Elizabeth Shenton; David Clarke; Mavis Brown; Dennis Richards; David Dugdale; Nigel Jones; Michael Shenton; Robin Studd; Don McIver; Morgan-Ross Inwood; Reece Edmunds; Val Pearson
1 Apologies
David Becket; Dennis Cornes; Dylis Cornes; Hilary Jones; Angela Studd; Andrew Wemyss; Margaret Whincup; Michael Whincup.
2 Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the AGM of 25th November 2011 were approved. There were no matters arising.
3 Reports (summaries)
This has been my third year as Chair and once again I would like to thank the Executive, Elected Councillors, candidates, activists and the wider membership for their continued help, hard work and support.
It is customary at our AGM to take a brief look back over the past 12 months of what has probably been what I can best described as a ‘roller coaster’ year.
- As you may recall we ended 2011 with the Boundary Commission proposal consultation sessions. At least 3 of the Executive appeared in person to state our case for Newcastle-under-Lyme as a distinct parliamentary constituency.
- December also saw the start of the bi-election campaign in Madeley. This was a very well organised campaign with David Becket heading the team; we had the support of the Region and of course Simon White as our Candidate. Many of you were involved in batching, delivering, canvassing and all the hard work paid off with Simon winning the election.
- In February the Executive were involved with making submissions to the National Party on the Mid-Term Review consultations.
- We launched our 2012 local election in early March. We once again appointed Campaign Managers and split the borough into divisions to help manage the workload.
- We fielded candidates in all but 2 of the 20 borough seats that were up for re-election. We were fighting to retain 4 of our councillors Marion Reddish, Andrew Wemyss, Dennis Richards and Ian Wilkes. In addition we were trying to retain a seat in Town Ward, where David Clarke had stepped down. We held 3 of the wards, Audley & Bignall End, Halmer End and Thistleberry but unfortunately lost seats in both Butt Lane and Town. The results in these wards certainly did not reflect the amount of effort that went into the campaigns, and for Dennis it certainly did not record the hard work that he had put in for his constituents.
- There was also a bi-election in Kidsgrove, which was just one week after the main borough elections. Again, a lot of work had gone into our campaign but sadly the results did not do this justice.
- I will leave Robin to comment on the position in Newcastle following on from the change in political balance and the Council’s AGM however I would though like to congratulate David Becket on being elected Mayor of the Borough.
- In June we received a request to help with the bi-election in neighbouring Springfields & Trentvale, where Les Porch was the Liberal Democrat candidate trying to win a seat on Stoke Council. Many of you helped out and were able to provide vital campaign expertise.
- Robin and Angela hosted a ‘Tea on the Lawn’ social and fundraiser in early July – a brave move considering the appalling summer weather that we’ve had this year!
- Also in July Nick Clegg made a visit to the West Midlands and Dennis attended the question and answer sessions on behalf of our local party.
- We sent three representatives to the Federal Conference in Brighton in September.
- Closer to home we submitted our response to the Region’s Local Party Survey, which is all to do with how local parties will be organised going forward, irrespective of any changes – or most probably not – made to parliamentary boundaries.
- It was very good to invite Jonathan Webber, Chair of the West Midlands Region, to attend our Executive meeting in October. This coincided with us having submitted a motion to the Regional Conference, which despite it not being included on the order paper still sparked some interesting debates outside of the conference hall.
- As we finish the year we are in the process of arranging a ‘Beer and Politics’ evening, with a national guest speaker. Simon Hughes has accepted our invitation and we are looking for a date in either March or April next year.
So as I said at the beginning – a roller coaster year – but the Newcastle-under-Lyme party continues to work hard on behalf of all members locally.
Thank you again to everyone who has contributed so much over the past twelve months.
Elizabeth Shenton
Following this report, a vote of thanks was given by Nigel Jones for the hard work and dedication shown during her tenure of the outgoing Chair, Elizabeth Shenton.
