WA Jr., Feun LG, Duncan RC, Moffat FL, Savaraj N, Nemeth A, Markoe A. Descriptive analysis of the tumor registry experience for malignant melanoma from 1977 to 1986 at the University of Miami School of Medicine/Jackson Memorial Hospital. Cancer Detection and Prevention 16(3):193-202, 1992.
Senofsky GM, Moffat FL, Davis K, Clark KC, Masri MM, Robinson DS, Sabates B, Ketcham AS. Total axillary lymphadenectomy in the management of breast cancer. Archives of Surgery 126(11):1336-1342, 1991.
Serafini AN, Vargas-Cuba R, Benedetto P, Ardalan B, Garrido J, Robinson DS, Moffat FL, Pinsky C. Tc-99m-Fab' fragment of anti-CEA monoclonal antibody for the radioimmunodetection of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Antibody Immunoconjugates and Radiopharmaceuticals 4(4):561-568, 1991.
Clark KC, Moffat FL, Ketcham AS, Legaspi A, Robinson DS. Nonoperative techniques for tissue diagnosis in the management of thyroid nodules and goitres. Seminars in Surgical Oncology 7(2):76-80, 1991.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Comprehensive surveillance after curative surgery for adenocarcinoma of the colon. American Journal of Gastroenterology 86(8): 939-940, 1991.
Ketcham AS, Moffat FL. Vexed surgeons, perplexed patients, and breast cancers which may not be cancer. Cancer 65(3):387-393, 1990.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS, Robinson DS, Legaspi A, Ghandur-Mnaymneh L, Hilsenbeck S. Segmental mastectomy without radiotherapy for T1 and small T2 breast carcinomas. Archives of Surgery 125(3):364-369, 1990.
Moffat FL, Ketcham AS. Has mammography led to too many breast biopsies? Journal of Surgical Oncology 45(1):1-3, 1990.
Gottlieb CF, Moffat FL, Hagmann MJ, Babij TM, Abitbol AA, Lewin AA, Houdek PV, Schwade JG. Preclinical evaluation of submillimeter diameter microwave interstitial hyperthermia applicators. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 25(3):149-160, 1990.
Bell RS, O'Sullivan B, Langer F, Mahoney JL, Lichtenstein SV, Moffat FL, Cummings BJ, Hawkins NV, Fornasier VL. Complications and functional results after limb-salvage surgery and radiotherapy for difficult mesenchymal neoplasms: a prospective analysis. Canadian Journal of Surgery 32(1):69-73, 1989.
Ostrowski MA, Asa SL, Chamberlain D, Moffat FL, Rotstein LE. Myxomatous change in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Surgical Pathology 2(3):249-256, 1989.