Olson Elementary PTA
October 18, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Ashley Rizzio (President), Erin Evans (Vice President), JessicaMutch (Treasurer), Kirsten Corcoran (Co-Secretary), Molly Willer (Co-Secretary)
Faculty Present: Paul Meyer, Nick Schmidt, Amy Rowland, Dana Martodam, Deborah Johnson, Jenny Koerner
Members Present:Becky Lechner, Jeanne Gearhart, Jenna Colby
Other Guests: Jessica Abrahamson
Ashley Rizzio, president, called the meeting to order.
I.Review the mission and purpose of the Olson Elementary PTA (Ashley Rizzio)
The mission of the Olson PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.The PTA purpose is to promote the welfare of children and bring a closer relationship between the home and school so that parents and teachers can collaborate in the education of children.
II. Acknowledgements and Appreciation- Ashley Rizzio acknowledged individuals who have recently contributed to the PTA
Sara Remsbottom - Hats off to reading
Brenda Haag - Barnes and Noble Night
Steve Tapajna- Chipotle and Yogurt Sundae Night
Lori Foy - All of the things she does to make this work!
III.PTA Announcements
- Open Chair and Volunteer Positions
-Box Tops for Education- submit for fundraising,
-Carnival planning,
-Volunteer List- manage list of volunteers
-Yearbook Committee
- To keep up with PTA events Follow us on Facebook - Olson elementary PTA
- An easy way to make money for the Olson PTA! If you shop on Amazon, use smile.amazon.com and search for “PTA Minnesota Congress 004945 Hubert Olson PTA.”The PTA will get a portion of every order.
- Send yearbook pictures to
- To help out with PTA events, go to signupgenius.comand search for . You can sign up to be Stripes, to help with the carnival, for open PTA positions, to volunteer with Wednesday packets (ongoing), etc.
IV. PTSA Update (Becky Lechner)
- PeachJar digital flyer - Mr. Meyer has decided not to use it at OLE. It’s similar to the e-envelopes OLE used last year, which didn’t work well. OLE will continue to use paper flyers for parents.
- 2017 is the centennial year for the Bloomington School District - there will be a Gala in May! Centennial related pictures and information will be posted on the district webpage.
- PTSA Speaker Series
-The media presentation in September was a great success.
-Upcoming PTSA Events:
- Brain Research in Children Jan 19, 7-9 Oak Grove MS Auditorium
- Youth Mental Health April 3, 7-9 Oak Grove MS Auditorium
- For more information: or 952-681-6400
- The PTSA is looking for help for upcoming events. They need an event day manager, and a marketing and communication manager.
- There will be a realtors forum on Oct 27 to ensure realtors know the amenities of the area and of the schools. This will help realtors to see more than test scores so they can understand all the good things about Bloomington schools as they sell houses in the area.
V. Hats Off to Reading Update
-Barnes & Noble Night:$600 in-store total, online orders still pending
-Chipotle: $798.19
-Yogurt Sunday: unknown
-Bookmark Contest Winner: Macy Gregor will be announced at the White Tiger Rally
VI. Treasurer Report (Jessica Mutch)
- Cash balances as of October 18, 2016 are $38,180.79 in our Checking-Operating Account and $21,013.10 in our Savings-Reserve account.
- The savings balance represents the PTA’s emergency reserve of half of one year’s average expenditures.
- There were $2,688 in deposits in our checking account since last month. $0 interest was earned on our savings account. The major deposits were from Spirit Wear.
- Total expenses this month. were $3,693.19. The major expenses were for Spirit Wear ($2,321.00 and Printing, $274.80).
- There was discussion about purchasing spirit wear upfront to have available to sell at the bookfair and grandparents breakfast.
VII. Principal Update (Paul Meyer)
- The infinite campus and new operating system rolling out for teachers and parents is in progress. Teachers are also implementing 5 new units of study: English, reading, writing, listening, and assessment. This will also include a new bench mark assessment system so teachers can be more precise in evaluating reading levels. With this new system, report cards will eventually be standards based report cards that will aim to get kids to grade level by the end of the year. They will be stricter standards and it will only matter where kids are at the end of the year (so a lower-than grade level assessment at the start of the year is to be expected). These changes are overwhelming for teachers so please be patient through the process!
- OLE is getting ready for the election for president, vice president and secretary of the school. Kids at OLE are upset by the anger and discord occurring around the national elections so Mr. Meyer is trying to do more teaching around the election process.
- Mr Meyer asked what funds are available for teachers to get supplies (books, materials, etc). With all the new units of study, it would be helpful for teachers to be able to buy new supplies. The PTA will give teachers $100 each to buy classroom supplies. The PTA will try to give this money upfront rather than having to reimburse teachers.
- Ms. Lydia Voorhees was born this morning at 8lbs 9 oz. Congratulations to Mrs. Voorhees and family! Ms Cindy Elmquest - supersub from Edina - will fill in during Mrs. Voorhees' maternity leave.
- Important dates:
-October 31: White Tiger Rally, Harvest Parade (2:00), and Parties (Grades K, 1, 3, & 5 at 2:15-3:15; Grades 2 & 4 at 12:20-1:20)
-Nov 14-15: Book Fair
-Nov 15: Grandparents and Special Persons Breakfast
VIII. Adjournment
Jeanne Gearhart,motioned to adjourn the meeting, Jenna Colby seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 7:00 PM
Next PTA Meeting will be November 15 at 6:30
Respectfully Submitted,
Kirsten Corcoran and Molly Willer