3.2 Treasurer
Liberal Democrats Constituency Party
Statement of Accounts
For the year ended 31 December 2011
This Statement of Accounts provides a report on the political and financial activities of the Newcastle-Under-Lyme Liberal Democrats Constituency Party. The registered address is:
Liberal Democrats Party Headquarters
8-10 Great George Street
For the purposes of the Political Parties Elections Referendums Act 2000, Cllr Mr. David Clarke is the registered Treasurer and Cllr Mrs Elizabeth A R Shenton is the registered Chairman.
Review of political activities
Newcastle (Staffs) Liberal Democrats aim to win more votes and gain seats at every level of government. The main activity of the local party this year was to consolidate the party’s strength in the Borough Council elections. Liberal Democrats in Newcastle have proved their ability to govern effectively and efficiently, by sharing the responsibilities of the Borough Council’s administration since 2006 with Conservatives. The joint administration has invested and continues to invest significant resources to promote the health and well being of the community, its economic regeneration and re-cycling performance The Borough Council is performing well and has been judged to be a ‘very good’ Council in the eyes of the independent Audit Commission. The improvements in efficiency show that we are presently offering the public ‘very good value for money’. Presently, (01.01.12), there are twelve Liberal Democrats who are Borough Councillors and two County Councillors.
At the end of the year, (31.12. 2011), the membership of the local party was 70.
The local party does not have branches and all income received (from members and supporters) and expenditure incurred has been included in the Constituency Party’s accounts:
The local party Executive Committee met nine times during the year. The Committee is solely responsible for all aspects of the management and business of the local constituency party.
Our campaigning activities in the year continued to be focused on improving the party organisation across the area within the Borough of Newcastle-Under-Lyme, reporting back to the electorate on what we have achieved and promoting the policies and principles of the Liberal Democrat party.
Review of financial activities
2011 was always going to be a traumatic year following the General Election; due to public feeling being outraged by the gross financial misconduct of so many of the previous Parliament’s politicians, and by being shocked and astounded by the magnitude of central government’s financial mismanagement, which exacerbated the spiralling of the nation’s indebtedness. The lack of stringent control of the financial and banking sectors, by London’s City-orientated self-interested officialdom and by the nation’s self-serving elected representatives, is widely seen at home and abroad as a most lamentable abrogation of political responsibilities by a monumentally incompetent and misguided national government.
Inevitably, whatever modicum of trust an incredulous UK public had in politicians, either at local or national government level, this has been almost entirely lost. In the current political climate, all political parties are now finding it extremely difficult to recruit new members and activists, from whom they can select gifted candidates who possess the ideal qualities of integrity and unstinting commitment to public service. Unless suitably incorruptible and assiduous candidates come forward, vacancies will only be filled by those less scrupulous.
Newcastle Liberal Democrats contested the 2011 Borough Council elections with the intention of improving its representation and share of the vote. The opposition ran a negative campaign and offered no positive alternative solutions to national or local economic concerns. It is not an exaggeration to report that the opposition grossly misled the public by misrepresenting many local and national government issues. Liberal Democrats on Newcastle Borough Council lost six seats. These losses were attributed to a reaction by the public mainly against the national austerity measures but also in part to the public’s profound scepticism and widespread lack of trust of political parties in general for failing to adhere to manifesto promises.
Income and expenditure
Income and expenditure for the local party within the constituency contracted sharply.
Following on from the General Election year, 2011 saw a reduction in income of 30%.
Campaigning costs in the Borough Council elections were kept well within budget. Expenditure fell by 19%. There was an excess of expenditure of £968. Newcastle-under-Lyme Liberal Democrats constituency party remains debt free.
Balance sheet
During a year in which we contested Newcastle Borough council elections,
There was a reduction to the accumulated fund of £968.42.
Notesto accounts / 2011 (£) /
2010 (£)
Bank Interest / 1 / 1Donations / 2730 / 4271
Election Agent’s (Returns) / 0 / 450
Liberal Democrats HQ (London)
Membership commission / 114 / 100
Social & Fundraising / 425 / 381
Lib Dem Supporters / 172 / 211
Xmas Draw receipts / 487 / 345
Notional income / 110 / 100
*Supporters subscriptions (for London HQ) / *32 / 40
Total income (31.12.10)
/ 4091 / 5899 / (a)Expenditure
Borough Election Campaigning 2011Newcastle Liberal Democrats
– Transfers to Election Agent’s Account / 3000 / # 4080 / n.b.
