Walsall Education Committee
Termly Curriculum Plan for ParentsYear: 1 / Class Teacher: Mrs R. Thompson
Religious Education / Pentecost – children will understand that the Holy Spirit is God and that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit when he went back to heaven. They will know the story of Pentecost and be able to describe how the disciples changed after receiving the Holy Spirit. They will also be able to identify and explain some of the symbols associated with the Holy Spirit and used in celebrations of Pentecost.
Sharing Jesus’ life – children will know the stories of the call of the disciples and some information about them. They will know and be able to recall some stories about Jesus and his disciples, which show that the disciples shared in the life and work of Jesus. They will be able to identify some characteristics of a disciple and describe some ways in which Jesus changes or affects people’s lives.
Following Jesus today. – children will understand that they belong to the Church through Baptism and that this means being part of God’s family and a follower of Jesus. They will be able to describe signs of their belonging to the Church and ways in which they, and other members of the Church, follow Jesus and celebrate his life.
Numeracy / Count to & across 100, forwards & backwards from any number; read & write numbers to 20 in digits & words; read & write numbers to 100 digits; say 1 more/1 less to 100; count in multiples of 1, 2, 5, & 10; know bonds to 10 by heart; use bonds & subtraction facts to 20; add & subtract 1 digit & 2 digit numbers to 20 including zero; add any three 1-digit numbers with a total up to 20; solve simple multiplication & division with apparatus & arrays; recognise half and quarter of object, shape or quantity; sequence events in order; use language of day, week, month and year; tell time to hour & half past.
Language and Literacy / Fiction and Poetry – stories about fantasy worlds, poems with patterned and predictable structures; a variety of poems on similar themes.
Non-fiction – information texts including recounts of observations, visits, events.
Computing / We are TV chefs: In this unit, pupils produce short videos of themselves making a healthy meal or snack. They also decompose a complex problem into smaller parts – an important
idea from computer science.
We are Painters: This unit will particularly engage children who love the illustrations in the books they read. It is a great opportunity for the children to work creatively.
Science / Growing Plants – children will learn to name some common plants and identify the leaf, root, stem and flower of a plant. They will recognise that plants are living and need water and light to grow. They will investigate the conditions plants need for growth.
Seasonal Change: Children will continue to learn about seasonal changes through a variety of fun activities. They will explore how weather and day length effect animals and humans. They will be encouraged to use their own experiences and the information provided to come to conclusions about how living things adapt to seasonal changes.
Geography / Tocuaro – A study of a contrasting location.
Place Knowledge Children will begin to understand the geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non‐European country – Tocuaro in Mexico
Human and Physical Geography. They will identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and elsewhere and develop their use of geographical vocabulary.
Music / Children will listen to and appraise a range of music styles and learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through games, singing, playing instruments and improvising. They will then perform their compositions.
Music styles to be covered this term include : Bossa Nova, Reggae style, Hip Hop and Blues
Design and Technology / Food technology. Children will gain an understanding of the properties, including taste, texture and appearance, of a range of fruit and vegetables and prepare and combine ingredients into a specific product. They will use basic tools safely and recognise that it is important to eat more fruit and vegetables.
Includes a visit to Asda (St. Matthews) for information gathering and tasting.
Art / Henri Matisse – Children will look at the paper cut-outs of Henri Matisse and make their own versions on order to:
Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. Use a wide range of patterns.
Focus on using lines and known geometric shapes to create.
Link their products to well-known artists
P.E. / Games - use basic underarm, rolling and hitting skills; sometimes use overarm skills; intercept, retrieve and stop a beanbag and a medium-sized ball with some consistency; sometimes catch a beanbag and a medium-sized ball; track balls and other equipment sent to them, moving in line with the ball to collect it; throw, hit and kick a ball in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the game; choose different ways of hitting, throwing, striking or kicking the ball; decide where to stand to make it difficult for their opponent; describe what they and others are doing; describe how their body feels during games
Athletics – Children will explore running, jumping and throwing activities, and take part in simple challenges and competitions. They experiment with different ways of travelling, throwing and jumping, increasing their awareness of speed and distance. In all athletic activities, children think about how to achieve the greatest possible speed, height, distance or accuracy.
Other Activities/Visits / Visit to Asda St. Matthews store linked to Design and Technology
Summer Term 2016