June 2015

Raeford United Methodist Church

308 N. Main St., Raeford, NC 28376

Reverend Steve Castle

(910) 875-2111 FAX 875-0208

(email: )

(web site:http://raefordumc.org)


I'm a huge MASH fan. Thanks to NETFLIX, I am able to watch the various episodes of the long-running TV series anytime I want. One of the most memorable (and saddest) episodes of MASH is the series finale. In that episode, Hawkeye's best friend, BJ Honeycut, refuses to say goodbye to Hawkeye. Hawkeye is confused and dismayed by his friend's inability to say goodbye.

As all of the cast members are departing from the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital sight, BJ, who is making his final departure on an Indian motorcycle, tells Hawkeye, who is making his final departure in a helicopter, that he has left something for Hawkeye. BJ doesn't tell Hawkeye what it is. As the helicopter lifts off of the pad, Hawkeye discovers that BJ has used stones to spell out in huge letters "GOODBYE!" The closing scene is metaphorical. Their final GOODBYE is written in stone.

This is the final Raeford UMC Newsletter article I will write. I'm a lot like MASH's BJ. I don't like goodbyes either, so, even though you will be reading this article weeks prior to my departure, this is my way of saying "GOODBYE!" I thank you all for a wonderful two years. Thank you for making Patti and me feel like we belong here. Thank you for your outpouring of love. It has been quite a journey. THANK YOU!

It helps knowing that you are being left in good hands. I have no doubt that Brian and Dianne are just what RUMC needs, and I have no doubt that you will make them feel as at home as you made Patti and me feel. This makes it much easier for me to say "GOODBYE!"

Remember, God loves you and so do I,

Pastor Steve

United Methodist Women

Happy Summer! All recipes for our RUMW cookbook were due June 1st. I am in the process of typing and finalizing recipes. Thank you for your submissions!

We would like to invite you to help us bless the church! Our Refresh & Renewal Project will take place July 6th-10th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Each circle will help organize workers and help to clean the following areas: MAD-Kitchen, MMBS-Sanctuary/Alter Area, RM-Bathrooms. If you can come for only one day or one hour, any time you can give will surely bless our church! Please bring your favorite cleaning supplies! J

Upcoming Events

June 10th-13th - Annual Conference in Wilmington, NC

July 16th-18th - Mission U at Methodist University

August 9th - Mission Team meetings*

August 10th - All-Together meeting hosted by MAD*

*Please note that the Mission Team meeting and All Together Meeting have been changed and are not the same as the dates in the handbook.

Thank you for your continued support in our ministry and the prayers for our leaders and members!

Your Sister in Christ,

Ashley Teets

RUMW President


Please watch church bulletin for an announcement for June plans.

Church Council

Welcome, Matthew Hendrix to the Board of Trustees, and welcome, Velera Wyrick to the Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee.

Welcome, Stephanie Hendrix to the church office for on-the-job training as our new church secretary!

We received a proposal from Fleming & Associates, Structural Engineers, for work on the elevator. Included in the proposal are design,

plumbing and electrical components.

The Good Neighbor Festival netted a preliminary profit of $5300 with $100 of that coming from the Texas Roadhouse percentage of receipts.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s festival a success.

The Prime Timers met for lunch in April at the Edinborough Restaurant, with 22 people attending.

Our Youth group enjoyed a movie and dinner outing in May. There will be a Youth and Children’s Family Game Night on May 30 at 5:00 in the Fellowship Hall. The Youth have re-opened their coffee shop in the kitchen on Sunday mornings before Sunday School and also before the 11:00 worship service!

Vacation Bible School will be held July 27-31. Volunteers are needed; let Jessica know if you can help!

Raeford Christian Food Bank provided 15 bags of food in April.

The Education Committee sponsored a Murder Mystery Dinner in early May. They are conducting two Bible Studies, one on Wednesday

mornings, and the other on Friday evenings, with Colossians as one topic.

We are planning a Covered Dish Welcome Dinner for Rev. Brian Wingo and his wife, Diane, on Sunday, July 12.

Our next meeting is Monday, June 15 at 7:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

Thank you for your continued support,

Linda Richards, Chair RUMC Council

Mission & Ministry GNF

I have to start out by saying, THANK YOU! Whether tackling the town asking for sponsorships, donating money or auction items, food for the Sierra Leone mission, chips and/or drinks, eating at Texas Roadhouse, baking desserts for the weekend, letting us borrow items or land for our banners, and also to the ones that donated their time and energy to set up, cook, or work a booth at the festival, each one of you helped make our festival a success! It takes members like you to help bring our community together as a whole.

We had a couple financial setbacks, but even with those, we made over $5,000! The Missions & Ministry Team met and will let everyone know how we are using the profits to better the community. Stay tuned and thank you again!

We still have a lot of t-shirts left for sale at $10!

P.S. A special thank you goes out to Ms. Joyce! There were several aggravating things that I needed her help with for the festival and she did everything with a smile. I have huge shoes to fill as the new church secretary. There are so many behind-the-scene jobs that she does! She will truly be missed by everyone in the church. I am so excited to start this new journey and I am sure I will have questions after she leaves, but she is a great teacher…plus I know where to find her! J

God Bless!

Stephanie Hendrix

THIS and THAT Bulletin Board

Lots going on!

New pictures continue to “show up” on this board. Take a look and see just how involved people are in our church activities and our community! Won’t you submit an article of what you see going on and in things of which you are a part? We know our church is involved in many ministries; take a picture and submit it! Let’s highlight these fellowship and ministry activities on our This and That Bulletin Board!