Agent’s Expenses / 184 / 382
LPS Printing FOCUS / 888 / +609
Room Hire / 217 / 277
By Election Guarantee Fund / 60 / 60
I.T. Computer software / 150 / 241
Liberal Democrats London HQ
Membership subscriptions / *32 / 40
+ Stationery
Administration (Officers Expenses) / 143 / 67
Bank charges / 0 / 3
Social & Fund Raising
Notional expenses / 110 / 100
Xmas Draw expenses / 275 / 340
Total expenditure (31.12.10)
/ 5059 / 6199 / (b)Note: #2010 General Election
& Borough Council Elections
Excess expenditure over income before taxation
/ 968 / 300 / (a-b=d)Taxation on investment income
/ 0 / 0 / (e)Excess expenditure over income before taxation
/ 968 / 300 / (d-e)Notes / 2011 (£) / 2010 (£)
Fixed assets
Property / 0 / 0Fixtures and Fittings / 0 / 0
Information Technology / 0 / 0
Investments / 0 / 0
Total fixed assets
/ 0 / 0 / (a)Current assets
Debtors (inc. pre-payments) / 0 / 0Cash at bank (31.12.11) / 1564 / 2532
Cheque in hand (31.12.11) / 0 / 0
Total current assets
/ 1564 / 2532 / (b)Creditors falling due in less than one year
Creditors (inc. accruals) / 0 / 0 / (c)Other - overpayments / 0 / 0 / (d)
Net current assets/ liabilities / 1564 / 2532 / (b-c-d)
Total assets less current liabilities / 1564 / 2532 / (e)=(a+b-c-d)
Creditors due in more than one year / 0 / 0 / (f)
Provisions for liabilities and charges / 0 / 0 / (g)
Net assets / 1564 / 2532 / (e-f-g)
Financed by:
Members & local supportersAccumulated Fund (01.01.11)
/ 2532 / 2832Excess income over expenditure after taxation
/ -968 / -300Total funds (31.12.11)*
/ 1564* / 2532 / 31.12.10Notes to the accounts
1.Accounting policies
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and guidance issued by the Electoral Commission.
2.Accounting convention
The statements are prepared on a historical cost basis.
- Change in basis
There have not been any material changes to the SOA, since last year’s return.
- Related party transactions
Details of any transactions with members or officers of the local party e.g. printing bought from a local party member or rents paid to/received from the MP etc.
Printing costs are paid at commercial rates to “LPS” and Keele Students Union.
A member of the Constituency Party has been appointed as the official Election Agent who submitted expenses and was re-imbursed £184.
- Fixed assets
Changes to the tangible asset basis of the organisation during the year:
Property / Fixtures and fittings / InformationTechnology / Total
£ / £ / £ / £
Asset cost
Balance brought forward / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0Additions / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Disposals / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Balance carried forward (a) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Method / Straight line over 50 years / Straight line over 5 years / Straight line over 3 yearsBalance brought forward / 0 / 0 / 0
Disposals / 0 / 0 / 0
Charge for the year (b) / 0 / 0 / 0
Balance carried forward / 0 / 0 / 0
Net book value brought forward / 0 / 0 / 0
Net book value carried forward (a-b) / 0 / 0 / 0
6.Debtors and prepayments
This year
/ Last year£
Other debtors / 0 / 0
Prepayments / 0 / 0
Investment income / 0 / 0
/ 0 / 0- Creditors and accruals
- Amounts falling due within one year
- Amounts falling due after more than one year
This year £
/ Last year £ / This year £ / Last year £Trade creditors / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Accruals / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Short term loans and over-drafts / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 08.Salaries
Newcastle-Under-Lyme Liberal Democrats Constituency Party did not employ staff at any time during 2011. Salaries and pension contributions expenditures were not incurred during 2011:
- Gross salary costs £0.00
- Social security costs £0.00
- Other pension costs £0.00
- Notional expenditure and income
Notional figure of £110 represents the estimated overall value of raffle prizes and refreshments donated by members of the party at fund raising events during 2011.
