Tourism Advisory Commission
Parks & Recreation Conference Room
September 23, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 4:00pm by Chairmen, Watty Brooks Hall
Members Present: Watty Brooks Hall, Polly Shipley, Shannon Byers, Nancy Bassett, Stacey Arnold, Tamara Swain, Fran Persechini, Tammy Piker, Ashley Carver (Morton Museum), Chip Peterson (Director of Parks), Sheila Moody –Staff.
Members Absent: Shannon Izqueirdo, John Oros, Tina Parmar
Agendas & Minutes were handed out for the meeting and the July meeting minutes were approved as written.
Stacey reported activity at Carriage Crossing with new stores and expansions going on. It was also reported that Carriage Crossing was voted best shopping center for the “2014 Memphis Most Award “in the Commercial Appeal.
Nancy reported that Jacob will no longer be at the Bible Museum. Don & Nancy will be returning to the Bible Museum on an interim basis. Archeology day is planned for October 18, 2014. Harding University professor will speak on the English history of the Bible October 25, 2014.
Shannon Byers reported for Laura Todd on MSC. 2014 Partners in Preservation & Taste of the Town was a success. Preserve America community markers to be installed. The CEO of the National Main Street Center visited on September 18, 2014. Scare on the Square scheduled for October 24, 2014. Holiday Open House is set for November 8, 2014. MSC is assisting with funds with TOC w/ 385 signage to the downtown area.
Shannon Byers reported that real estate in Collierville is still very stable.
Ashley reported that Dairy Day had 400 people that attended. Currently working on the “Traveling Trunks” for the classroom that will contain Civil War artifacts.
Fran revealed the Chamber Magazine and is looking at getting more printed for inquiries on people moving to the area. 16,000 magazines were mailed out & 3,000 copies are at the Chamber Office. Considering unveiling the magazine earlier next year in July. The Sidewalk Sale, CEF Car Show, “Oklahoma “production were all a big success. October 8, 2014 is the membership meeting with local candidates to speak. Chamber is producing a second video of the candidates to be on the website & John Duncan will also add to the town website. Party on the Patio raised $500 for St. Jude. October 23, 2014 is the Business Expo. Fran proposed that next year there be a Sidewalk Sale Committee.
Tamara reported that FTB is a Gold Sponsor for the Chamber Business Expo. Working on the St. Jude Walk.
Polly reported that the real estate market is still good. The Kiwanis’s Angel Tree sign up has started. Currently planning the Haunted Trail which is October 30th & 31st.
Tammy reported the Hampton Inn is doing great and that there were 6 couples that stopped in just off the Parade Magazine Article. Hampton Inn received all new mattresses and they are 17% up from this time last year.
Sheila reported that currently working on 9 banners to go up representing the Parade Magazine Article.
Watty reported that the square is thriving with lots of activity and amazed at what the Parade Magazine has done to add to that activity.
OLD BUSINESS: T-Shirt Update
NEW BUSINESS: The Amos the Cat Plaque was stolen and there is discussion o on having an Amos Plaque Event.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM with the next Tourism Advisory meeting to be 11-25-2014 at 4PM.