Wed. Night Supper Schedule:

Servers: Delivery:

June 03 MAD Group Ronnie Floyd

10 Bunce Family Harley Adams

27 Prime Timers Kathy Brigman

24 Agape Class Wendell Young

FYI – There is no charge for Wednesday evening dinners (donations welcome and accepted).

Ushers for June:

Michael Zivkovic, Chris McDuffie,

Harley Adams, and Hank Richards

June Birthdays

01 Ashley Teets

04 Martha Hales, Nathan Wyrick

05 Sue Hanson, Katie Singletary

07 Sara Ellis, Mike Cook

10 Kay Love

12 Walter Barnhill

17 Bobby Britt

18 Seth Stansberry

19 Lawanna Hayes

20 Sandy Tucker, Emily Sands

21 Ann Ross

23 Verna Barnhill

25 John Manning

26 Kendra Castle

Everyone’s birthday is important to us, young and “older” alike. If you are a new member or constituent of RUMC and your name is not on the birthday list, please let the office know so we can update the list. Thank you!

Raeford Christian Food Bank Needs: Canned Meats (Treet, Stew Beef, Chicken & Dumplings, Tuna, Canned Chicken, Corned Beef, Salmon), Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Rice, Grits, Oatmeal. Canned Beans, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruits. Monetary gifts welcome. Please remember all items need to be in plastic or cans, no glass containers.

Children’s Corner

The Youth will be reopening their coffee shop in the kitchen on Sunday Morning before Sunday school and before the 11:00am service. Everything is free of charge, but we do accept donations!

Vacation Bible School


Our 2015 Vacation Bible School will be July 27-31. In preparation for this week of fun and faith, the craft section is asking that you consider donating any of the following items. These items can be placed in the tub near the back door. Thanks for your support!

-sharpie markers (any color)
-baby wipes
-tempera paint (any color)
-felt- any color



-food coloring

-clothes pins

-glass jars/bottles (not too small, please)

-golf balls (used or new)

-round coffee filters

-medium/large cardboard boxes

-spray bottles

-white children's-sized T-shirts

-acrylic paint (any color)

UMC Adoption of

McLauchlin Elementary

·  Teacher Appreciation Week was May 4th through 8th and RUMC hosted two lunches for the McLauchlin Faculty as well as providing little “You’re Appreciated” gifts to them. On Monday, May 4th church members donated delicious sandwich fixings—chicken salad, pimento cheese, and ham—and salads—congealed and pastas, and delicious desserts. Tuesday teachers again enjoyed coming to our Fellowship Hall during their duty free lunchtime, duty free because members of our church, both men and women, volunteered to monitor their students during this lunchtime. Lasagnas, baked spaghetti, tossed salad, pasta salad, and brownies/ice cream as well as cake were enjoyed by everyone. Thanks to RUMC members who had any part in making this event a success! Teachers really appreciated the thoughtfulness of our congregation.

·  McLauchlin’s art teacher is hosting an Art Explosion on Tuesday, May 26th from 5:00-7:00 for students to showcase their art work. RUMC members will be purchasing hot dogs/slaw/chili/, chips for anyone attending the event. Thanks for all who have so willingly agreed to help with this—grilling hot dogs, setting up, serving the food.

·  RUMC members continue to volunteer to proctor during testing. End of Grade testing is May 27, June 2, 3, and 5th. Thanks to all persons who were able to donate their time to proctor. Pray for our teachers and students especially during this strenuous time.

How Can You Help?

We have several ideas in the process for the beginning of next year. RUMC wants to continue to help McLauchlin’s faculty make a difference in their students’ lives, and also to let the faculty know we love and appreciate them. They need our support; remember that prayer is one way everyone can be in ministry for our “Adopted School”.

If you would like to donate money for this ministry, please designate that in the MEMO section of your check. Your help is always appreciated. We also welcome any new ideas for service.

School Ministry Steering Committee:

Verna Barnhill, Kathy Brigman,

Jane Britt and Maxine Colston

Military Support

Please continue to remember our military and their families by sending them packages and cards as well as praying for them. They need to know that we lift them up to the Lord daily as they serve our country! Our military men and women are dear us, whether they are deployed, serving away from here, or serving right here in North Carolina and we need to let them know this!

Austin Hartgrove

(Kim and Mark Gentry’s son)

PO Box 6936

Silverdale, Washington 98315

(He will be in this location for 3 years.)

Jey Love (Kay & Terron)

(Jey is Kathy Gary Brigman’s


373 Lee Road

Phenix City, Al. 36870

Jamie Alonso

(deployed but returning soon)

Send communications to:

CW3 Alonso, Jamie


APO AE 09336

HELP! If you know of any needed additions or changes to the above list, please let us know!

Military Support Committee:

Sharon Bala, Kathy Brigman,

Maxine Colston, and Merri Manning

Raeford UMC Non-Profit Organization

308 N. Main St. Bulk Rate

Raeford, NC 28376 Permit #11

Return address Req. Raeford, NC 28376

Celebrating Our Favorite Hymns

Once again this summer, I would like for us to honor our favorite hymns during worship. The hymn you love might provoke a memory, or it might just be that you just love the words. Either way, everyone deserves to hear and sing their favorite song.

So – here's your chance! Every week throughout the summer, one of these hymns will be used within the worship service. We will sing these most-loved songs together, as a worship community and we will share in each other's favorite musical memories. Enjoy!

Marian Elliott

Hymn Request Form

Please complete and return to Marian Elliott's box

Requested by ______

Hymn Title ______

Hymn Number______

Why is this your favorite hymn? ______


