North Dakota State Transformation Team Communications Plan as of Aug 27, 2013 (Items in Red are changes Fall 2013; Anything in Communications tools should go in Messages)
Audience / Messages / CommunicationTool(s) / Prepared by / Delivered by / Date
State Management Team (SEA) Leadership / -Policy issues & implications
-progress reports
-connections with other areas (PD, Title 1, school improv, coaching, mentoring, NDCI, policy directions)
-sharing information with other work units to impact scale up innovations
Report thru State Transformation Specialist- liaison between districts; STT and SMT.
REA Network
-Executive directors / -communication tool
-tech assistance guide
-initiatives, trainings, connections
-connections to all directors so everyone is on same page / - ND REA Implementation Guide
-ESC Works – registration software – will be used for statewide trainings & communications
State Transformation Team
(SEA, REA, LEA, SEU, IHE, Ed. Organizations, Parent Reps) / -terms of reference, common understanding of terminology
-current reality-what exists and a clear vision, goals/objectives
-meeting minutes and information for internal team, timeline of where we want to go
-building components for structure of a longer term project (5 year grant)
-past & current initiatives in state
-clear terms and specific concepts,
District Schools / -info from schools/districts, REAs, and others who work with schools/districts/REAs
-professional development, when do you want training?
-information about the innovations, delivery, logistics, communication progress
-knowledge base & level of training & progress, changes over time
-research/best practical information
- broad engagement in the knowledge base regarding the initiatives,
-feedback regarding progress and data regarding the initiatives.
-Info re. local progress and info about CCSS
-Options and opportunities for training
-What is next level of training and support for groups of schools, districts
-schools engaging staff in readiness activities
-Schools know where are at re. needs, interests so need tools that help indicate readiness
-Communication to and from schools. Who does it come from? REA/DPI communication to schools and from schools
-How to align to indicators in those plans, levels of implementation in the MTSS/RTI process / -Information from Schools via surveys; meetings and reporting.
-Information through School Improvement Plans (school improvement priorities, accreditation, improvement plan options (2) use processes)
- Instrument to assess schools level of readiness
-Transitioning from paper plans to working plans (1 X per yr plan to ongoing use) and continuous NDMILE, Advanced Ed (Educ Tech),
-RTI essential components (Integrity Rubric), Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) for behavior [Jenny Scala, AIR to train consultants in ND schools on improvement implementation and fidelity (Consultant from NCRTI/AIR)]
-Form communication plans among Coaches and to and from school districts
-Website Communications (DPI website and
Personnel Involved in Training and Delivery / -information on continuity & change within the innovations
-use of data
- communicating information about changes in the state implementation of the innovations
Other Groups
Parents / -Information regarding implementation of the innovations within the school their child attends, what the innovation means to their child and his/her education
-working knowledge & benefits
-referral process, focus, or overview RTI/RTIB
-explanation of data from innovations, what it means to their child and his/her education
-Harder to get input from families (may be unsure of what it is, less likely to respond)
-waiting to get more information out
-At MS there is notion that schools don’t need to communicate that RTI is happening
-important for parents to have info from multiple sources
-PTI has created materials on what MTSS is and ways parents can be involved (Very interactive, Little mini videos to go over what is on the site)
- Important for parents to have info from multiple source: PTI website, Info from the district, SEA communicating, parent organizations.
-Really important to communicate if child is at Tiers 2/3 (don’t want “I never knew my kid was having trouble”)
-Districts have written permission or communication now to notify parents. / -Information videos (students on way MTSS has benefitted their learning. Help from WF getting some students involved; RTI not separate, just way we do things around here)
-Guarantee Form (school do all they can to provide supports, guarantee to use data)
-PTI Website
-Variety of ways to do TA
-School Communications – newsletters, notifications home, phone calls, and meetings with parents.
- MTSS: send notifications home, SWIS, progress monitoring, meet with parents as child moves through interventions. Involved from the beginning – will be an advocate.
Higher Ed
-teacher ed
-remedial programs
-ed leadership program / -overview & implications for teacher prep program
-implications for new teachers & admin
-innovations, evidence based practice, and use of data
-collaboration expectation for student teachers
Policy makers / -sustainability/connections with other programs/units
-collaborative effort across the education system or within parts of the system (e.g., within DPI, within Higher Ed, within a large district)
-overall results-impact on learning of students
-financial impact, budget @ state/local
State Groups i.e. Restorative Justice; Courts; Mental Health, etc
State Transformation Specialist / Liaison between field, State Transformation Team and State Management Team i.e. progress, roadblocks, etc.
Copyright ©2005 by Corwin Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted from Graduation for All: A Practical Guide to Decreasing School Dropout, by Camilla A. Lehr, Ann T. Clapper, and Martha L. Thurlow. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Reproduction authorized only for the local school site or nonprofit organization that has purchased this book. Copyright Permission Pending.
Original created 10.25.10, Updated 11.2.10