The Board of Aldermen of the City of Springhill, Louisiana met in regular session in the Council Chambers at Springhill City Hall on Monday, December 8, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. with Mayor Carroll Breaux presiding.

PRESENT:D. Nicole Frazier,Dennis Smith, Ross Fleming, Martha Edens,and Ronnie Dees, Alderman.


Carroll Breaux, Mayor, opened the meeting with prayer.

Martha Edens, Alderman, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting held November 10, 2014.


PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Carroll Breaux opened the floor for public comment on Agenda Items A thru G at this time. Lisa Dillard addressed agenda Item A regarding the rezoning of property located at 103 Edgar Street. Ms. Dillard wanted to know that type of business was being built on the property. Mayor Breaux told her that we did not know but that it had to fall in the guidelines for that particular zoning classification change.


MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Martha Edens, to accept the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission Board for property located at 103 Edgar Street changing the zoning classification from R-2 Residence District to B-1 Neighborhood Shopping District. (A copy of Ordinance #495 is attached hereto and made a part hereof)


MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of Motor Vehicles and the City of Springhill as a Public License TAG Agent.

Mayor Breaux had consulted with Charles Jacobs, City Attorney regarding this document and Charles found no problems with it. The only concern that he had was that whoever the agent is that runs the office be made aware of what he or she can divulge as public information.


An Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of Three Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($330,000) of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, of The City of Springhill; prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the rights of the owners thereof; providing for the payment of the principal of and interest on said Bonds and the application of the proceeds thereof to the refunding of certain bonds of said City; awarding said Bonds to the purchaser thereof; and providing for other matters in connection therewith” was presented

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Martha Edens to introduce said ordinance.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, to adopt a Resolution requesting the Louisiana State Bond Commission to amend the Approval previously granted on June 20, 2013 with respect to the issuance of not exceeding five million and no/100 dollars ($5,000,000) Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, of the City of Springhill, State of Louisiana and providing for other matters therewith.


An Ordinance entitled “Amendment No. 1 Amending and Supplementing Ordinance No. 491, Adopted by the Governing Authority on July 14, 2014, which authorized the issuance of not exceeding three million two hundred thousand dollars ($3,200,000) Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2014, of the City of Springhill, State of Louisiana, to clarify and amend certain definitions within said ordinance; and providing for matters in connection therewith” was presented.

MOTION was made by Martha Edens, seconded by Ross Fleming, to introduce said ordinance.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Ross Fleming, to introduce an Ordinance amending the City of Springhill Code of Ordinances Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages* Article III. Sales Section 6-67.1.

City Attorney Charles Jacobs stated that the ordinance was being amended to only include the package sales of alcohol after noon on Sunday.

David Kunz, P.E. with Balar Engineers and Surveyors was present to open the bids for the construction of Street Improvements for the City of Springhill

The bids were as follows:

  1. Regional Construction, LLC-----$1,684,312.95
  2. Benton & Brown, LLC------$1,643,529.05
  3. Best-Yet Builders, LLC------$1,752,206.75

It was the recommendation from David Kunz, P.E. with Balar Engineers and Surveyors that at this

time the bids be taken under advisement so that the bids can be reviewed and that upon the tabulation of bids that the Mayor be given authorization to enter into a contract with the lowest responsible bidder.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Martha Edens, to accept the recommendation as presented.


Mayor Carroll Breaux opened the floor for public comment at this time on Agenda Items H thru N. The Mayor asked that anyone speaking on a agenda item to please state their name, the agenda item that they wished to address, and to please keep the comments brief and to not be repetitive as the agenda is quite lengthy and there are several items still to be addressed.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were quite a few concerned citizens in attendance at the meeting wanting to address Agenda Item (M) which was to consider the construction of a cinder block concession building at the Westside Park.

After a number of people spoke on the subject Mayor Breaux finally put an end to the discussion and moved on with the agenda.

The next Agenda Item (H) also generated some interest as it was the appointment of the City Attorney. There were three candidates vying for the position. A brief discussion followed.

Mayor Breaux recommended to the Council to appoint Stuart McMahen as the City Attorney.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Ross Fleming to accept the Mayor’s recommendation.


MOTION was made by Dennis Smith, seconded by Martha Edens, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Webster Parish Police Jury for $989.00 in funding to purchase materials for the City.


Police Chief Will Lynd recommended to the Mayor and Council to promote Rosetta Burnett to Sergeant, Bryan Montgomery to Detective, and move Charles Frazier to the next step level.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Martha Edens, to accept the Police Chief’s recommendation.


Mayor Carroll Breaux recommended to the Council that a backhoe be purchase under a state contract after input was received from the following committee: Mayor Carroll Breaux, Public Works Director Mike Dunaway, Alderman Ross Fleming, and Alderman Ronnie Dees. Any of the other Aldermen were invited to take one of the other Alderman’s places if they so desired. Two were picked for this committee so as not to constitute a quorum and this item could be researched and discussed.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier to table Agenda Item (N) for the purchase of equipment under State Contract. No second was made to the motion.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Martha Edens, to accept the Mayor’s recommendation to authorize the Mayor, Public Works Director, Mike Dunaway, Ross Fleming, and Ronnie Dees to research and purchase the right piece of equipment for the City.


MOTION was made by Martha Edens, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to authorize the beer license renewals for 2015.


MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, construct a 8 X 10 cinder block concession building at the Westside Park. A brief discussion followed.


MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Martha Edens, to pay the bills for November 2014 totaling $96,620.62


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Breaux announced that plans were in the making for an Oath of Office Swearing In Ceremony on December 29, 2014. No definite time as of yet but will keep everyone posted.

The following positions will need to be appointed at the first Council Meeting of the new year on January 12, 2015: City Clerk, Public Works Director, Main Street Manager, Street Commissioner/Supervisor, and the Council will need to elect a Mayor Pro-Tem.

Alderman D. Nicole Frazier announced that s Coats for Kids Drive will be held on Saturday, December 20, 2014 at the Jonathan Washington Community Center at 1:30 PM.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Shelli Malone, City Clerk Carroll Breaux, Mayor

I, Shelli Malone, City Clerk presented the minutes to the Mayor on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 for his approval.

The following action was taken:

Mayor Carroll Breaux vetoed Agenda Item (M) to consider the construction of a cinder block concession building at the Westside Park on Thursday, December 11, 2014.

A Special Call Meeting will be held on Monday, December 15, 2014 at 4PM to address this Agenda Item again.


Shelli Malone, City ClerkCarroll Breaux, Mayor