Bucharest – 11 April 2014


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the National Agency of Civil Servants (NACS) – Active implication in the Eastern Partnership

Thursday, 10 April 2014, at the Parliament Palace from Bucharest was held the 6th reunion of Public Administration Reform Panel of the Eastern Partnership.

The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and by the National Agency of Civil Servants under the European Commission umbrella through European Service of Extern Action (ESEA).

The Panel was focused especially on the approval of the new Work Program for 2014-2015. Romania (through MDRAP and NACS) proposed to organize during the 2nd semester of 2015 an exchange of good practices in the transparency field, ethics and integrity in public administration.

The event offered to participants the opportunity to debate on different aspects and key concepts regarding the actual legislation applied in the participating countries, in the field of: transparency, corruption prevention, ethics and integrity in the public service, open government, protection of the personal data, e-Government and actual European trends in public service area.

The 6th meeting of the Panel was appreciated by the European Service of External Action for the content of the debates as well as for the place chosen for organizing the event – The Hall of Human Rights.

Present at the event, Mircea Jorj, NACS vice president underlined that the Agency (NACS) has represented Romania starting with the 1st Panel meeting: “I can strongly affirm that the institution I represent has treated with maximum consideration the role we have in the Eastern Partnership, actively involving in all actions having as objective the recognition, encouragement and promotion of the good practices in providing public services”.

The reunion was attended by 56 representatives of the public administration from all 6 partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) and from 11 member states of European Union (Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, United Kingdom, Romania, Sweden) and also representatives of some national and international organization which are working in the field (Civil Society Forum, Council of Europe, Regions Committees, Center for Juridical Resources, General Assembly of the Council of Local Authorities in Romania).

The public administration from Romania has been represented also by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (through the special charged employee for the Eastern Partnership), by Prime-minister Cancelary and by General Secretary of the Government and Ministry for Informational Society.

Communication and International Relations Department

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