Fund Raising Events: £535.00 (Newcastle Liberal Democrats Constituency Party)
(inclusive of notional income/expenses)
The local party runs a variety of fundraising activities, the income and expenditure of these include: (a) Socials & Raffles
(b) Sponsored Walks
(c) Garden Parties
Event / Income / Expenditure / Net profit/(loss)Supper Evening / 85 / 10 / 75
Sponsored Walks / 150 / 0 / 150
Dinner Party, Raffle & Gifts / 150 / 50 / 100
Madeley (Dinner Party & Prizes) / 150 / 50 / 100
2011 Total: / 535 / 110 / 425
Consolidation of branches
There are no branches.
The Executive Committee remains the managing authority
in all respects of divisions and wards within the boundaries of
the Parliamentary constituency of Newcastle-Under-Lyme.
Elizabeth Shenton David Clarke
Chairman Treasurer
Executive Committee Executive Committee
David Clarke
3.3. Membership
In the absence of the membership secretary Nigel Jones reported that membership stands at present at 51 compared to 61 at this time last year. One transfer is awaited, but there is a possible lapsed member in the above number.
3.4 Conference Representatives
Our conference representatives have previously given detailed reports to the executive committee.
Don MacIver spoke about the Federal Conference and voiced concern about the amount of security, which he thought extreme. He also noted a rising number of members expressing dissatisfaction with the leadership of the Party.
Nigel Jones reported on activities in the RegionalConferences. Nigel noted an improvement in the Regional Executive and said that the Regional Chairman, Jonathan Webber, has pledged to help local Parties. The reorganization of the local Parties will be overseen by the Regional Executive. The Regional Conferences were seen as a chance for Local Parties and their representatives to express their point of view and as such were better than Federal Conference. At the Autumn Conference the Education Policy was discussed more fully than at the Federal Conference. It is hoped that this will help in raising the profile of the West Midlands Region at Headquarters. Jonathan Webber is arranging a social event, with a key guest speaker, in Newcastle in the New Year.
3.5 Liberal Democrat Groups
3.5.1 Newcastle Borough Council
Robin Studd reported that the change of Council in May has produced vast changes. Labour are inexperienced and too political to work successfully. They are not united as a Council to work for the Borough. He went on to say, “The coalition between ourselves and the Conservatives in the last Council had worked successfully until the change of leadership within the Conservatives.” This year had been a difficult year for many reasons, but they had been some bright spots. David Becket had been elected Mayor, but was still active in the Party. Madeley was a good campaign and hard work proved worthwhile. Although we lost two seats at the Election, our losses were not as great as in other parts of the country. He said he would like to offer his thanks to the local Party members, Executive, the Treasurer and outgoing Chair.
3.5.2 Parish Councils
Val Pearson reported on the Audley PCC. She said they had an excellent Chair and a young, enthusiastic Clerk. They had lost one experienced Councillor, but had co-opted a new Councillor related to Millennium Green. The Allotment Group promoted many lively discussions.
4 Motions to the AGM - none
5 Election of Officers and Executive Committee Members
The following officers were elected unanimously
Dennis Richards / Nigel Jones / Morgan-Ross Inwood
Vice- Chair
David Dugdale / Robin Studd / Nigel Jones
Morgan-Ross Inwood / Rees Edmunds / David Dugdale
David Clarke / Nigel Jones / Dennis Richards
Membership Secretary
Hilary Jones / Michael Shenton / Mavis Brown
The following were elected unanimously as ordinary members of the executive committee
David Becket; Reece Edmunds; Nigel Jones; Don McIver; Robin Studd
6 Election of Conference Representatives
The following were unanimously elected as Federal Conference Representatives:
David Becket; Hilary Jones; Nigel Jones; Don McIver. Reserve - Reece Edmunds
The following were unanimously elected as Regional Conference Representatives:
Reece Edmunds; Morgan-Ross Inwood; Nigel Jones; Don McIver; Dennis Richards. Reserve – Hilary Jones
7 Accounts
The audited accounts were noted.
8 Auditor for 2012
Henry Jebb was proposed and unanimously elected as Auditor for the 2011 accounts.
9 Any Other Business - none